Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Lesbian Domestic Violence significantly more violent

Lesbian relationships were significantly more violent than gay relationships (56% vs. 25%).

Lie and Gentlewarrior (in press) surveyed 1,099 lesbians, finding that 52% had been a victim of violence by their female partner, 52% said they had used violence against their female partner, and 30% said they had used violence against a non-violent female partner.

Finally, Lie, Schilit, Bush, Montague and Reyes (1991) reported, in a survey of 350 lesbians, that rates of verbal, physical and sexual abuse were all significantly higher in lesbian relationships than in heterosexual relationships:

56.8% had been sexually victimized by a female, 45% had experienced physical aggression, and 64.5% experienced physical/emotional aggression.

Of this sample of women, 78.2% had been in a prior relationship with a man. Reports of violence by men were all lower than reports of violence in prior relationships with women (sexual victimization, 41.9% (vs 56.8% with women); physical victimization 32.4% (vs. 45%) and emotional victimization 55.1% (vs. 64.5%).

  Donald G. Dutton - Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Mary P. Koss says "men can't be raped"?

From https://imgur.com/juq7kVB
Mary P. Koss thinks that it is "inappropriate" to consider men who have been raped by women as rape victims, because "their penetration experience is not similar to what women are reporting". She calls it "unwanted contact". (source)

The first quote comes from Detecting the Scope of Rape (1993, p. 206-207) and the second and third quotes comes from a radio interview from earlier this year.



See also:

Why does Feminism fight against the protection of rape victims?