Monday 28 December 2015

NSFW - Experimenting with Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE

Experimenting with Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer,  by Caliente and Ousnius.

It’s a little frustrating. For one thing, the vulva seems too low (which is why i angled it from below, that, and because the camera system in FO4 is awkward for this)

Maybe it's clearer here. Yes, I've been playing around with Bodyslide - and now Curie is pregnant.

Don't look at me - I didn't even know Synths could get pregnant. And who is the father? She won't tell. All she'll say is that I'll get a cold running around like that.

I think being shot up by raiders is a more likely outcome.

Anyway, back to the topic. I’ve seen low vulvas in a few women, but most look like

although this one looks like

so maybe the nude women i’ve known in real life have just all had high vulvas!

(Getting a straight anatomical reference here was a nightmare btw, normally i like porn but during my searches I kept feeling like yelling at the models to stand straight, dammit!)

My character contemplates setting up a nudist colony, oblivious to the gentleman running an artillery piece from the roof. There's no path up there and I can't see how to get him to go down. Oh well. He's happy. It's the view, I guess.

Curie is gorgeous. I like Piper's personality a lot, but I'm a sucker for Curie's face, and I don't usually like short hair.

French women are rather appealing, no? - I presume reality would be a big let down and have banned Paris from possible future destinations, just in case.

My character. I think she should be in movies.

Here she is in her work area. Wearing the armour she wears under the power armour. Because you can never be too armoured. I really wish they had a tank DLC so I could drive that in my armoured armour.

Powered armour, pretty porn and disco! What more could a girl want?

Coloured lights mod.

Pity the disco balls don't really reflect the light. Ah well!

I decided to invite mah waifu, Piper, along for a nude photo shoot. Alas, it was a misty morning, and assorted settlers decided to add to the irritation by wandering into the background.

Piper, looking unimpressed.

Undaunted, I persuaded her to move further away from the riff-raff, and used a flamethrower to keep the mosquitoes at bay.

The world may be a radioactive hell-hole, but at least there's Piper's epic butt-cheeks to comfort those in need.

I think she was running out of patience with me by now...

That's not a friendly look!

She decided to make some lunch.. between the scent of roasting meat, and the motions as she cranked, my artistic endeavours were waylaid, and I couldn't tell if it was my fusion core melting down or just me

.. woops, it was the core, oh well, having a kid didn't work out so well last time, guess being sterile has it's upside.

Piper, illuminated by the red glare of my former powered armour, explains to me the consequences of those photos being seen by others. Words like "radroach" and "rectum" are being combined in strange and unpleasant ways.

Cait's attempt to smooth things over by having a threesome in the red-room didn't help matters..

 Maybe if she'd completely removed the armour first? Oh well. It must be said, the sharp arm-spikes added a certain piquancy to the orgy-porgy.

The red-room - my private quarters.

I decide I might spend a little time with Curie - just until things blow over and the slagheap of my previous frame can be disposed of. And I can flee the Commonwealth.

Curie, gazing lovingly at her Mistress. She doesn't need to know about the submissive protocols I had installed during the mind transfer process.

Turns out someone leaked Piper's noodz to her rag in Diamond City - I begged her sister not to publish, but her sis doesn't seem to have forgiven her for her abandonment, who would have thought it?

The facial surgery might not be enough. Ghoulification might work... I head off into the Glowing Sea.

Deep inside the radiation, I reach for a Rad-Away - only to find she has left me a photo inside of herself, and on the back, a note in the most darling script:

"I replaced them all with Mentats. Oh dear! Well, maybe next time you'll be a little smarter, Blue!"

Fortunately, I ended up being able to reverse the damage thanks to the help of an ex-Institute scientist, and made it back alive and without a craving for the flesh of the living- except hers, obviously.

I still frocked up. Well, sometimes the make-up sex is worth the horribly painful lesions. Sometimes. But she was gone as a ghoul's sneezer.

I paid a certain snoop to follow the trail.

What tha hell? What the actual hell, Piper? What did you build in the remains of my home?

And spotlights? Talk about rubbing it in, you bitch!

Pipboy radio squawked - "All Minuteman needed for Unnatural Disaster!"

A torrent of water had appeared from nowhere... like someone had been digging up from beneath, and knew just where to go to destroy my town...

Protectrons short out in water - who knew?

Might have to cancel the screening of Casablanca tonight, Codsworth will be terribly disappointed.

I reviewed the hidden surveillance camera footage - how did she know where to look, right into the lens like that? And who has pockets on a dress?

Destroy my reborn Commonwealth if you must, Piper, but carry a purse or something, that just looks wrong!

Friday 25 December 2015

Samantha Wright - cute woman decides men finding her cute is CRUSHING?!!

The Pixie Weightlifter [Version 1] by Berzie-Berzington on DeviantArt

Ms Wright, in "Don't Call Me The Cutest Weightlifter", demands that men just stahhhhp!

Every day, this woman suffers the "crushing" burden of being cute. Woe!!!

"While the originator of this title may have believed it to be a compliment"

Because it was. Cute is a desirable quality. One you knowingly pursue.

" I interpreted it as nothing short of objectifying"

It's funny that it was the female gaze, in the myths, that was supposed to destroy others.

Feminism has taught you to be paranoid. Someone expressing appreciation for your appearance does not, can not, turn you into an object. If lust had that power, only a few of us would be other than things - clearly, it does not.

"... and sexist"


What the hell?

Women thought you were cute, too?

Oh right - women can't be sexist, I forget, sexism = (power + privilege) * (genital type) ...

No, that's garbage. It's an attempt to move the goalposts of what sexism is - different treatment for men and women. Had you been a cute guy, do you really think anyone would take your complaints seriously?

Lesbians also consider you to be eye-candy.

But you don't care - it's male sexuality - or the amorphous 'society' -  that you see as poisonous and vile.

"beauty and strength, are not antithetic"


Cheryl is by far the strongest. Only someone blinded by Feminism will claim she is as attractive to most people as the others are.


His greatest equipped squat was 457.5 kg[4] at the USPF National Championships on March 9, 1996,[5] which stood as the world record until Andrey Konovalov squatted 460 kg on November 4, 2012.[6]

You think people sing praises to his loveliness?

Eddie is impressive, but no-one will swoon over his beauty.

Mariusz Pudzianowski's poster is not pinned to the walls by teenage girls.

There is no possible way you could be unaware of this. Either you are lying, because it's convenient to a toxic ideology - or you are brain damaged. Did you inject something into your skull? Tsk, tsk, use arm next time.

" Athletes of the rebranded Legends Football League (formerly the Lingerie Football League) must tackle each other in their uniforms bikini tops and cheeky underwear"

Oh, the suffering! If only they had the choice to seek other employment, like men do!

Oh wait - they do - they literally do - in fact, they have more opportunities than men, as men do not have the sexual power women do. Men with their level of aptitude will not be employed as footballers, sexy or otherwise.

"Individual athletes, like Ronda and the Williams Sisters, can’t enter the competition stage without announcers picking winners, for the match and the ‘hottest’ look."

The Williams Sisters use their sexual attractiveness - they get endorsements because of it.


Male athletes can try to do it too, but they will never make as much money out of it as women can - they just don't have the same amount of sexual power in today's society.

I don't know if it's biology or not that means that men are not seen as being beautiful by women to the same degree - even bisexual women are more interested in the beauty of other women than of men - men must compete for their attention by being powerful as well.


Samantha do you realise the athletes of the past - the  gladiators of ancient Rome - were praised according to their hotness, and were hotly lusted after?

Oh right - female desire empowering, male sexual desire harms women, because men are wicked, men are lustful demons praying upon the innocent wimminz.

Celadus [a stage name, meaning Crowd's Roar], thrice victor and thrice crowned, the young girls' heart-throb, and Crescens the Netter of young girls by night.

"This idea, that a woman can't reach success in sports without society examining it through sex-tinted glasses, is crushing us."

What hysteria. Should I find you a fainting couch? And nice little dig at the judges, btw - you accused them of favouring you over others because you are sexier. You actually shot yourself in the foot just then, you know - you are saying you would have failed had you been less appealing.

"Just as an ocean wave is at once beautiful and powerful, so too are we athletes"

Some waves are lovely.

Some... aren't.

The Progressivist idea that everyone is beautiful flies in the face of biological reality.

A few people get to be beautiful, mostly for a brief time in their lives.

People paid to see you. They stopped - to pay attention to you.  In a decade or two, they won't.

Life's tough. Almost everyone who has ever lived didn't even get that time.

Some have it cut too short.

Others never got to have it at all.

And yet - we make the most of it.

We even find the time to find the joy in life.


We don't sit around, crying, because people judge us by our looks; we go and do things to make our lives worthwhile.

And if we are men, and we suffer, no-one cares. If we cry, it'll be Feminists like you who will mock us; mock our pain, mock our grief. You will boast of drinking our tears.

And you are the one claiming to be a victim?

Jesus bloody Christ! My heart bleeds, woman! My heart bleeds for you!

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Men’s violence in unacceptable!11!!

 Your tax dollars hard at work! archived from

"men’s violence in unacceptable"

Is it? Whereabouts? I can't see it in that word. Maybe if I was a feminist... I just need to believe it and then I can see it... Listen and Believe, my child, Listen and Believe.

"we are pro-feminist"

In the same way Scientologists are pro-Scientologist, yes, not sure why you have to spell it out, however.

"individual change is not enough"

I thought "the personal is political" was one of your slogans? Now you need to have the State micromanage every individuals actions? Not sure how that will work. Cameras in every home? Random monitoring to make sure everyone loves Big Brother?

"we are accountable to women and children"

But not to men - or those women and children who women hurt. The truth is, you're not accountable to anyone, as Erin Pizzey pointed out decades ago. You get paid by the State to have a continuous crisis.

You can never actually solve these problems or your pay-checks will dry up.

"men need help to change"

The sad thing is I have to archive that site - - as Feminists hate it - it may be disappeared at some stage)

" Large epidemiological studies have demonstrated that domestic violence is most commonly reciprocal and that when only one partner is violent there is an excess of violent women. "

Science says otherwise.

Feminism is an anti-science. It is funded by the State, answerable to no-one, and acts like a cult.

And it must be stopped.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Is Fallout 4 the End of the Line?

I decided this for myself a while ago now .

The futility of it all is very strong; it seems like the previous protagonist's sacrifices were all meaningless, the sides you can pick from are all corrupt and genocidal, and a lot of the time I felt like I was playing an XBox, not a PC game - which means being railroaded into shooting things to advance through the cut sequences, rather than playing a roleplaying game.

I don't mind hard. I don't mind frustrating. But there should be rewards for effort. There's none. You built amazing settlements? It doesn't matter. It doesn't build a new nation.

You made friends with robots, artificial humans, ghouls and super-mutants? It doesn't matter. You cannot build any bridges. You cannot influence anyone to change, to co-operate to something other than just another nuclear war, with humanity becoming ever more degraded.

You get to make things explode. That is it.

Which is fun for a while but there are a lot of games like that. Fallout used to be different. It used to feel like you made a difference.

I've put in a request over at the modding community for a solution to the lousy ending, even if it's purely text based. I'd love to see some positive results from the community-building ingame you do, beyond "it makes money".

(Admittedly, settlements have their own problems - for example, unlike in the Sims, you don't know if the objects you build are a waste of resources, like walls turn out to be, or have some concrete benefit.

No-one seems to agree on whether paintings, for example,  increase happiness, which you would think was pretty much fundamental, and the sort of thing a tutorial would explain)

Saturday 12 December 2015

The ABC bias is ever more blatant

When I say the ABC is biased, people are usually confused by what type of bias I refer to. They think of it as left-wing perhaps (which it is by staffing, overwhelmingly) although I actually see it as somewhat fairer than you'd expect in that matter.

A survey of over 600 Australian journalists, conducted by a senior academic from the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, has cast a revealing light on the political beliefs of Australian journalists.

It shows that over 40 per cent of ABC journalists support the Greens, over 30 per cent support Labor, and just 15 per cent support the Coalition.

Liberal and National voices are, despite this, occasionally heard on their programs, and there is criticism of Labor governments when they are in power. In that left-right political axis, they do make some effort at fairness, at least.

Compare the topic of "antifeminist". Doesn't exist according to the ABC? Yet at least antifeminism gets some representation from other news sources.

Now, imagine if their stories had that many topics which were pro-Labor, for example. And none that were pro-Liberal.

Yet most people aren't Feminists. The ABC, supposedly "Australia's most trusted source of local, national and world news", only represents a minority PoV. It doesn't acknowledge any other perspective, except occasionally with quotes from their ideological enemies, demonising the alternatives.

It's like if it only reflect the viewpoints of Muslims, and if anyone disagreed with that, and asked for other voices to be heard, they responded with "but why do you hate Arabs? You must hate Arabs, if you aren't pro-Islamic!"

It's a manipulative tactic, a deflection, but one that has served them well.

Here's a typical example of an ABC story.

"The resource has ruffled some feathers before even being released publicly, with criticisms from men's rights groups..."

So do they interview any of those groups? Or even quote the criticisms? Open the market place of ideas?

Heavens, no! They will only ever interview Feminists on why opposition to them is wrong, naturally!

Can you imagine if they were to do this with the Liberals and Labor members? If every time Liberals spoke up against Labor policies, the ABC would interview someone from Labor, who would inevitably dismiss their opponents as reactionaries and lunatics, instead of ever printing the Liberal Party PoV?

p.s. there was a very good video on the erasure of men in the media - for example, reporting one hundred sailors drowned, instead of one hundred men drowned - even though all the sailors were men - which is followed by the emphasis on the victimisation of women.

Boko Haram slaughtered tens of thousands of school boys, for example - and the ABC etc never even reported it. They became frantic when a few hundred school girls were kidnapped, however.

The video was there for years, but Feminists complained about it constantly, and Youtube crumbled. And so that antifeminist voice was silenced.

Most people aren't Feminists. They do not believe there is some global conspiracy by men against women. But they are isolated - they never hear from others like themselves. They are manipulated, and their sources of information are controlled.

We, men and women, want to protect women - and we are constantly told by the media that if we do not support Feminism, then women will be hurt.

The Feminist always says: "if you don't love Feminism, the bunny will get it, and it will be your fault."

Don't let them twist you.

Don't let them get away with their lies.