Monday 30 January 2017

Debating pigeons.

A: John Smith hates women and girls!

B: What evidence do you have of that?

A: It says it in all the papers!

B: The opinion pieces say that. Here is the archived evidence against it.

A: Archives are subjective!

B: Rubbish, that's nonsense. They are accepted routinely - it requires evidence to prove they have been falsified which you have not supplied.

A: You have a bad character, so your argument is wrong.

C: And you smell! Haha, stinky breath! You have stinky breath.

A: As my colleague pointed out, you smell so your arguments are invalid.

C: You mad, bro? You mad? You mad? You mad?

B: Still waiting on that evidence...

C: You mad? You mad? You mad? You mad?

B: So no evidence...

C: You mad? You mad? You mad? You mad?

B: I'm debating pigeons, aren't I?

C: You mad? You mad? You mad? You mad?

B: (*leaves*)

A: Phew! He's gone! His idea of using evidence was really hard to counter. Good thing we had the point about his smell.

C: (*drools in agreement*)

Taken from

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