Wednesday 8 February 2017

Fake attacks list

*UL student ‘assaulted, robbed, hijab stolen’ by ‘two white males wearing a Trump hat’
*Dozens protest to ‘stand against racism’ after racist Tweets by black male
*Students ‘fear for their safety’ despite ‘nooses’ on campus only leftovers from event decorations
*Muslim woman ‘set on fire for wearing hijab’, not victim of hate crime

*Michigan student expelled for posting “Gonna shoot all black people… A smile tomorrow!”

*Student claims they received racist text messages from a classmate, fabricated
*‘Racist imagery and noose’ at DePaul university left by social justice activist.

*Iowa student instigated fights, lied about being hate crime victim

*Hundreds protest as three black women attacked by racist white men, lied, actually assaulted white girl for no reason

*Teen assaulted by ‘white men shouting racist slurs’, apologized for lying

*Lynched stick figures, “nigger” and “#whitepower” drawn by black student

*Black Kean University student receives 90 days in jail after threatening black students and “monkeys” with ‘white Twitter account’

*Black student ‘threatened’ to drop out of high school presidency, sent texts himself

*’Racist white men’ who stabbed Hispanic man turned out to be rival Hispanic gang members

*Houston mosque torched in ‘Islamophobic attack’ set on fire by black Muslim

*”Whites only” signs, ‘just art installation’ by black student

*Racist threats and KKK grafitti on black church, black man arrested

*Man paints racial slurs on own house and sets porch and car on fire because he could no longer pay rent

*Professor accuses co-workers for sending racist letters, sentenced to six months and a 66,000$ fine (court documents)
*Lesbian couple spray-paints “kill the gays” on own house, left a noose on own doorstep
*Muslim student  arrested for making up Islamophobic gunman attack, claiming nazi symbols were written on her locker
*Gay student burned himself in made up homophobic attack
*U of W-P student confessed to making list of black students with death threats to ‘bring attention to racism’
*Man charged with filing false report, carved “fag” on own forehead
*Black teen and Jewish teen cause 250,000$ in damages to school, paint “Jews go home” and Swastikas on walls
*Student breaks own window, threatens himself in racist note, ‘hoax but still product of racially tense climate’
*Former president of Jewish Student Union charged with painting “kill kikes”, organized vigil to condemn (own) anti-semitism
*Black student  receives national support after sending herself racist mails, death threats, trashing own room and writing racial slurs on own property
*Black student posts racist notes to doors of Black Student Union

*Black student send threat letters to minority students, forcing an evacuation because her parents didn’t want to let her change schools

*Pakistani man sets own store on fire in fake Islamophobic attack to collect insurance


*Left-wing activist raped by Muslim migrants, reports German men to police, apologizes to rapists after hoax leaks
*Woman ‘targeted for wearing hijab’ fined for wasting police time
*Girl claims four Nazis carved a swastika on her body, did it herself
*Teen claims neo-nazis slashed him with knife, did it himself
*Refugees painted swastika before setting own shelter on fire in “nazi attack”

*’Far-right’ car attack severely injuring Muslim lady turned out to be Muslim drivers

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