Thursday 31 July 2014

The Real Goals of Men’s Rights Activists

How come it’s quirky and funny when girls talk about pooping but gross when guys do? That’s sexism, man!
And I guess that’s the only problem they have.

The actual goals of Men’s Rights Activists:
  • Bring infant circumcision to an end, as it is genital mutilation.
  • Bring an end to the school system that is biased in favour of girls. (1-5)
  • Allow female rapists to be convicted, since they can presently only be charged with lesser charges if they forcefully envelope. (6)
  • Put an end to false rape accusations, put and end to the idea that accused = guilty, (7, 8) and bring to light that false rape accusations can ruin men’s lives permanently and indefinitely. Examples (9 -11)
  • Put an end to the idea that women are the “great majority” of rape victims. (12-14)
  • Put an end to the idea that women are the “great majority” of domestic violence victims. (22,23)
  • Put an end to the false wage gap. (15-21)
  • Put an end to debt slavery. (24)
  • Bring to light that men get longer sentences for the same crime (25) and that female sex offenders get shorter sentences than their male counterparts. (26)
  • Bring to light that men and boys are being trafficked as well. (27,28)
  • Bring to light the sexualization and objectification of men. (29,30)
  • Put an end to the idea that misandry and sexism towards men stems off of misogyny and sexism towards women. (31,32)
Sources: [1,2,3,4,5] [6] [7,8] [9,10,11] [12,13,14] [15,16,17,18,19,20,21] [22,23] [24] [25] [26] [27,28] [29,30] [31,32]

You missed a few:
  • Stop forcing rape victims to pay for child support if his rapist decides to keep the child. (Even it it was statutory rape.) (1-4)
  • To not be portrayed as worthless, lazy, ect by the media. (15-19
  • Have male victims of domestic abuse be taken seriously. (7-10, 12-14, 17, 20)
  • Get more domestic abuse shelters for men, because currently most of them cater only toward women. (5-7)
  • Get more awareness of domestic abuse toward men, and to advocate against domestic violence. Period. No matter what gender it’s aimed at. (11-14, 17)
[1, 2, 3, 4] [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] [15, 16, 17, 18, 19] 20
I have one more, no source, but I believe it is a goal for some MRAs. Be able to break out of their gender role without consequences, in a way that women have been able to.

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