Let me first respond to the first article. As i said, there are extremists in every cause. All of those quotes were from very extreme, popularly named ‘man-hating’, ‘feminists’.
Who were given positions of power by feminists, treated as honoured guests by feminists, etc. etc. They were 'feminist' in the same way Stalin was a 'Communist'. The "No true Scotsman" Fallacy is trotted out again - I can only assume it's drummed into you at the gender studies lectures.
" Any self-claimed ‘feminist’ who ‘hates men’"
No, they don't apostrophe hate apostrophe men, they... hate... men. Feminists who claimed men should be exterminated shouldn't be treated differently to antisemites who say Jews should be exterminated.
The fact you cannot even let yourself imagine that your Sisterhood could contain genuine man-haters EVEN IN THE FACE OF THEIR OWN WORDS shows how deeply brainwashed you are.
" The quote where they said they should reduce the population of men to 10% is just plain stupid for starters."
And the Nazi plan to exterminate Jews was... smart... or something?
Seriously, do you not hear yourself? Can you not hear how idiotic it is to quibble about the finer details of a scheme to murder babies?
" But you must recognise that they are EXTREMIST and give the cause a bad name"
Yet feminist treat them with honour, spending donations on them, and put them in positions of authority. It's almost like they are doing exactly what feminists want them to do.
Compare that to Islamic extremists, who are PUT TO DEATH OR AT LEAST IMPRISONED.
" It’s like seeing a few occasional blogs about racism, you get some saying things like ‘all white people are this and that’ and i’ve learned not to let that bother me."
I have seen a lot of feminist blogs saying that. It's one of the reasons I oppose them. You just give them a free pass.
" I know that it isn’t targeted at ME."
Feminist do seem to imagine they are honorary non-whites. It doesn't actually work that way - and I'm sure, if you travel to certain places in Africa, the locals will be happy to explain it to you.
"Because coloured people get so much racism in comparison to myself (literally none), so i feel like i don’t have a place to comment."
You chop humanity up into two groups, white and non-white. You think every non-white person has the same experience? You think no white boy or girl has known discrimination?
You are so blinded by bigotry that you are actually a danger to yourself, and I hope you have no children, because how can you defend them when you prefer your idiotic ideology to the evidence of your eyes and ears?
You can't imagine someone white light skin being taunted or beaten? You've never talked to any Jewish person, you don't know what it's like to be a child of italian immigrants and to be called a wog, or a spanish descendant and called a spic?
You just don't seem to know anything at all - and it's taking a solid effort of will to keep that vacuum in your skull pristine.
Have you ever considered - just for a moment - opening your eyes?
"Second - my part saying ‘i am white’. Yes, obviously, if i was beaten because i was white that is racism. "
Again, something often denied by feminists, which you would know if you read the posts on Tumblr without constantly re-writing your memories.
"By turning the racism argument on its head"
You can't turn justice on it's head by asserting it applies to everyone.
" How many times do you see a white guy being beaten to death because he is white on the news?"
You don't actually read the news, now, do you? Be honest! Here's a quick question: black kills white, white kills black: which is more likely in the US? Your time starts now!
And that's just in the US. White people are beaten to death all the time in Africa. Heck, Zimbabwe practically has it as the national sport.
And that's not even touching on every other skin colour. You can't imagine a situation where a non-white person discriminates against another? You think Chinese can't hate Koreans, Koreans can't hate Japanese? You cannot fathom Fijians hating Indians? Or Indians hating Bangladeshis?
You are small. You keep yourself... small. I can't imagine how much work it takes to turn a human personality into the equivalent of a bonsai tree... but you manage it.
"Yes. Feminism advocates for equal rights for all persons regardless of gender. "
Name a feminist organisation which as actually done something for men - not just talked - acted. Where are the feminist marching for universal conscription, for women to be charged with rape too, for recognition that the gender wage gap is a myth?
Lip service? Pffft. The Communists paid great lip service to all sorts of freedoms. They just never did any.
"Unfortunately, what you say is true. On average men get 63% higher sentences for the same crimes. And that is wrong, is it not? And ‘minority’ men have worse sentences than white men. ( )"
And a black woman still faces an easier ride than a white man for the same crime. With feminist organisations calling for the closure of female prisons altogether. Or are they 'not real feminists' either?
"So rather than trying to point out the faults in feminist views because not all men are so well off in certain areas (like the prison sentencing for example), why not support the cause and try to make that change?"
" An example of injustice in American court of a woman was Aileen Wuornos. She killed 6 men in -she said- self-defence because they would try to assault/rape her (she was a prostitute). She was amongst the first female ‘serial killers’ and she was heavily exploited for it - by politicians, lawyers, movie deals made with her family/friends etc, and she received the death penalty. She was extremely mentally unstable but still the execution went as planned and i believe that it was due to public pressure, because of the outrage caused by the idea of a female serial killer. ( )"
Males are executed routinely for far lesser crimes, with far greater mental defects. Often on no more evidence than the word of a woman.
"I said feminism fired up OVER a century ago."
And I pointed out you have no idea of it's history and are trying to retroactively claim credit for achievements made by people who have nothing in common with your movement.
"But i believe the suffragette movement really created the spark to get the movement going. They helped get female’s the right to vote, did they not?"
Strangely, countries where it wasn't active seemed to get it far earlier - because the Suffragists, which were men AND women, were campaigning for votes for everybody - not just a few rich old men, which was the case until almost the end.
You might want to look up the timeline and compare when men and women got the vote. I don't think you have any knowledge of history outside feminist propaganda.
Here's the Australian one. Isn't it funny how we didn't seem to need to have suffragettes throwing bombs here to change our laws? Could it be that throwing bombs was actually a bad idea? That it hardened resistance against them, made them just another terrorist group?
Why is it the entries for women and men in the US and the UK are never combined? Could it be that feminists don't want to have it obvious that the day when both men and women could vote equally was practically the same? That many young men fought and died in WW1 without any voting rights at all?
And why do they erase the Suffragists? Are they afraid that it was proof that men and women could be equals - that their 'superior' sex didn't achieve it's victory against the wicked males - but because of them?
"And what about Malala Yousafzai?"
She's not a feminist, but go on.
"Campaigning for female rights to education where the Taliban banned girls from schooling in northwest Pakistan. "
And killed many boys for it as well.
You know that Boko Haram means "Education is forbidden"? That it slaughters schoolboys, burns them alive, cuts off their heads? Little kids face their last seconds unable to beg, to scream?
And no feminist cares. No little placard for them.
"Just like everyone deserves equal rights with their race, gender, education, religion, etc, why is the idea of trying to achieve a smaller wage gap SO outrageous? "
Because instead of telling women to work like men do, you are telling them to take it easy and you'll make sure they are paid more because vagina? You know The Feminist Initiative literally wants a male tax?
"Yes, of course there is different pay for different jobs. But would you not agree that 9.4% is still quite high?"
Considering men die at ten times the rate, I'd say it was pretty damn low.
"It would be better if there were more opportunities for jobs for women that are dominated by males. "
Men don't sit around moaning that there's no opportunities to do the dirty, dangerous, shitty jobs they do - they do out and do them. They know they aren't owed money.
"Why can’t we encourage females to enter those job fields more that seem to be male dominated? "
Because feminists don't want to get their pretty little hands all dirty? Because they see bodybags as much better suited for all those scum.
"For certain jobs it is apparently much more likely that a male would have the job than a female. Through encouraging diverse job fields, we begin to achieve equal pay, equal likelihood of injury in job fields (as you mentioned) and therefore gender equality."
And you can point to the feminist organisation doing this? Because the only jobs they promote are the cushy ones - CEOs, computer programmers and so on.
Your words mean nothing compared to the reality of their deeds. Here's the thing - there's far, far, far more feminists like them than there are like you.
Have you thought about that?
Maybe... you're ... not the real feminist?
"If your argument is that feminism hasn’t achieved some sort of equality"
No, my argument is that it fights very hard against equality.
" Feminism started off as females being oppressed"
That's circular. Feminism proves that women were oppressed. How do you know? Feminism says so!
Meanwhile, other people say there were different gender roles. Men had more power, but had to take more risks. Women had to stay at home more - but when the wolf was at the door, they didn't have to face it so long as a man was available - to die.
You look at a situation where each group had different benefits and different disadvantages, and conclude one group had benefits - the other disadvantages.
"But now that they have achieved things ... the right to vote"
Achieved by different organisations before feminist theory even existed.
- which was achieved by the Industrial Revolution, which required skilled workers, and was pretty much universal before feminism came into being - an organisation which saw any lower marks for females as evidence of oppression - yet when males have lower marks, takes that as evidence of innate inferiority.
" I am trying to support the campaign for equal rights"
By standing under the umbrella of an organisation fighting against them. You ignore the people who are using power to make sure no justice can happen - people like the ones who threatened Erin Pizzey and her family.
What happened to Erin Pizzey's dog?
" Why is that so hard to understand?"
It's easy to understand the claims by Nazis that they had no idea what was going on. It is much, much harder to forgive them for looking the other way whenever they heard the screams.
"Your arguments are invalid as you completely misinterpret what feminism is"
Says the person busily ignoring what all the other feminists are doing around her.
" and to go to such an extent to compare to the nazi’s after the 70th anniversary of the holocaust literally a few days ago is deeply disgusting and disturbing"
But not enough, apparently, to stop you from supporting a movement which, AS YOU ACKNOWLEDGED, was talking about decimating men.
Have you forgotten your own words already? How do you bleach out the memories so quickly?
"You think i’ve never been subject to abuse?"
"Think the fuck again because i will shut you down. "
How? Drone strike? Terminators from the future? HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO SHUT ME DOWN?
"Don’t you dare attack me personally."
You liar, you hypocrite, you sit under the umbrella of the Sisterhood with your fingers in your ears and your eyes tight shut, happy to let them run amok, happy to let them spill blood.
Fuck you.
"While you feel a need to attack my personal life and say you wish i have no children?"
Damn straight. Anyone who can look at a situation where many boys and a few girls are hurt - and only see the girls, only cares about the girls, even when the photos of the boys are in front of you - THAT PERSON IS NOT FIT TO BE A MOTHER, NOT OF BOYS, NOT OF ANYONE.
For fuck's sake - what would someone like you do to a boy?
"I can teach them a thing or two how to not be a fucking idiot like you."
I bet you can. Lessons they can never unlearn.
"I simply cannot comprehend such stupidity and misunderstanding."
Anything that requires integrity will always be beyond you.
"Please leave. Thank you."
I remain. Go to Hell.
In case of deletion, text reprinted below.
In response to anti-feminists':
Second - my part saying ‘i am white’. Yes, obviously, if i was beaten because i was white that is racism. That’s obvious, and frankly a stupid example. By turning the racism argument on its head you are invalidating coloured racism which is so much more popular because you are making it about white people who are much less oppressed than coloured. That ‘white people are subject to racism too’. How many times do you see a white guy being beaten to death because he is white on the news? Or in any article? If you find some articles to back yourself up on this, i can assure you without looking it up that there will probably be 50x more coloured people being killed inhumanely solely because they are coloured.
Yes. Feminism advocates for equal rights for all persons regardless of gender. Unfortunately, what you say is true. On average men get 63% higher sentences for the same crimes. And that is wrong, is it not? And ‘minority’ men have worse sentences than white men. ( )
So rather than trying to point out the faults in feminist views because not all men are so well off in certain areas (like the prison sentencing for example), why not support the cause and try to make that change? After all, it wants to serve equality for all genders. An example of injustice in American court of a woman was Aileen Wuornos. She killed 6 men in -she said- self-defence because they would try to assault/rape her (she was a prostitute). She was amongst the first female ‘serial killers’ and she was heavily exploited for it - by politicians, lawyers, movie deals made with her family/friends etc, and she received the death penalty. She was extremely mentally unstable but still the execution went as planned and i believe that it was due to public pressure, because of the outrage caused by the idea of a female serial killer. ( )
I said feminism fired up OVER a century ago. But i believe the suffragette movement really created the spark to get the movement going. They helped get female’s the right to vote, did they not? That was a step towards gender equality. And what about Malala Yousafzai? Campaigning for female rights to education where the Taliban banned girls from schooling in northwest Pakistan. Is that not a step towards gender equality? Please give it a read. Give it two. ( )
Just like everyone deserves equal rights with their race, gender, education, religion, etc, why is the idea of trying to achieve a smaller wage gap SO outrageous? Yes, of course there is different pay for different jobs. But would you not agree that 9.4% is still quite high? It would be better if there were more opportunities for jobs for women that are dominated by males. Why can’t we encourage females to enter those job fields more that seem to be male dominated? For certain jobs it is apparently much more likely that a male would have the job than a female. Through encouraging diverse job fields, we begin to achieve equal pay, equal likelihood of injury in job fields (as you mentioned) and therefore gender equality.
If your argument is that feminism hasn’t achieved some sort of equality, i think you are mistaken. Feminism started off as females being oppressed, so of course they were going to female dominated issues in the past. But now that they have achieved things (the right to vote, campaigning for education), then the spotlight can begin to shift from primarily female issues to more diverse all gender issues. Such as like i said in my first post, domestic violence suffered by men. And body ideals pressured to men. Neither of which are okay.
Gender is not an acceptable basis for discrimination. I am trying to support the campaign for equal rights, and recognition of problems amongst men and women. Why is that so hard to understand? MISINTERPRETATION. Extremist views plague the minds of the impressionable.
Your arguments are invalid as you completely misinterpret what feminism is, and to go to such an extent to compare to the nazi’s after the 70th anniversary of the holocaust literally a few days ago is deeply disgusting and disturbing.
You think i’ve never been subject to abuse? Think the fuck again because i will shut you down. Don’t you dare attack me personally.
While you feel a need to attack my personal life and say you wish i have no children? I can teach them a thing or two how to not be a fucking idiot like you.
I simply cannot comprehend such stupidity and misunderstanding.
Please leave. Thank you.
nee-med:Let me first respond to the first article. As i said, there are extremists in every cause. All of those quotes were from very extreme, popularly named ‘man-hating’, ‘feminists’. Any assumption that a man will rape solely because he is a man is wrong and is extremely sexist. Any self-claimed ‘feminist’ who ‘hates men’ is not a feminist because gender is not an acceptable basis for discrimination. The quote where they said they should reduce the population of men to 10% is just plain stupid for starters. These ARE NOT feminists. And i have no problem with decent people pointing out their extremist point of view. But you must recognise that they are EXTREMIST and give the cause a bad name and that it could also warp your personal view. It’s like seeing a few occasional blogs about racism, you get some saying things like ‘all white people are this and that’ and i’ve learned not to let that bother me. I know that it isn’t targeted at ME. Because coloured people get so much racism in comparison to myself (literally none), so i feel like i don’t have a place to comment. That is my personal view. Not everyone, evidently, feels the same way. The whole point of my post was about misinterpretation, and misinterpreted i believe it was.I don’t like to post about serious topics too much in short periods of time, however this morning i have read through such hatred on a particular blog ~~’fightingfeminism’~~ that it just kind of hurts my head.
Like with any cause, you get people that take it too far or…
Second - my part saying ‘i am white’. Yes, obviously, if i was beaten because i was white that is racism. That’s obvious, and frankly a stupid example. By turning the racism argument on its head you are invalidating coloured racism which is so much more popular because you are making it about white people who are much less oppressed than coloured. That ‘white people are subject to racism too’. How many times do you see a white guy being beaten to death because he is white on the news? Or in any article? If you find some articles to back yourself up on this, i can assure you without looking it up that there will probably be 50x more coloured people being killed inhumanely solely because they are coloured.
Yes. Feminism advocates for equal rights for all persons regardless of gender. Unfortunately, what you say is true. On average men get 63% higher sentences for the same crimes. And that is wrong, is it not? And ‘minority’ men have worse sentences than white men. ( )
So rather than trying to point out the faults in feminist views because not all men are so well off in certain areas (like the prison sentencing for example), why not support the cause and try to make that change? After all, it wants to serve equality for all genders. An example of injustice in American court of a woman was Aileen Wuornos. She killed 6 men in -she said- self-defence because they would try to assault/rape her (she was a prostitute). She was amongst the first female ‘serial killers’ and she was heavily exploited for it - by politicians, lawyers, movie deals made with her family/friends etc, and she received the death penalty. She was extremely mentally unstable but still the execution went as planned and i believe that it was due to public pressure, because of the outrage caused by the idea of a female serial killer. ( )
I said feminism fired up OVER a century ago. But i believe the suffragette movement really created the spark to get the movement going. They helped get female’s the right to vote, did they not? That was a step towards gender equality. And what about Malala Yousafzai? Campaigning for female rights to education where the Taliban banned girls from schooling in northwest Pakistan. Is that not a step towards gender equality? Please give it a read. Give it two. ( )
Just like everyone deserves equal rights with their race, gender, education, religion, etc, why is the idea of trying to achieve a smaller wage gap SO outrageous? Yes, of course there is different pay for different jobs. But would you not agree that 9.4% is still quite high? It would be better if there were more opportunities for jobs for women that are dominated by males. Why can’t we encourage females to enter those job fields more that seem to be male dominated? For certain jobs it is apparently much more likely that a male would have the job than a female. Through encouraging diverse job fields, we begin to achieve equal pay, equal likelihood of injury in job fields (as you mentioned) and therefore gender equality.
If your argument is that feminism hasn’t achieved some sort of equality, i think you are mistaken. Feminism started off as females being oppressed, so of course they were going to female dominated issues in the past. But now that they have achieved things (the right to vote, campaigning for education), then the spotlight can begin to shift from primarily female issues to more diverse all gender issues. Such as like i said in my first post, domestic violence suffered by men. And body ideals pressured to men. Neither of which are okay.
Gender is not an acceptable basis for discrimination. I am trying to support the campaign for equal rights, and recognition of problems amongst men and women. Why is that so hard to understand? MISINTERPRETATION. Extremist views plague the minds of the impressionable.
Your arguments are invalid as you completely misinterpret what feminism is, and to go to such an extent to compare to the nazi’s after the 70th anniversary of the holocaust literally a few days ago is deeply disgusting and disturbing.
You think i’ve never been subject to abuse? Think the fuck again because i will shut you down. Don’t you dare attack me personally.
While you feel a need to attack my personal life and say you wish i have no children? I can teach them a thing or two how to not be a fucking idiot like you.
I simply cannot comprehend such stupidity and misunderstanding.
Please leave. Thank you.
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