Monday 6 July 2015

Feminists hate men - how dare you say we hate men!

Elyse Anders says

"I am tired of men
I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men I am tired of men "

Yah, sweetie, we get it.

"I am tired of men."

No-one's making you live with us. Get together with your fellow man-haters and live on an island. Nothing's stopping you except your own laziness... and the fact you benefit from men. You hate us - we are your 'niggers' - but you need us to do all the dirty and dangerous work so you don't have to - and in your Femtopia, it'd be you who'd have to work up power lines or down in mines.

You'd be in the sewage, or high on construction, or sucking in cancer causing chemicals, because men do all that because we have to, and without us, guess who has to step up?

Which is why you'll never do anything except bitch.

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