Wednesday 13 January 2016

NSFW: Hand problem in Fallout 4

I noticed the hands on fallout models (probably due to some CBBE conflict) were wonky, and couldn't pin down why, even by disabling and re-enabling mods.

I think that when mods were disabled, they weren't done cleanly, so the hands don't match the bodies. Some file somewhere is still pointing to that incorrect resource.

(these are massive files btw)

Have to delete, *not* disable, all the mods that affect the body from NMM. Ugh.

Then download to a separate folder, reinstall from file, load game, try next CBBE mod (it's surprisingly difficult to get a high rez body mod with options of pubic hair), see if that breaks it, and so on.

And it vexes me because it was fine a while ago and I broke it without noticing and that screwed up my many screenshots.... goddangit!

Off topic, but i really wish Fallout used the character appearance creation system to create a variety of NPCs. They all use the same appearances. It would be easy to have a batch creation so that you get random looking characters - which would often be ugly, true, but so what? They'd be interesting.

Alas, if you edit your character's body, that changes all the raiders. there are no skinny ones unless you are skinny, no fat or tall or short etc - everyone is bland.. it's a waste of the capabilities of the character generator.

At least some modders worked out how to randomise the gear they are carrying so that they have some personality that way, although I'd much rather the appearances were random but the gear was controlled by the resources available to them.. so that you have a uniform for guards, farmers, medics and so on.

You can change their equipment manually but it's tedious, and impractical beyond doing it for a handful of people.

Ughghghg. Now I'm wondering if the hand mismatch is in the base game?

I don't really see any close-ups to compare with, but this is off the main CBBE site:

I like the job on the fingernails. It still bugs me that the vulva is so low, it looks wrong to be but I expect it's perfectly natural anatomy - again, no random variation in the human models is possible.

Compare it to

Taken at City Studios in Stockholm (, September 29, 2011, with assistance from KYO (The organisation of life models) in Stockholm.

Both models have consented to the licence of the image, and its usage in Wikipedia. Image uploaded by Mikael Häggström (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons (source)

Yes, i know, the stance is different, but even so.

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