Tuesday, 31 May 2016

NSFW: Men exist to make Feminists Kumbaya?


The above is the Feminist perspective - and i noticed it was being printed in other articles back at least as far as 2013, so I assume the author just copied and pasted from some other true believer and called the day's work done.

Compare this to http://www.webmd.com/sex/features/sex-drive-how-do-men-women-compare
Feminists cannot enjoy sex with men. That would be Patriarchy.
Instead they must receive sex from men.

"Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it, and after many years of it," Baumeister concludes after reviewing several surveys of men and women.

This isn't just true of heterosexuals, he says; gay men also have sex more often than lesbians at all stages of the relationship."

So when real scientists look at the issue, they find men want sex more, they find men get almost all of their tactile comfort (hugging etc) from sex, and that men are easily and quickly satisfied in most cases.

A Male,
running late for the Wednesday night meeting
of The Patriarchy
Feminists, on the other hand, see sex as a zero sum game.

If men are receiving pleasure, that's because they are stealing it from women because they are soulless hate-filled devils... or something.

These are all quotes from Feminists to men.

I think this is what they imagine foreplay to be like.

They abuse the male until he weeps,
and agrees to service them
in return for the sweet embrace of death.

"Imagine ...you calculated how many orgasms you and your last sex partner owed each other"

Well, the answer is zero. Because all that is owed is that you give to your partner and they give to you, in a reasonable fashion, and if it's not acceptable, you communicate, and if that doesn't work, you end the relationship.

Demanding male and female biological responses be identical only makes sense to a post-modernist - and Feminism is post-modernist - because they believe that reality is a social construct, and if you don't like the facts, then the facts are wrong.

Men and women are different.

Men can ejaculate without orgasm, or without much of an orgasm, and a feminist will naturally regard that as equivalent to the experience of the female climax - even though objective scientific studies show that to be false.

In addition, a lot of women have trouble with sex with other women - yet a Feminist cannot comprehend this as being an issue, since lesbian sex is pure and perfect in their ideology.

[ "Among many other findings, their research showed that lesbian couples had less frequent sex than anyone else. And thus was born the trope of “lesbian bed death.” A majority of comparative studies in the past 30 years have replicated these results, although a few have found no differences between lesbian and heterosexual couples....

we have questioned whether “sexual frequency” is the most valuable measure of the sexual health of a relationship"

If “sexual frequency is not the most valuable measure", why would orgasm frequency be?

"Only about 15% of the lesbians had sex more than twice a week, compared to 50% or more of the others, and about 40% said there were weeks when they had no sex at all, compared to less than 20% of the rest of the sample."

So it's reasonable to conclude that men need sex more often.

"But if you looked at how long each sexual encounter lasted, women in same-sex relationships were champs. Gay men and especially male and female heterosexuals reported typical sexual encounters of a half hour or less, often much less. Lesbians, on the other hand, described sexual sessions lasting upward of 30 minutes, and nearly 10% reported encounters of two hours or more. " (source)

And it's reasonable to conclude that women need longer sexual sessions. Now, how many people can do two hour sessions every night? As compared to the few minutes that straight men might desire?

In short, then, the straight men are making do with small amounts of pleasure more often - which feminists are claiming must be removed so that the entire act is gynocentric and joyless for males - unless they are gay, presumably! Perhaps Feminists will target gay male sex as heresy?

Feminists do not deal well
with people who ask questions.
Pointing to studies that say lesbians can lose interest in their partners, be bored sexually with them etc is a good way to get a Feminist to shout and wave their arms and scream "why do you hate all women?"

Sane people negotiate sex, often non-verbally.

Sane people recognise the differences
between male and female biology means that
a quickie might be the most common sexual experience
- and that it is a necessary compromise
that people who aren't rich, or who aren't young,
may have to make to be able to have sex at all.
Yet a woman who masturbates is often using an electronic device that can give a woman hundreds of orgasms potentially. If the number is the goal for Feminists, then why have sex with anyone, ever? Just plug that fucker in, bitches. Human interaction is not for you.

"On average, only 57% of women are having orgasms most or every time they have sex. The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior found that while 91% of men got off during their last sexual encounter, only 64% of women came"

57%? 64%? These numbers are inconsistent - and also don't mention the sex of the partner. If the women aren't cumming when they fuck women - how is it you can blame that on men?

It's very hard to keep up with the current Feminist 'reality'.

So women shouldn't have sex with men

- but if they do, they must make it as miserable as possible?
Oh right - Feminism - I forgot, masculinity is the source of all evil, it's the basis of the Duluth Model, after all.

" a 2014 survey found that gay men come about 85% of the time"

Wait - so this 'survey' - and surveys are the source of all the knowledge here, they don't bother measuring things in labs - shows that gay men are less adept at pleasuring each other than straight women are with straight men?

No, at that point I'm going to say you just don't have any credibility. Surveys can be quite vulnerable to manipulation, and the results of one survey - where we don't see the questions or how participants are selected - have to be taken with skepticism.

I note that Feminists consistently ignore surveys they dislike - e.g. men reported being “made to penetrate” i.e. being raped at virtually the same rates as women reported rape (source), so I'm going to say that the likelihood is that all of the surveys used by them in this article are dodgy as hell.
I suspect this is the real reason
Feminists want women to keep having sex with men.

It's really difficult to get them to pay for your kids
when they know they aren't the father of them.

Sure, you can get away with it for a few cases
- but sooner or later,
men will turn around
and collectively say NO.

And then Feminists will be completely destroyed.
They can't survive without us
- but humanity has done perfectly well without them.

Frankly, the soft sciences can go fuck themselves. Either you apply rigour to your practises - or you are worthless.

So let's get to the real meat of the matter.

"most guys don't care about making you come"

The inevitable misandry - but you also said that gay guys don't care about making each other cum. So apparently all men hate everyone. What monsters!

Simple solution - Feminists shouldn't associate with them. Just wear a Feminist symbol - black shirt and jack-boots should do the trick - and men will steer clear of you. We aren't idiots. We can find non-Feminist women - who cope pretty well with having sex with men - and you Feminists can fuck off.

"Some are annoyed at how much work it requires on their part."

Well, could that be because women and men are different, and the usual complaint is that men can cum in seconds but women can take an hour?

Could it be that having a woman lie still and open her legs is all she has to do in some cases, whereas he had to do the equivalent of a marathon?

If "the future is female" then why aren't you bitches just fucking each other instead of moaning about how awful sex with men is?

Are we stopping you?

Good grief no, we'll pay for recordings of the better looking efforts! It's win-win!

"This orgasm gap could have something to do with the assumptions and gender roles that often get associated with sex" 'researcher' Jessica Wood

- oh yes, that totally gives me confidence in the result. So a Feminist dons her gender ideologue glasses, figures out what result she wants, does some bullshit psuedoscience, gets the result she wants, and wow, it's all because men are evil, who coulda seen that coming!

I think a lot of the time spent on Feminist sexual pleasure
is simply devoted to assessing whereabouts
they keep their sexual organs in the first place.
"I have never slept with anyone who was interested in keeping count and balancing the numbers, Michelle said, noting that her partners' collective selfishness has been detrimental to her sex life."

Ok, so let's look at the numbers. How many minutes did you spend actively pleasuring your man? Lying still and staring at the ceiling doesn't count, bitch.

And how long did he spend on you?

Was it twice as long, three times, ten times?

Masters and Johnson found that men took about four minutes to reach orgasm with their partners. Women took about 10–20 minutes to reach orgasm with their partners, but four minutes to reach orgasm when they masturbated.[5]

What is the bet that most men were doing most of the work even when they were just pleasing themselves? They then do most of the work - if not all - in pleasing their partners?

So for a man to please a woman is the equivalent of a woman pleasing a man five times over. And Feminists see that - somehow - as oppressing women?

Considering most sex occurs late at night, when people are tired anyway, is it any wonder that they might not want to limit the time, especially as they may have worked double shifts or have to deal with toddlers who disrupt what sleep they have?

The number one question Feminists are avoiding with their surveys is: are you happy in your relationship?

Feminists don't ask women that because they don't want women to be happy with men. Destroying heterosexual relationships is one of their key goals, after all - it's why they teach little kids that heterosexuality isn't normal.

"Just some slight generosity, just making sure I come when he comes"

So then he's exhausted - and probably can't get it up, let alone cum. Most people aren't teens or in their twenties - the majority of people in the West are in their middle age, they work long hours, they raise kids - so this is a recipe for disaster.
Feminists spit out their hate - the gamma male,
desperate for a lay, agrees to shit all over half of humanity
in return for the least chance of wetting his dick.

He has no idea how awful his life will become if he succeeds.

All it means that instead of men getting some satisfaction from a brief lay, they now exist to serve, HeForShe - and will associate sex with work instead of pleasure.

So either men will find ways to get out of work - I mean sex - not really much difference there - or they'll find a new partner who doesn't guilt trip them into doing five times as much work for their pleasure as they receive.

This is a pretty good argument for men to either find non-Feminist women or a sexbot.

(But then again, Feminists want men who use sexbots to be arrested for rape)

And Feminists can then write angry blog posts about how men must be forced to lick them out, it's demanded of their revolution - and not fucking them is, of course, Patriarchy.

There are plenty of women whose satisfaction does not come from what Feminists understand to be sex.

There are plenty of men who would love to spend more time on their partner's pleasure - provided they have that time, provided they are not tired, or interrupted by children, or made anxious by pressures from shitheads like the OP.

They also want pleasure for themselves. Notice how there's no mention of masculine pleasure in the Feminist author's viewpoint?

No reward for their efforts - only shaming for the lack of performance?

Good partners communicate. Feminists - dictate.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

SocJus decides: Anyone who isn't SocJus is a Nazi!

A response to "Milo Yiannopoulos is not a conservative. Milo Yiannopoulos is a neo-Nazi."  (source)

Archived from http://rsbenedict.tumblr.com/post/139549103241/why-did-the-university-of-minnesota-host-a 28 May 2016 06:57:26 UTC

"Milo Yiannopoulos is not a conservative. Milo Yiannopoulos is a neo-Nazi."

Of course!

A gay Neo-Nazi!

That makes perfect sense!

“ I’m not exaggerating.”

No, you are outright slandering. There’s a difference.

“ proudly carries Hitler books”... you realise a lot of people have books on Hitler? It’s pretty much compulsory for any student of modern history? Books and movies on Hitler are one of the most popular parts of popular culture?

Your idea that anyone who has a book on Hitler must love Hitler means that you think Winston Churchill was a Nazi - as he owned a copy of Mein Kampf. Oh, lemme guess, you have no idea what that is.

Winston S. Churchill “All was there—the programme of German resurrection, the technique of party propaganda; the plan for combating Marxism; the concept of a National-Socialist State; the rightful position of Germany at the summit ofthe world. Here was the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message.” (source)

Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm, discussing Mein Kampf

As for eugenics...

James Morcan “Although eugenics flourished in Nazi Germany, the ideal of a blond-haired, blue-eyed master race wasn’t Adolf Hitler’s. It may surprise many to know that, in Mein Kampf, Hitler credited America with helping formulate his ideas on eugenics, and he admitted he’d studied the laws of US states to familiarize himself with selective reproduction and other eugenics issues.” (source)

James Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy

“ he went under his old pseudonym Milo Wagner (perhaps taking the name of the German composer beloved by the Nazis)”

So if someone like Wagner - they’re a Nazi? Good grief. Nazis also liked paid vacations and nudism. So we now know how to spot a Nazi!

Ermahgerd! It’s the Nazis coming to get us!!

“He’s wearing the Iron Cross (an old symbol associated with the German military)”

That proves it! He’s a witch! Burn him!!!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_CrossThe Iron Cross (German: Eisernes Kreuz (help·info), abbreviated EK) was a military decoration in the Kingdom of Prussia, and later in the German Empire (1870–1918) and Nazi Germany (1939–1945).

It was established by King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia and first awarded on 10 March 1813 during the Napoleonic Wars (EK 1813). The recommissioned Iron Cross was also awarded during the Franco-Prussian War (EK 1870), World War I (EK 1914), and World War II (EK 1939, re-introduced with a swastika added in the center).

Does it have a Swastika? No. It is sort of edgy? Yes.

The Volkswagen was produced by the Nazis.

Here we see one of it's prominent members,
off to annex the Sudetenland
"The Black Cross emblem has become in a number of Anglo-Saxon (British and American) subcultures since the 1960s, in a phenomenon related to the mock-"Germanic" aesthetics also expressed in the use of blackletter or the so-called Metal umlaut.

In the 1960s, American surfers started wearing Iron Cross medals brought home by their fathers as war trophies. Cal Look, Volksrod and other Volkswagen enthusiasts often use the emblem as a symbol that reflects the car's country of origin. Ed Roth created accessories for surfers, hot rodders and bikers derived from German World War II trophies, which included the Surfer's cross and the Stahlhelm (also popular with the VW scene).

Motörhead introduced its Snaggletooth mascot, featuring an Iron Cross, in 1977; lead singer and bassist Lemmy could be seen wearing an Iron Cross live, and often in interviews as he owned a very large collection of German memorabilia. There is an American hardcore band called Iron Cross (1982). Roy Orbison has been filmed wearing an Iron Cross necklace while performing.[year needed]Metallica lead singer and guitarist James Hetfield has an Iron Cross tattooed on his left elbow,[year needed] and has a custom version of the ESP Eclipse (based on the Gibson Les Paul) with the Iron Cross emblazoned on it;[year needed] this version is known as the "ESP JH-6 Iron Cross".

Mortuus, the singer of the Swedish black metal band Marduk, was seen wearing an Iron Cross on a choker chain.[year needed]The Cult incorporated Iron Cross medals and imagery extensively for their Electric (1987) and Sonic Temple (1989) albums. WWE wrestler Triple H (Paul Levesque) has made a variation of the Iron Cross his logo since the early part of the 2000s; the symbol appears six times on his wrestling attire (front and back of trunks, on both elbow pads and on the sides of his boots)”

Goddamn! Look at all those neo-nazis! Maybe it’s that young people just like to stir up shit?  


Ermahgerd! It’s Santa!!!

When I was young, we had punks roaming around with all sorts of military symbols, communist symbols and nazi symbols. They didn’t believe in any of it - they did it to push buttons, and it worked.

“ When called on this, he’ll claim to be Jewish. But he’s not. He was raised Catholic. “


You don’t seem to understand what the word “Jewish” means, idiot. According to Rabbinic Judaism, a Jew is anyone who was either born of a Jewish mother or who converted to Judaism in accordance with Jewish Law.

Jesus Christ, this is some lazy-ass bullshit. The Nazis killed lots of people who were Catholic, because Judaism is an ethnicity as well as a religious identity - and Neo-Nazis believe Judaism is a genetic pollution, so it doesn’t matter if you are raised a Catholic or Protestant or Atheist, you are still tainted.

You have presented absolutely no evidence that he is lying about being Jewish. Or that he even said he was, for that matter. 

So what other evidence have you presented? A joke about the Holocaust - you know, that event Neo-Nazis say never happened, and even if it did, it wasn’t with Hitler’s knowledge?

You don’t know shit about Neo-Nazis, do you? Couldn’t be fucked checking any of this.

“ His beliefs are very much in line with those of the Nazis “

Citation needed. They weren’t big on men sucking dicks. Can’t see them defending free speech either.

“ He’s immensely racist”, as demonstrated by the way he can’t stop fucking black men.


Oh, you mean anti-Feminist? Yes, yes he is. But discriminating on the grounds of sex? You can’t prove that, fucker, you just assert it and your idiotic sheep will bleat “Listen and Believe!” in reply.

“ transphobic”

Got any evidence of him threatening transexuals?



You don’t suggest people need therapy if you hate them, you treat them with violence. The idea that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder is in fact the consensus. It’s not a fucking lifestyle choice - if you think you are trans, but you don’t have dysphoria, then you are a SocJus wanker desperate for attention - and you aren’t special, except as a waste of everyone’s time.

Let’s look at these other ‘neo-nazis’...


(CNSNews.com) --  Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

“The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 1.8–4.3) than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide (aHR 19.1; 95% CI 5.8–62.9).

Sex-reassigned persons also had an increased risk for suicide attempts (aHR 4.9; 95% CI 2.9–8.5) and psychiatric inpatient care (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 2.0–3.9). Comparisons with controls matched on reassigned sex yielded similar results. Female-to-males, but not male-to-females, had a higher risk for criminal convictions than their respective birth sex controls. “


Wow. Science is Neo-Nazi?!!! Ermahgerd!!!

“and homophobic (even though he says he’s gay).”

imageHe posts images of himself with men doing things straight guys don’t fucking do.

Do you really think Neo-Nazis like to cuddle like this?

Y’know what? I’m done with this shitpiece. And normally I’d disdain Wikipedia as being strongly corrupted by SocJus - but even they don’t have this shit. Instead, they have a ton of references anyone can check up to see the truth - and to see what fucking awful people are attracted to the Social Justice label.

You know what? It’s Social Justice that are the true Neo-Nazis of our time. They burn books, physically attack people who are simply speaking things they don’t like, and constantly belittle people on the grounds of their race, their sexual orientation and their skin colour.

(Image Source: Tumblr)
A Feminist book-burning. (source)

I don’t see anyone else doing it. No other group that matters is openly racist, sexist and heterophobic. “#KillAllMen” is chanted by them publicly and without any repercussions - no other group could get away with the equivalent without being arrested.

Feminism Is Cancer.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Wage Gap Links

Reblogged from ikazed, a former Tumblr user, who quite due to harassment.

  1. http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2012/04/16/its-time-that-we-end-the-equal-pay-myth/

  2. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704415104576250672504707048.html

  3. http://money.howstuffworks.com/gender-gap1.htm

  4. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-13/don-t-blame-discrimination-for-gender-wage-gap.html

  5. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/davidgreen/9666597/The_gender_pay_gap_does_not_exist/
  6. http://www.consad.com/content/reports/Gender%20Wage%20Gap%20Final%20Report.pdf

  7. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505125_162-28246928/the-gender-pay-gap-is-a-complete-myth/

  8. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-gender-wage-gap-is-a-myth-2012-07-26

  9. http://www.businessinsider.com/actually-the-gender-pay-gap-is-just-a-myth-2011-3?op=1

  10. http://oratorasaurus.tumblr.com/post/41131660349/the-so-called-pay-gap

  11. http://tgjesusfreak.tumblr.com/post/59991585178

  12. http://wwww.examiner.com/x-22884-Canada-Politics-Examiner~y2010m2d22-Gender-pay-gap-is-not-what-activists-claim

  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/vickiwoods/7957186/Sorry-ladies-Im-not-worried-about-wage-gaps.html

  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/22/opinion/22Sommers.html?_r=1&hp

  15. http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/09/the_wage_gap_myth.html

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa3pKN3XUKM&feature=youtu.be

  17. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/06/business/economy/06women.html?_r=2

  18. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/biggest-shock-fridays-payroll-report-sorry-men

  19. http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/07/share-of-men-in-labor-force-at-all-time-low/?src=recg

  20. http://www.businessinsider.com/women-in-tech-make-more-money-and-land-better-jobs-than-men-20

  21. http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0752118220071107?feedType=R

  22. http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=10630664

  23. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/03/nyregion/03women.html?_r=1&oref=slogin

  24. http://www.ksee24.com/news/local/Young-Women-Earn-More-159818705.html

  25. http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,2015274,00.html

  26. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jennagoudreau/2011/03/14/jobs-where-women-earn-more-than-men/

  27. http://www.womenintechnology.co.uk/news/young-women-earn-more-than-men%E2%80%94news-800761492

  28. http://www.womensviewsonnews.org/2011/10/young-women-now-earn-more-than-men-in-uk/

  29. http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0752118220071107?feedTy%E2%80%A6

  30. http://edition.cnn.com/2005/BUSINESS/03/15/optout.revolution/

  31. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23413243

  32. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/Careers/06/13/dads.work/index.html

  33. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-05-04-equal-parenting_N.htm

  34. http://www.sify.com/news/women-stay-away-from-math-out-of-their-own-free-choice-news-scitech-kk1lubiiiee.html

  35. http://www.science20.com/news_articles/women_science_no_discrimination_says_cornell_study-75984

  36. http://www.payscale.com/career-news/2009/12/do-men-or-women-choose-majors-to-maximize-income

  37. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/christina-hoff-sommers/wage-gap_b_2073804.html
  38. Harvard prof. takes down gender wage gap myth

Wage Gap Is Not Due To Sexism

I think its time to do a full post on the wage gap, fully explained and sourced. OK.

Top Five Jobs Women Take:

  1. Secretaries and administrative assistants
  2. Registered nurses
  3. Elementary and middle school teachers
  4. Cashiers
  5. Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides
Top Five Jobs Men Take

  1. Construction
  2. Engineering
  3. Law Enforcement
  4. Firemen
  5. Electricians
Lets look at the yearly salaries for women’s top five jobs:

  1. $50,220 X
  2. $67,930 X
  3. E: $51,380 X [] M: $51,960 X
  4. $20,370 X
  5. N: $24,010 X [] P:$26,880 X [] HH: $20,170 X
Now lets look at the yearly salaries for men’s top five jobs:

  1. $28,410 X
  2. $119,260 X
  3. $55,010 X
  4. $45,250 X
  5. $53,030 X
As you can see, men lead in all but one category. Construction. Why do the male jobs pay more? Lets find out shall we?

Occupational hazards of women’s top jobs:

  1. Secretaries and administrative assistants X

    • Muscle strain from lifting phones and typing
    • Risk of stapling
    • Working in a cold office increases muscle tension and encourages poor working posture as you huddle trying to stay warm.
  2. Registered nurses X
    • Can be exposed to contagious and infectious diseases
    • Can come into contact with chemicals
    • Overexertion
    • Radiation
    • violence at work
  3. Elementary and middle school teachers X

    • Bacterial and viral infections
    • Threatened with injury
    • Repetitive stress injuries
    • Mental stress
  4. Cashiers X

    • Robberies
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Back pain
    • Swollen feet
    • Leg pain
    • Normal exposure to colds and flu
    • Shoulder and neck pain
    • Sleep problems (if working the night shift)
  5. Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides

    1. Nursing Aide X

      • Infection control
      • Back injuries
      • Hazardous materials
      • Repetitive stress injuries
    2. Psychiatric Aide X

      • Minor infections
      • Major diseases
    3. Home Health Aide X

      • Exposure to communicable diseases
      • Above average risk of infection
Occupational hazards of men’s top jobs:

  1. Construction X

    • Falls from working at height,
    • Crush injuries in excavation work,
    • Slips and trips,
    • Being struck by falling objects,
    • Moving heavy loads,
    • Bad working positions, often in confined spaces,
    • Being struck or crushed by a workplace vehicle,
    • Receiving injuries from hand tools,
    • Inhalation of dust,
    • Handling of rough materials,
    • Exposure to dangerous substances (chemical and biological),
    • Working near, in, or over water,
    • Exposure to radiation,
    • Loud noise,
    • Vibration from tools or vibrating machinery.
  2. Engineering X

    • The Operation of Plant Regulations and Approvals 
    • The Operation of Conveyors and Bulk Materials Handling Systems
    • The Operation of Winding and Lifting Plan
    • The Safe Operation of Mobile Plant
    • The Failure of Structures
    • Inadequate Operator Protection on Mobile Plant
    • Contact with Moving or Rotating Plant
    • Safe Access to Mechanical Plant and Structures
    • Inadequate Energy Dissipation and Isolation
    • The use of Fluid Power Systems
    • Circumstances Leading to Uncontrolled Fires
    • The Ignition of Flammable and Explosive Substances
    • Fire and/or Explosion Initiated by Plant in or Near Hazardous Zones or Hazardous Areas
    • The Handling, Transportation and use of Dangerous Goods
    • Exposure to Hazardous and Toxic Substances
    • Exposure to Noise, Vibration and Temperature
    • The use of Cutting and Welding Equipment
    • Working in Confined Spaces and Restricted Areas
  3. Police Officer X

    • Possibility of attack
    • Physically taxing tasks
    • Stresses of being exposed to negative events in the lives of others
    • Auto accidents while on duty either pursuing a suspect
    • Risk of being shot at or stabbed
  4. Firemen X

    • Cancer
    • Burns
    • Damage to lungs from smoke
    • Falling
    • Physical strain
  5. Electricians X

    • Exposure to lead, solvents, solder, and other toxic materials.
    • Risk of electrical burns and fatal electrical shock.
    • Increased risks of injury from working in confined spaces.
    • Exposure to toxic welding fumes and ultraviolet radiation.
    • Exposure to extreme temperatures with attendant risks of frostbite and heat stress.
    • Injury from work in awkward positions, repetitive manual tasks, and lifting heavy objects.
    • Exposure to toxic molds, fungi, and bacteria.
    • Risk of infections and diseases from exposure to bird or rodent droppings.
    • Risks of falling from working at heights.
    • Risk of eye injury from flying particles.
    • Injuries from slips, trips and falls.
    • Injuries from working with hand tools, power tools and equipment.
    • Stress and risk of increased injury from shift work or extended work days.
    • Exposure to asbestos with attendant risks of cancer and lung disease.

As you can see, the jobs men take more often have a high risk of death and serious mental stress. The jobs that women take more often have a low risk of death and have instead minors risks such as body aches and disease. From the top five jobs by gender, you can see women tend to take safer jobs while men tend to take more dangerous jobs. The danger of those jobs must be taken into account and the people working in those dangerous jobs must be compensated.

The wage gap you hear about is an average of the entire nation. It does not represent a man and a woman in the same job field. It represents every single man and every single women in the USA. That is why it is called average. As you can see, women tend to take lower paying jobs while men tend to take higher paying jobs.

A reminder - Feminists keep insisting Meninism is a real movement, too...

Twitter abuse - '50% of misogynistic tweets from women'


When Feminists are called before the UN to discuss cyber-bullying, they present it as a case of those wicked men hurting helpless Damsels in Distress - and the UN applauds their wisdom.

Trouble is, it's a lie, and Feminists have known it was a lie for a long time, because I can tell you from experience, they lurrrv to abuse people through social media.

I'm an atheist, but I don't have to block religious zealots. In my life I've blocked on neo-Nazi, and in their case, they were being polite to me but they were just too revolting in their ideology to try to even talk to.

The abusers will always be Feminists.

And you can prove this. Take the Gender Wage Gap. Look up feminist sources for it (basically a Feminist says it's true so it is) and sources against (every economist under the sun).

Create a disposable profile, and say "The Wage Gap is a myth" on a Feminist site, along with a source. Say "the Wage Gap is the truth" on an MRA site with a source.

MRAs will try reason. Feminists will just tell you that you must hate women, that you must be unattractive, that you are scum, that they look forward to your death.

Feminists can't argue with logic so they will always work through emotional manipulation.

They will try to crush you as a person because they cannot defeat your arguments. Feminists don't have debates - they have consensus. They are not skeptical - They Listen And Believe.

Feminism is a cult, and the world will be better off when it is gone.

See also:

The UN proposal on cyberbullying is a blueprint for censorship Seventy years since its foundation, the United Nations has been taken over by the concerns of a small group of privileged middle-class women (source)

U.N. Says Cyber Violence Is Equivalent to Physical Violence Against Women

2015 International Women's Day March
Feminists define online abuse as a crime by men against women equivalent to a physical attack, even murder.

Even then, they move the goalposts to make "I do not believe you" count as abuse.

Dissent is intolerable in their minds.

Further Reading

I love the fact that when Feminists can't deny the reality, they'll double-down!

Feminist: Men are harassing women on the internet, because they hate women! This is why we need Feminism!

Anti: No, people are harassing other people, and women are doing to so more than men.

Feminist: That's a lie! You are not listening to our lived experiences! Stop man-splaining!

Anti: There's plenty of data - in fact we have been giving you references for this for years now and you just ignore them.

Feminist: But men are using gendered insults because they hate women!

Anti: No, people are using effective insults, because they want to hurt other people. They will call each other by names because that works - they don't literally believe that someone else stinks, they will say it because false accusations can hurt just as much as real ones.

Feminist: Well ... some absolutely new information has just reached me that totally has nothing to do with what you've been saying, that women are abusing other women - and this is why we need more Feminism!

It's the Patriarchy using mind-control rays that makes them do it! Women are not responsible for the wrong they do!

See "When women can be misogynist trolls, we need a feminist internet" for an example.


TL;DR - 50% of Online Misogyny Caused by Women

- if you like his work, please consider donating to his patreon, https://www.patreon.com/TealDeer.




Demos study "Misogyny on Twitter":


Demos study is 'flawed' if your hat is made of tin foil:


Twitter analytics:


PEW research:


Why women use sexually aggressive language towards each other:


The 'will be updated in two weeks' broadband commission report for the UN:


The terrible version is still live though if you want to go laugh at how bad it is, apparently UN women are still standing by it:


A different study that found a 60:40 split for misogyny on twitter. 60% perpetuated by women:


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Genocidal Feminist Fantasies

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e6/The_Last_Man_on_Planet_Earth.jpgThe Last Man on Planet Earth (TV)

No Men Beyond This Point Official Trailer #1 (2016)

I know there's a russian one? Hmm.

Feminists try to outlaw male sexual freedom

What is it with Feminists and their fear and hatred of male sexuality?

A response to https://archive.is/Xyd3q

Archived from http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/sarah-silverman-abortion-sperm_us_57433e93e4b0613b512aef44?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013&section=australia&utm_campaign=FB&utm_medium=urlshortener&utm_source=nar.al

26 May 2016 00:43:29 UTC

"If we're going to dictate what women do with their bodies, might as well dictate what men do with theirs."

Feminists have been trying to control male masturbation for a while now; it doesn't surprise me that they would try to conflate it with killing a child. Seriously, there's no tactic too low for them.

But here's the thing - we already dictate what men do with their bodies. We don't let men hit children. We don't let men kill children. So it's not exactly unreasonable to say women shouldn't be allowed to do those things either. And with abortion - it's pretty difficult to come up with some rational explanation of how that is not killing a child.

At best, you can say it's a child with less value to society than the mother's continued comfort. There are rare circumstances where you have to choose one life over another. But generally I have to wonder - just how many abortions do Feminists have? Do they not understand that contraceptives exist?

"Look, Sarah Silverman gets it."


Yes, but she could get it treated, at least, she doesn't have to scratch in public.

"We live in a country filled with anti-abortion activists "

Do you? Then why isn't it illegal? Or are you saying a minority of zealots have made abortion legal despite the country being filled with people who don't agree with it?

" In 2016"

Ah, here we go. The Feminist answer to everything is to state the date. Whenever they need an argument answered, they look at a calendar.


"But if we're going to defend the right of men to enact laws"

Tell you what mate. Why don't you fuck off and form your own country where men don't have that right, and we'll ring it with mines to make sure none of you escape and infect the rest of the world with your fascist fuckery?

" Shouldn't we do the same with men who wish to regularly masturbate"

No, because a gamete and a zygote are different, you pathetic panderer.

Fetus - a young human zygote, aka a child.
Sperm - a male gamete - not a child.
Feminist 'Ally'.
Unable to tell the difference between a child
and what they suck out of their partner's rectum.

"Scientists have found that sperms cells smell"

No, that's an over-simplification, but using the same logic, so do bacteria.

"Sperm is life."

No, sperm is a-live.Get it right, dimwit.

"And you know what that means: We’ve gotta legislate that shit."

We do - if someone's sperm contacts an ova, the originator is liable for child support - even if it was obtained through rape.

Cases where men have used condoms, which were stolen or sabotaged, or had oral sex - which was then used for insemination against their will - have gone through the courts. Silverman is a comedian, but she's the Feminist idea of an expert on law - which is why she knows nothing but her feelz.

The Feminist vision of Family.
He provides child support for children he never sees.
She can imprison him if he loses his job or becomes ill.

He is For She.
He has no rights of his own.

" Silverman noted that multiple states still require women to look at an ultrasound of their fetuses before they make the final decision to go forward with their abortions."

Because that brings the reality of the situation to mind. A child will die. You can't find many humans who give a damn about killing gametes.

Are you really going to argue that getting the ovaries removed is mass murder?

" why don't we have men do something similar whenever they are about to sexually relieve themselves?"

Fucking hell. So Feminists sexually relieve themselves by getting pregnant? That's a very particular fetish!

"What we’ll do is -- it’s a real simple procedure. We take a really long needle-like basically GoPro camera and we put it down your penis hole, urethra … then down into your testicular sack,"

Yeah, and then we put it through your eyeball and deep into your brain - swish, swish, swish.

Fuck you, you pathetic worm, trying to ingratiate yourself with the Feminists you lust for by throwing other men under the bus, and by applauding the death of tiny babies.


Baby or Feminist; which do you prefer?