The above is the Feminist perspective - and i noticed it was being printed in other articles back at least as far as 2013, so I assume the author just copied and pasted from some other true believer and called the day's work done.
Compare this to
Feminists cannot enjoy sex with men. That would be Patriarchy. Instead they must receive sex from men. |
"Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it, and after many years of it," Baumeister concludes after reviewing several surveys of men and women.
This isn't just true of heterosexuals, he says; gay men also have sex more often than lesbians at all stages of the relationship."
So when real scientists look at the issue, they find men want sex more, they find men get almost all of their tactile comfort (hugging etc) from sex, and that men are easily and quickly satisfied in most cases.
A Male, running late for the Wednesday night meeting of The Patriarchy |
If men are receiving pleasure, that's because they are stealing it from women because they are soulless hate-filled devils... or something.
"Imagine calculated how many orgasms you and your last sex partner owed each other"
Well, the answer is zero. Because all that is owed is that you give to your partner and they give to you, in a reasonable fashion, and if it's not acceptable, you communicate, and if that doesn't work, you end the relationship.
Demanding male and female biological responses be identical only makes sense to a post-modernist - and Feminism is post-modernist - because they believe that reality is a social construct, and if you don't like the facts, then the facts are wrong.
Men and women are different.
Men can ejaculate without orgasm, or without much of an orgasm, and a feminist will naturally regard that as equivalent to the experience of the female climax - even though objective scientific studies show that to be false.
In addition, a lot of women have trouble with sex with other women - yet a Feminist cannot comprehend this as being an issue, since lesbian sex is pure and perfect in their ideology.
[ "Among many other findings, their research showed that lesbian couples had less frequent sex than anyone else. And thus was born the trope of “lesbian bed death.” A majority of comparative studies in the past 30 years have replicated these results, although a few have found no differences between lesbian and heterosexual couples....
we have questioned whether “sexual frequency” is the most valuable measure of the sexual health of a relationship"
If “sexual frequency is not the most valuable measure", why would orgasm frequency be?
"Only about 15% of the lesbians had sex more than twice a week, compared to 50% or more of the others, and about 40% said there were weeks when they had no sex at all, compared to less than 20% of the rest of the sample."
So it's reasonable to conclude that men need sex more often.
"But if you looked at how long each sexual encounter lasted, women in same-sex relationships were champs. Gay men and especially male and female heterosexuals reported typical sexual encounters of a half hour or less, often much less. Lesbians, on the other hand, described sexual sessions lasting upward of 30 minutes, and nearly 10% reported encounters of two hours or more. " (source)
And it's reasonable to conclude that women need longer sexual sessions. Now, how many people can do two hour sessions every night? As compared to the few minutes that straight men might desire?
In short, then, the straight men are making do with small amounts of pleasure more often - which feminists are claiming must be removed so that the entire act is gynocentric and joyless for males - unless they are gay, presumably! Perhaps Feminists will target gay male sex as heresy?
Feminists do not deal well with people who ask questions. |
"On average, only 57% of women are having orgasms most or every time they have sex. The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior found that while 91% of men got off during their last sexual encounter, only 64% of women came"
57%? 64%? These numbers are inconsistent - and also don't mention the sex of the partner. If the women aren't cumming when they fuck women - how is it you can blame that on men?
It's very hard to keep up with the current Feminist 'reality'. So women shouldn't have sex with men - but if they do, they must make it as miserable as possible? Huh! |
" a 2014 survey found that gay men come about 85% of the time"
Wait - so this 'survey' - and surveys are the source of all the knowledge here, they don't bother measuring things in labs - shows that gay men are less adept at pleasuring each other than straight women are with straight men?
No, at that point I'm going to say you just don't have any credibility. Surveys can be quite vulnerable to manipulation, and the results of one survey - where we don't see the questions or how participants are selected - have to be taken with skepticism.
I note that Feminists consistently ignore surveys they dislike - e.g. men reported being “made to penetrate” i.e. being raped at virtually the same rates as women reported rape (source), so I'm going to say that the likelihood is that all of the surveys used by them in this article are dodgy as hell.
I suspect this is the real reason Feminists want women to keep having sex with men. It's really difficult to get them to pay for your kids when they know they aren't the father of them. Sure, you can get away with it for a few cases - but sooner or later, men will turn around and collectively say NO. And then Feminists will be completely destroyed. They can't survive without us - but humanity has done perfectly well without them. |
Frankly, the soft sciences can go fuck themselves. Either you apply rigour to your practises - or you are worthless.
So let's get to the real meat of the matter.
"most guys don't care about making you come"
The inevitable misandry - but you also said that gay guys don't care about making each other cum. So apparently all men hate everyone. What monsters!
Simple solution - Feminists shouldn't associate with them. Just wear a Feminist symbol - black shirt and jack-boots should do the trick - and men will steer clear of you. We aren't idiots. We can find non-Feminist women - who cope pretty well with having sex with men - and you Feminists can fuck off.
"Some are annoyed at how much work it requires on their part."
Well, could that be because women and men are different, and the usual complaint is that men can cum in seconds but women can take an hour?
Could it be that having a woman lie still and open her legs is all she has to do in some cases, whereas he had to do the equivalent of a marathon?
If "the future is female" then why aren't you bitches just fucking each other instead of moaning about how awful sex with men is?
Are we stopping you?
Good grief no, we'll pay for recordings of the better looking efforts! It's win-win!
"This orgasm gap could have something to do with the assumptions and gender roles that often get associated with sex" 'researcher' Jessica Wood
- oh yes, that totally gives me confidence in the result. So a Feminist dons her gender ideologue glasses, figures out what result she wants, does some bullshit psuedoscience, gets the result she wants, and wow, it's all because men are evil, who coulda seen that coming!
I think a lot of the time spent on Feminist sexual pleasure is simply devoted to assessing whereabouts they keep their sexual organs in the first place. |
"I have never slept with anyone who was interested in keeping count and balancing the numbers, Michelle said, noting that her partners' collective selfishness has been detrimental to her sex life."
Ok, so let's look at the numbers. How many minutes did you spend actively pleasuring your man? Lying still and staring at the ceiling doesn't count, bitch.
And how long did he spend on you?
Was it twice as long, three times, ten times?
Masters and Johnson found that men took about four minutes to reach orgasm with their partners. Women took about 10–20 minutes to reach orgasm with their partners, but four minutes to reach orgasm when they masturbated.[5]
What is the bet that most men were doing most of the work even when they were just pleasing themselves? They then do most of the work - if not all - in pleasing their partners?
So for a man to please a woman is the equivalent of a woman pleasing a man five times over. And Feminists see that - somehow - as oppressing women?
Considering most sex occurs late at night, when people are tired anyway, is it any wonder that they might not want to limit the time, especially as they may have worked double shifts or have to deal with toddlers who disrupt what sleep they have?
The number one question Feminists are avoiding with their surveys is: are you happy in your relationship?
Feminists don't ask women that because they don't want women to be happy with men. Destroying heterosexual relationships is one of their key goals, after all - it's why they teach little kids that heterosexuality isn't normal.
"Just some slight generosity, just making sure I come when he comes"
So then he's exhausted - and probably can't get it up, let alone cum. Most people aren't teens or in their twenties - the majority of people in the West are in their middle age, they work long hours, they raise kids - so this is a recipe for disaster.
All it means that instead of men getting some satisfaction from a brief lay, they now exist to serve, HeForShe - and will associate sex with work instead of pleasure.
So either men will find ways to get out of work - I mean sex - not really much difference there - or they'll find a new partner who doesn't guilt trip them into doing five times as much work for their pleasure as they receive.
This is a pretty good argument for men to either find non-Feminist women or a sexbot.
(But then again, Feminists want men who use sexbots to be arrested for rape)
And Feminists can then write angry blog posts about how men must be forced to lick them out, it's demanded of their revolution - and not fucking them is, of course, Patriarchy.
There are plenty of women whose satisfaction does not come from what Feminists understand to be sex. |