Monday 1 August 2016

NSFW: Feminists HATE sluts!

Feminism is here to shame all those damned sluts!

Prominent Feminist Taslima Nasreen tweeted:

"Here’s Melania Trump (right), America’s would-be first lady."

She was very excited by a chance to humiliate the slut who made her feel so ugly... I mean, who was terribly exploited by the Patriarchy and who needed saving from herself!

Feminist Initiative, Sweden's Feminist Political Party

Did she not read the memo? No proper Feminists likes that?

the one on the left actually identified as a woman,
in which case it's perfectly proper!
I mean, I would have thought she'd be pleased to see women lying with other women, rather than being a horrible penis-loving gender traitor!

"Desi narrowminded conservative misogynist men"

If they are misogynistic, they hate women. It seems a bit strange that they'd be applauding this woman if they hated all women. This is a typical feminist tactic - when men say anything you don't like, just hit them with the slur that they hate all women.

Remember when a pop song drove Feminism into a frenzy?

You had a blonde white woman being used as an object!


But it was by a black woman,
so that is the right sort of objectification!

Defining yourself as a body part is strong and empowering!

It's a terrible thing to say, because if there's one weakness men have is that most of them would give their lives for the women they love. But because the slur is impossible to disprove, feminists sling it about with malicious glee. They really are an appalling bunch!

But this is the strawman she's built here. Everyone mocking her hypocrisy in slutshaming Melania is being painted as conservative (which to Feminists automatically is heavily loaded with preconceptions - and is farcically untrue, many antifeminists are classically liberal).
Gay men who like Trump are clearly just narrow minded misogynists!

As for painting us as narrow-minded? Sweety, you're the one getting her knickers in a twist at the thought a woman might like to do things that make men's naughty bits stand up!
Feminists are happy to parade about with their vulvas hanging out

- but should you feel lust, they are ready with the shame!

So long as you are male, of course!

"Pornography/prostitution has nothing to do with women's emancipation"

Bullshit. Making money gives you power. Which is why people do it. You go down a coal mine or up a power line because it pays the bills, even when it means risking your life. Modelling or sex work is no different. Some people might enjoy their jobs, but almost all workers are doing it because they have to.
Feminism has no consistency.

Is sex work bad or good?
Do strippers need to be saved?
Is it ok for women to want men?

The only certainty is: "Men bad! Women good!"

That's how reality works. You don't get free stuff because you deserve it. You have to earn the stuff you want.

Feminists are naive communists. They think they can overthrow capitalism and have it that women just get free stuff because vagina.


Outside of fantasy, food does not rain down from the sky. Houses do not build themselves. We earn our bread with the sweat from our brows and the blood from our blistered hands.

It's totally ok for female reporters to leer at and fondle a male athlete - but if this was gender reversed? Rape culture! Misogyny! Hatecrime!

"...something to do with sexual objectification"... something which has never been proven to exist, and is simply asserted time and again, a matter of faith.

Feminism: the doctrine that it is bad if a man does it, and good if a woman does it.

A man gazes with lust at a woman. The lust transforms her from a person into an object.

Only if it's a man, mind you. Feminists believe that female lust is pure. If women do to men what men do to women - it's totally ok, because... vagina!

This woman is too pretty! Unacceptable!!!

This nudity is acceptable to Feminism!
It does not cause boners!


But let's imagine a genie decided to make Feminist dogma true, and male lust could indeed 'objectify' women.

Why the hell would men allow them to be CEOS, Queens, even the leaders of Empires? Why would men commit suicide when their wives died, but not when their cars died? Why would a crime against a woman be treated so much more seriously than against a man?

And why would we punish women with jail sentences if we men thought of them as objects? Wouldn't we just destroy defective units?
It's funny how non-feminist countries have no problem with female soldiers,
but feminist countries see women as weak, in need of protection.

Why the fuck would men give objects the vote? Give them guns and bombs and tanks? Give them the power to take life at a whim?

Feminist 'objectification' is superstitious clap-trap.



See Also:

Women 'objectify men more than vice versa:

"Although all participants spent the majority of their viewing time looking at the genitals, female faces, and female bodies in the photos, women using hormonal contraceptives looked more often at the background of the photos and clothing than did men. That study also found that men looked more often at the female actors’ faces in the pictures than did women."


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