Yes, because during Gloria's time just about all women were abused by their husbands.
Feminism does do things for men, just not as much as it does for women. I don't see why in order for you to care about a cause it has to hurt you not to.
Women don't have equal rights to men. Not social, economic, or political. Only legal.
Men's rights women don't have (in the west):
-To not shave
-To not be sexually objectified (which leads to eating disorders, depression, and self-objectification which has a direct correlation to the fact that less women are in STEM fields)
-To not be slut-shamed
-To not be victim-blamed
-To get drunk in public without a high chance of getting raped
-To go topless (Some places it's not even legal)
-To not be catcalled or street harassed
-To not be called bossy for something a woman would be called bossy for
-To not be taught to value their appearance over everything else including intelligence
-Not to be told they need plastic surgery if they aren't "perfect"
-To not wear makeup and not be considered lazy or ugly
-Not having bills proposed to regulate your body
-Not getting paid only 77% of people of the opposite sex IN YOUR SAME POSITION
-Not to be encouraged not to do science or be smart so that you don't seem unattractive or intimidating
-Not being told to go make a sandwich as if that's all you're good for
-Not having your gender regulate that you are always overly emotional according to society
-Having your opinions validated by other men
-Not having someone repeat exactly what you just said and getting credit
-Not having your genitals be a symbol of weakness in society
-Having men validate you when you say it's not your job to do household chores
-Not have people assume you're a bad driver because of your sex
-Not being compared to a dictator who killed like 6 000 000 people when saying you want gender equalilty
-To not have it be assumed that youre a lesbian (like you did to me) or ugly (as if these makes your argument less valid) for wanting gender equality
-To not have a 1 in 4 chance of being raped
Is that one enough for you?
Feminists don't want those inequalities against men you stated.
"this is carried over into the media treatment of female pedophiles, who are routinely described having 'affairs' with their victims. When a woman commits crimes, people speculate on how some man must have made her do it. Women have successfully argued, for example, that domestic abuse *in a prior relationship justified the murder of a current partner - ad gotten away with it." I do not think that this is ok and neither do the rest of feminists. Also there shouldn't be any shame in being a pedophile. There should be shame in sexually abusing children, which not all pedophiles do.
Men rape more than women do, and women are raped more than men are. You are totally wrong.
No, feminists don't like to think that children are always safe in the hands of women. That enforces the idea that women are the caretakers and men are naturally violent which feminists very strongly protest. Maybe you could watch at least one of the videos I posted above.
By definition, misandrist feminist is an oxymoron.
The people you call feminists dont want equality, so by definition they are not feminists. I am a feminist.
"Yes, because during Gloria's time just about all women were abused by their husbands. "
Where's your evidence for that extraordinary claim? How do you know men weren't abused in turn?
"Feminism does do things for men, just not as much as it does for women."
There's no evidence of it helping, and plenty of it harming - evidence you ignore.
"I don't see why in order for you to care about a cause it has to hurt you not to."
I care about a cause that is positive, rather than negative. A few nice words doesn't erase a single bad deed - and oh, Feminism has so many.
"Women don't have equal rights to men. Not social, economic, or political. Only legal."
"a set of moral and legal guidelines that promote and protect a recognition of our values, our identity and ability to ensure an adequate standard of living"
"Men's rights women don't have (in the west):
-To not shave"
Women can choose not to shave. Just as men can. Women do choose not to shave, just as men do.
There's no moral police force that arrests a woman for not shaving her legs.
You don't seem to understand what a "right" is. It's not a preference, it's not something you do to make yourself more attractive, or be more likely to get a job. None of the things you talk about here are rights.. you are completely delusional and just want to change the subject. So I'll answer you and block you, because I can't say i respect you at all now.
"-To not be sexually objectified "
You don't understand the meaning of the word 'object'. A dildo is a sex object. I can break it and face a small fine or maybe a short stint in prison if I'm really lucky. A woman just has to allege sexual assault and get a crowd ready to kill the accused.
Women have never been sex objects, unless you count the times when we had slaves - and then men were treated the same.
You don't appoint an object to rulership of a kingdom, like Elizabeth 1. You don't give them TWO NOBEL PRIZES, like Marie Curie.
You feminists are so lost in ideology that you are blind to reality. You don't care about the facts; you love lies so much you think they are better than truth.
"-To not be slut-shamed"
Oh, so shaming people because of their sexual behaviour is bad, is it? So feminists don't call men 'creeps' for asking them if they want a coffee? Bullshit!
"-To not be victim-blamed"
Hmm. And feminists don't do that to men? What happens when men are raped in jail? They are told they deserved it. When they are beaten by women in public?
Huh. Not only are they blamed - but others join in.
"-To get drunk in public without a high chance of getting raped"
'high" chance - bullshit! Women get drunk in public all the time. The rape cases are trending down - and the number of men and women raped is approximately the same. But then thanks to Feminist rape apologist Mary P. Koss, they can't be charged with it in the US, sso I'm pretty clear you Femin ists have no problem with that.
"-To go topless (Some places it's not even legal)"
Gasp! You mean.. nature has given us different bodies! You mean.. women have sex organs on their chest and men don't? Shocking! How dare nature give women additional areas for stimulation and even orgasm! How .. oppressive! Yep, that's one right women have that men don't. But quite a few men would have boobs if they could.
"-To not be catcalled or street harassed"
Cat calling is a bullshit feminist term that means anything from "you have nice eyes" to "suck my filthy c**k", so excuse me if i can't take it seriously - but HARASSMENT IS ALREADY ILLEGAL. Women can, and do, have men arrested if they are harassed. Yet despite the fact street cameras are practically everywhere and almost everyone has recording devices with them at all times, there's no evidence of the 'wave' of cases.
Feminists never provide evidence for their bullshit. They have only slurs instead - blood libel against the hated men. "The Jews are poisoning the wells", they whisper, "we must kill them all".
"-To not be called bossy for something a woman would be called bossy for"
Ok, that's idiotic. Again, you have no bloody evidence that females are called bossy differently than males are. Leaders lead, bosses boss. Bosses should be called out, because they are bad leaders.
"-To not be taught to value their appearance over everything else including intelligence"
And who is teaching them that? I don't remember that in the curriculum. Oh you mean in women's magazines.. written.. by women.. by feminists, in fact.
It's certainly not men saying it. Men hate fakes. Men see the 'geek girls' and will test them out to see if they are just a pretty face or if they genuinely know their stuff. If they are smart, they're in, no question. They might not get laid as much - but if you think that doesn't apply to men, you have another thing coming. It's not Albert Einstein who creeps into the fantasies of young ladies.
"-Not to be told they need plastic surgery if they aren't "perfect""
You don't have a RIGHT to be appealing to others. NO-ONE HAS A 'RIGHT' TO GET LAID. Even in a barrage of idiotic misunderstandings of the word 'right', this one stands out.
Who the fuck is going around to women telling them they need plastic surgery? Plastic surgeons? Do they knock on doors? No, that's crap. Women's magazines, run by women, set the beauty standards for women, and advise women on how to compete with other women.
Because sexual attractiveness is *power*. And women get off on it in a big way; or do you think John Merrick was lusted over? It didn't matter that he had a bright mind and a gentle nature; his appearance was what women valued.
Gosh. Maybe women and men are equally lustful and visually stimulated? "No, never!!" cries the Feminist, outraged at being knocked off her pedestal.
"-To not wear makeup and not be considered lazy or ugly"
"-Not having bills proposed to regulate your body"
Hahaha, oh god, you're serious?
If a man and a woman have sex, she can decide if she wants to keep the child unless there are particular circumstances. He has no say. She can choose to force the father to pay for a child he will have no rights over, and have him imprisoned if he can not pay. Even if he was raped by her. Even if he was raped by her AS A CHILD.
And Feminists make damn sure that no-one regulates a woman's body like they do a man's. Every time there's a war, men are told they must fight or be imprisoned, they must kill or be killed. Women are not.
Strangely, non-Feminist countries have no problem with female conscription.
It's almost as if Feminists saw men as disposable money objects, expendable bullets in the military machinery. As things. Why do Feminist love objectification so very, very much? Why are they incapable of seeing men as people?
"-Not getting paid only 77% of people of the opposite sex IN YOUR SAME POSITION"
That's horrible! Ok you got me on that one. If only someone had passed a law making that illegal.
Oh right, they did. Before you were born.
You are complaining of lacking a right that you have never experienced the absence of.
Did you want to complain you are not allowed to vote while you are at it?
"-Not to be encouraged not to do science or be smart so that you don't seem unattractive or intimidating"
Lots of women are encouraged; if anything, they are encouraged to the point where males are being washed out of education. The amount of free scholarships etc for women is astounding. No-one encourages males. We just do it.
So maybe the reason you aren't doing science and repeat the wimminz studeez propaganda is.. you just aren't good enough for a science degree?
"-Not being told to go make a sandwich as if that's all you're good for"
I wouldn't trust you to hold anything sharper than a rubber ball.
"-Not having your gender regulate that you are always overly emotional according to society"
You really have to get your story straight on that one. Guess who uses their periods as a legal defense in murder trials? I don't see any Feminists protesting that!
"-Having your opinions validated by other men"
(*swaps in a new keyboard as the old one lies in smoking ruins*)
"-Not having someone repeat exactly what you just said and getting credit"
Nope, I didn't think it was possible but you topped your former peaks of stupidity with that one.
Hey everyone! Feminists really think that that doesn't happen to men! Hey, get a load of that! (*click*)
"-Not having your genitals be a symbol of weakness in society"
I really don't want to have anything to do with *your* genitals. I think even lysol would run screaming from that abomination. Trust me, there's nothing weak about the odour seeping out from below.
But other women, non-Feminist women? They're STRONG.
Margaret Thatcher didn't give a shit about what 'society' thought about her pussy. She just did it. She had more power in her pinkie than you Feminists have in your entire harpy horde.
And the non-Feminist women who, with their men, fight, and kill, and die ... I'd say they don't give a used tampon what you think about. Any one of them is worth a hundred of you.
"-Having men validate you when you say it's not your job to do household chores"
It's not the 1950s. You haven't actually been in a relationship, have you? Unless the man comes from a traditionalist culture, it's a non-issue - and if the problem is you don't like the culture THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RIGHTS.
In some cultures men have to be tough, can't show weakness, must always be ready to fight - and in those the women get to be defended, to do the inside work, the safe work, the work that doesn't get them killed.
Both sexes benefit. But here's the thing; if you don't like that culture, you can leave it. IT'S NOT OPPRESSION WHEN YOU HAVE A CHOICE.
"-Not have people assume you're a bad driver because of your sex"
HAHAHAHA, no you're serious again. You are claiming that a stereotype is the same thing as an oppression; that the right to vote is in the same league as the right to be considered a good driver? You do know people will happily classify Asian males as bad drivers? The truth is young males and females ARE bad drivers, and that's why the insurance rates are higher.
That's called REALITY. If you think reality is oppressing you, YOU NEED THERAPY.
Which applies to most of the feminist complaints. If you substitute "I need therapy" for "I need Feminism", it works really well.
"-Not being compared to a dictator who killed like 6 000 000 people when saying you want gender equalilty"
Hitler didn't kill 6 million people, a political movement did. One that classed people as inferior based on a genetic difference.
What was it Germaine Greer said? Ah yes. Men are "genetic defectives".
And what do Feminists do that the Nazis never did?
The Nazis didn't build the Holocaust in a day. They build up to it, stirring up hate, day after day, using lies and half-truth and appealing to people's fear, making them feel that they were victims, that the enemy was attacking them, that if they were violent it was just self defense.
The Nazis never wrote books or made speeches about reducing or exterminating the jews.
Feminist DO.
The Nazis kept their genocide a shameful secret.
"both feminism and Nazism have
- discriminated against individuals on the basis of their genetic code
- promoted the view that the targeted group was inferior genetically and behaviourally
- promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being labelled as ‘parasites’
- promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being constantly ridiculed
- promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being laughed at even when mutilated
- demonised the target group by labelling them as perverts and sexual criminals
- sought to break the target group away from their families
- promoted the view that the targeted group was responsible for most of the major ills in society
- disseminated lies and disinformation about the targeted group in order to further promote their own ideology
- disseminated lies and disinformation about historical matters
- used intimidation, threats and coercion to prevent their opponents from speaking out
- promoted the lie that the privileged group consisted of innocent ‘victims’ of the targeted group
- demanded special privileges in the workplace for members of the privileged group e.g. preferential job placements for women
- discriminated against the targeted group in educational matters and in the workplace
- perverted the justice system so that members of the targeted group were easily discriminated against in the law e.g. in family courts
- arranged matters so that accusers from the privileged group could be shielded by anonymity in the courtroom e.g. in sex-assault cases.
- arranged matters so that defendants from the targeted group had to ‘prove’ their innocence e.g. in sex-assault and domestic violence cases
- arranged matters so that members of the privileged group could capriciously define what, legally, was to be deemed ‘a crime’, e.g. where nowadays the ‘feelings’ of women rather than the behaviours of men are the determinants of what constitutes ‘a crime’
- arranged matters so that members of the privileged group could capriciously define how the law was to view certain matters e.g. a fetus inside a woman can now be deemed by her - at her whim - to be a worthless piece of tissue or a prospective baby - with all the ramifications of this - regardless of how the father might feel about it all (also sexual harassment, etc.)
- arranged matters so that the law punished members of the targeted group more severely than members of the privileged group for the very same crime e.g. in domestic violence and murder cases.
- arranged matters so that members of the targeted group were made responsible for the choices and behaviours of members of the privileged group e.g. in paternity fraud cases where duped fathers still have to pay child support
- arranged matters so that members of the privileged group who harmed, or even murdered, members of the targeted group were shown undue leniency - and were often actually applauded for their actions
- arranged matters so that the law punished members of the targeted group severely for even trivial offences, e.g. domestic violence, sexual harassment
- arranged matters so that members of the privileged group earned a right to the property of members of the targeted group for no other reason than that they were members of the privileged group e.g. alimony, child custody.
- arranged matters so that certain speech or attitudes directed against the privileged group were criminalised e.g. biased ‘hate speech’ laws.
- punished those who protested against the prevailing ideology; e.g. for being politically-incorrect.
- effectively controlled the mainstream media and the academic institutions and arranged for them to present a dishonest and dishonourable point of view in support of their ideology
- consistently highlighted and exaggerated the achievements and the suffering of the privileged group while downplaying the achievements and the suffering of the targeted group
- ran government-funded educational courses in universities (e.g. Women’s Studies, Title IX) and in schools to promote the privileged group at the expense of the targeted group.
- persisted in a long term campaign of hatred toward the targeted group, e.g. “A women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” “Men think about sex every 15 seconds.”
Bar the heavy violence and the gas chambers - which came towards the end of the Nazis hold on power - feminism and early Nazism are rather similar."
"I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." — Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.
"To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo."
— Valerie Solanas, Authoress of the SCUM Manifesto
"Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex."
— Valerie Solana, SCUM founder (Society for Cutting Up Men.)
"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness…can be trained to do most things."
— Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men, started by Valerie Solanas)
"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage." — Sheila Cronin, the leader of the feminist organization NOW
"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig." — Andrea Dworkin
"-To not have it be assumed that youre a lesbian (like you did to me) or ugly (as if these makes your argument less valid) for wanting gender equality"
"Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice." — Ti-Grace Atkinson
Hmm. It looks like it's Feminists who say you should be a lesbian. Me, I don't think you should inflict your body on anyone.
"-To not have a 1 in 4 chance of being raped"
According to a bullshit survey that feminists did where they classed women as rape victims even if they didn't see themselves as that and were happy being with their 'rapists'.
"Is that one enough for you?"
No, something valid would have been nice.
"Feminists don't want those inequalities against men you stated."
You might want to tell THEM that. They don't seem to have got the memo.
"Men rape more than women do, and women are raped more than men are. You are totally wrong."
Am I?
"No, feminists don't like to think that children are always safe in the hands of women."
(*cough*) Tender Years Doctrine
Oh right, the Patriarchy did that, it's just really cunning the way it made Caroline Norton alienate fathers from parenthood. Gosh!
"That enforces the idea that women are the caretakers and men are naturally violent which feminists very strongly protest."
Where and when do Feminists protest even feebly that women are the caretakers? Because the Father's Rights movement would have loved to have had some support from them. But no, as i linked before, they fight against it all the bloody time.
As for men being naturally violent, fuck yeah, feminist believe that and say that constantly.
"By definition, misandrist feminist is an oxymoron."
Definitions don't work that way. A Nazi can't define Nazism as "a political movement for the promotion of harmony of all races" and be credible. I look at all the man-hating Feminists who your movement celebrates, and has built FAN-CLUBS for, and I think they are more real than your tepid variety.
Your lot gave them awards; your lot cheered them on. You don't get to hide them when the police come around, and claim innocence when the hounds sniff out the bodies of their victims.
"The people you call feminists dont want equality, so by definition they are not feminists."
You don't get to decide retrospectively who is in and who is out. And since none of your mob are protesting the ones who are active now - the ones running political parties like THE FEMINIST INITIATIVE - you'll excuse me if I yawn every time you say that. You are a liar, and repeating the lie doesn't make the lie more true, it makes it boring, and you have bored me long enough.
"I am a feminist.?"
One who has no knowledge of history, who erases every part of your movement you find inconvenient, who ignores the terrible things your group does and invents atrocities to portray yourself as the underdog even as you dictate the laws of the countries and control the bloody UN.
And what do you, as a Feminist, regard as the terrible injustices of this time?
The Suffragists fought for the right to vote.
The original Feminists fought for equal pay.
You fight.. for the 'right' to be found attractive, regardless of whether you ARE attractive. You imagine the only reason people don't feel lust for you is that they are oppressing you.
That's called sexual selection, sweet-ums. It's a bloody law of nature. You are looking at reality and saying "I don't like it; this has all got to go".
Well, why don't you try running at a brick wall, and see who gets out of the way first? Reality isn't going anywhere sunshine. It'll beat *you* anytime.
Bored now. We're done.
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