Wednesday 8 April 2015

"Hating on feminism has become so popular recently"

Hating on feminism has become so popular recently. Some anti-feminists are just ignorant bigots who want women to be their slaves but there are so many who just don’t understand the idea. I thought about spreading the knowledge about this movement so more people could join.

Feminism is not about hating men. I said I was a feminist and that I’m against hating men but you trying to prove me I hate them?
Women are paid less in the same jobs.
I’ve never said I want to make anyone a slave. I’ve never said I want men to be in a military (if this is what you wanted to say because I dunno). Women have maaany difficulties in joining an army in the country I live in (I’m pretty sure in other countries it’s similar). As a feminist, I would love to change that.
Slut-shaming is not about telling people who cheated on their partner that they did wrong. It’s about calling people, who show the love for their bodies, that they are evil.
Soo, you think it’s ok for men to harrass women? No, it’s not. Sorry.
I once was in a very crowded subway. My butt was pulled against some man’s crotch and this guy got a boner. At first I felt sorry for him becuase it could have not been his fault. But he started moving in a particular way, I don’t really know how to explain it and which word to use (english is not my first language which is funny for you for some reason). I couldn’t move. I felt so terrible after that. I can promise you that it wouldn’t matter if he was hot. I don’t even know how his face look like, I was too afraid to look at him.
Heterosexuality isn’t discriminated, why would we fight against its discrimination? I’m a huge sex-positive, no matter whom you want to have sex with.
I don’t know what „feminist literature” do you mean.
I’m 18, if you really need to know that.
I don’t have time for looking for this fucking videos to prove you wrong.
I know there are men who have small penises and are afraid of sex. I stand for them too. My boyfriend had issues with the size of his penis (even though it has a popular, normal size). I was trying to prove him that penis’ lenght doesn’t really matter which is scientifically proved. He couldn’t believed because he had a girl friend, who was anti-feminist, who told him she loves big dicks. I also fight with people who shame guys who are impotent. I know this is a huge problem and I feel sorry for people struggling with it.
I have never heard of man being put in prison for urinating. I’ve seen many men urinating in public and nobody have done anything with them.
Women are NOW expected to BOTH work and do the house-jobs. And this statement about cooking is true. I remember when my dad baked a cake for a party and everyone was so amazed, even though there were other cakes baked by my aunts everybody was praising my dad for his cake.
I told you I hate men being called cowards and not manly.
I’ve heard sooo many people that girls who wear short skirts are „asking for it”. And because some women think that men can’t be raped it is ok to say it is a woman’s duty to sleep with a man everytime he wants?
Women think that men can’t be raped because they believe that you can’t have an erection if you’re not turned on which is, of course, untrue. I think it is a little harder to rape a man when you’re a woman that to rape a woman when you’re a man but it doesn’t make it impossible. All rapes are the worst and should be stopped. No matter gender of a victim.
Patriarchy exists. If it wasn’t, why are men still called not manly?
I’m pretty sure most feminists want to provide for themself because they don’t want to depend on men.
A feminist would never use term ,,a real man”. No. Never. I see mostly men using it.
By emotions you mean your will to fuck us? I meant emotions like crying.
In my language you use a word ,,pizda” which means a cunt. I’m so sorry I don’t know the ethymology of your language. I’M NOT A NATIVE SPEAKER.
drinkmymarrow:   " Feminism is not about hating men. I said I was a feminist and that I’m against hating men but you trying to prove me I hate them?"
    You haven't researched your own movement. Your opinion holds the same weight as a Neo-Nazi denying the antisemitism of the Third Reich.
    Who is Andrea Dworkin?

Catharine MacKinnon?

    What did they say about men? What was their significance?
    Taught an entire generation of feminists, you say? Redefined feminism via Gender Studies classes?

     "Women are paid less in the same jobs."
In most western countries, that's been illegal since before i was born.
        "I’ve never said I want to make anyone a slave."
   They how do you propose getting the dirty and dangerous jobs done without recompense?

    "I’ve never said I want men to be in a military"

Someone has to be. I don't see a lot of Feminists signing up, let alone agreeing to gender neutral conscription laws.  
   " Women have maaany difficulties in joining an army in the country I live in "

Yet they had no problem being used in the Soviet Union and China and Vietnam - places Feminism has never had any say.

They are unlikely to be good at hand to hand combat, but there’s a lot of roles - like sniping and as pilots - that they may be better at than men.

Still, it’s been pointed out that even very unfit men are used in the US army now - the standards have dropped.

" As a feminist, I would love to change that."

Are you saying the Suffragettes of the United Kingdom were antifeminist? They were given a chance to have conscription apply to women in World War 1. They declined and instead worked for The White Feather Movement.

    "Slut-shaming is not about telling people who cheated on their partner that they did wrong."
    It literally is. It is about calling out women for breaking moral rules. That also might include sleeping with men casually, but at the base, you will see the first word women use on another woman who sleeps with their partner is "SLUT"!

    "Soo, you think it’s ok for men to harrass women?"
    No, it's illegal. Point out where I said otherwise.

    "I once was in a very crowded subway. My butt was pulled against some man’s crotch and this guy got a boner. At first I felt sorry for him becuase it could have not been his fault. But he started moving in a particular way, I don’t really know how to explain it and which word to use (english is not my first language which is funny for you for some reason). I couldn’t move. I felt so terrible after that. I can promise you that it wouldn’t matter if he was hot."

You are describing a scenario a lot of women have gotten off on - it's called frottage. And I've had women rub themselves on me too - i think you'd find a lot of guys have.

 "I don’t even know how his face look like, I was too afraid to look at him."       

Which has nothing to do with the scenario I described.       

" If a man approaches them that they find unattractive, they will call him the gendered insult of “creep”. They may even try and have him arrested for ‘cat-calling’. "       

That's what i actually said.       

He didn't approach you, now, did he?

This is called a "Straw Man argument".

"Heterosexuality isn’t discriminated"

Ahh, to be a tumblr-virgin again.

"why would we fight against its discrimination?"

Because... discrimination.... is... wrong?

"I’m a huge sex-positive, no matter whom you want to have sex with."
Gender traitor!

"women who have sex with men are traitors to their sex"

"I don’t know what „feminist literature” do you mean."

"Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex."

"I’m 18, if you really need to know that."


"I don’t have time for looking for this fucking videos to prove you wrong."

Evidence is HARD! Blindly believing things is EASY!

  "I know there are men who have small penises and are afraid of sex. I stand for them too. My boyfriend had issues with the size of his penis (even though it has a popular, normal size).

I was trying to prove him that penis’ lenght doesn’t really matter which is scientifically proved."

Actually, no.

"Research indicates that (i) women's orgasm during penile–vaginal intercourse (PVI) is influenced by fitness-related male partner characteristics, (ii) penis size is important for many women, and (iii) preference for a longer penis is associated with greater vaginal orgasm consistency (triggered by PVI without concurrent clitoral masturbation)."

And when women can specify penis size, they go for the big ones. They buy big dildos, they ask on dating sites for guys with a big package.

"He couldn’t believed because he had a girl friend, who was anti-feminist, who told him she loves big dicks. "

Yes. That's pretty normal. It's also very inconvenient because quite a few women have short vaginas, so intercourse becomes painful. Sexuality is a bitch.

"I also fight with people who shame guys who are impotent."

You'll be fighting a lot here, then; it's a huge part of feminism.

"I have never heard of man being put in prison for urinating. I’ve seen many men urinating in public and nobody have done anything with them."

Maybe it's not a crime over there, it's a serious offense in most western countries.

"Women are NOW expected to BOTH work and do the house-jobs."

By who, exactly? Again, not in most western countries.

"And this statement about cooking is true. I remember when my dad baked a cake for a party and everyone was so amazed, even though there were other cakes baked by my aunts everybody was praising my dad for his cake."

Maybe it was a bloody good cake, or maybe they were just impressed he could manage anything at all. Which would be sexist. AGAINST HIM.

"I told you I hate men being called cowards and not manly. "

Not a fan of Emma Watson, then? Or HeForShe?

I’ve heard sooo many people that girls who wear short skirts are „asking for it”

Define "it". They may mean they are asking for sex, not rape. And a lot of women wear certain outfits to get themselves fucked.

". And because some women think that men can’t be raped it is ok to say it is a woman’s duty to sleep with a man everytime he wants?"

Another Strawman.

"Women think that men can’t be raped because they believe that you can’t have an erection if you’re not turned on which is, of course, untrue."

That's not what Feminists say; they say it doesn't count as rape.

Mary P Koss: Detecting the Scope of Rape : A Review of Prevalence Research Methods which show that it’s not simply a matter of focusing on female victims, but rather a conscious effort to exclude male victims of rape from the term rape.
I’ll quote some pertinent sections:

"Although consideration of male victims is within the scope of the legal statutes, it is important to restrict the term rape to instances where male victims were penetrated by offenders. It is inappropriate to consider as a rape victim a man who engages in unwanted sexual intercourse with a woman."
p. 206

Note how she uses the word “engage”. A man being made to penetrate a woman either by force, threats or coercion is engaging in sex with her? He is the actor.

On screening for rape using adopted colloquial or euphemistic language (like “Has anyone ever tried to make you have sexual relations with them against your will”):

"Among men, the terms “sex” and “sexual relations” may activate schemas for situations where they penetrated women. Clarification is necessary to ensure that male respondents realize that the situations of interest are those in which they were penetrated forcibly and against their will by another person, and not situations where they felt pressure or coercion to have sexual relations with a woman partner."
p. 208
Note how she uses terms like “forcibly” and “against their will” when talking about the men being penetrated while when she talks about men penetrating women she uses terms like “felt pressure” and “coercion”.

She concludes with a set of recommendations, here is one of them:

"2. If men and boys are to be included, care must be taken to ensure that their data are accurate counterparts of rape prevalence among women. This means that men must be reporting instances where they experienced penetration of their own bodies (or attempts)."
p. 218

"I think it is a little harder to rape a man when you’re a woman that to rape a woman when you’re a man but it doesn’t make it impossible."

Feminists changed the law in Australia to make sex while intoxicated now count as rape. They are trying to do the same in the United States and the UK. Imagine you are with your boyfriend. You share a drink and a screw.

Now you can call the police and have him imprisoned. He raped you. That's the law. It doesn't matter that you asked him to have sex, and that he had drunk just as much.

"Patriarchy exists. If it wasn’t, why are men still called not manly?"

Everyone likes to be correctly gendered. Why is it an insult to a woman to call her a man? If feminism doesn't believe in gender, why does it say men can't be feminists?

"I’m pretty sure most feminists want to provide for themself because they don’t want to depend on men."

Emma Watson, at the UN, in front of millions of people, said that women needed men to fight for them. That sounds like they depend on men to me.

"A feminist would never use term ,,a real man”. No. Never."

Welcome to Tumblr.

"By emotions you mean your will to fuck us? I meant emotions like crying."

That's not an emotion, that's a display of emotion - which men do away from women other than ones that they know very well. Mostly, men work out their feelings in other ways.

"In my language you use a word ,,pizda” which means a cunt. I’m so sorry I don’t know the ethymology of your language. I’M NOT A NATIVE SPEAKER. "

But your argument is about the English language - so you are repeating something you were told was true, and still believing it, even when you see that the evidence is it's wrong.

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