Saturday 25 April 2015

The pain of Aboriginal men abused by their women

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24 Sep 2015 11:16:55 UTC
DOMESTIC violence against men is just as common as it is for women in some Aboriginal communities.
But Aboriginal men are hesitant to speak up because they fear being “shame jobs”.
Former Pioneer footballer Geoffrey Miller says there is a lack of services in Central Australia that can effectively deal with these issues men face.
“When I was working with DASA (Drug & Alcohol Services Association), it was the main problem we had,” he said.
“Women have their own legal aid and shelter — it’s all in place, but for men — there’s no shelter.
“What we used to call the men’s shelter was the prison cause that was the only place to go, even if it’s not their fault.
“If they stepped off their track, they ended up in prison — not a shelter.”

I have been pointing this out for years now. DV figures for the NT are extremely high, predictable given the disrupted social structures, but they are reciprocal.

But feminists look only at the figures that suit them and use that twisted cherry-picking to justify having legal discrimination against men in DV; no free legal services etc!!

Almost all DV paints a picture of an evil man and an innocent women.

When NSW police tried to show one example of a male victim, they were shouted at by thousands of feminists on their website.

See Also:

Duluth and the VAWA: "Power and Control"

Where Are All These Abused Men?

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