Wednesday 15 April 2015

Consent Campaign At Oxford College Of Emory University

This is a response to

Are we going to do all this again?

2) The absence of a "no" is not a "yes".

Well, the only acceptable yes to a feminist is a verbalised one - pronounced before any shift in position or activity. To any non-feminist, non-verbal communication is an option. If someone's mouth has been applied to your genitals, you don't need to ask if you can reciprocate.

Feminists claim only verbal consent counts - I can only presume good feminists never have the body parts of their lovers in their mouths - which may well be the case as that would be giving pleasure to a male, which is clearly antifeminist.

And feminists then put in a little catch.

It still does not count. A Feminist can always retrospectively invalidate consent by saying she felt pressured, or fearful.

Even if the lover had recorded the entire event with witnesses and the required number of consent questions had been asked at the required intervals, and every yes  had been signed off on by a Justice of the Peace - it doesn't matter.

In court, she can always claim he gave her a 'look'. How can he prove otherwise. He's presumed guilty, not innocent.

3) Oh. Feminists are still going on about Blurred Lines. Really.



Being in a relationship is implied consent for everyone who is not a feminist.

And I understand, I really do, that feminists view as sex with men as 'problematic' as best; men are hideous rape-monsters, but sometimes a feminist gets an embarrassing itch and needs someone else to scratch it.

The rest of humanity is quite happy to explore this thing we call 'trust'. In means, for example, my lover can go down on me, or vice versa, without waking me up, and if i don't like it, I express that, verbally or otherwise. I don't wait until I'm satisfied, then when my lover ends the relationship, give the cops a quick call to ruin their lives.

Oh right, the cops would never act on my complaint; I'm male. But if I was a female with a male lover, I could do that; it's not like evidence is required now.

But Feminists want their rules to apply to everyone.

Wouldn't it be fairer to simply have feminist relationships, and non-feminist relationships? In the sane variety, we could carry on, having sex without your rules. Meanwhile, any male who enters your space could simply and humanely be shot in the head, thus saving time and paperwork.

5) If someone changes their mind - but doesn't make it clear - then they are responsible. Men do not have telepathy. Feminists might want to imprison men for not being supernaturally equipped, but sane people prefer to let humans obey the laws of physics.

6) "She said yes to a drink, not to sex"

So she had one drink and passed out? Impressive. Was it soft drink? Is she narcoleptic? I will agree that any feminist who is so feeble should never have sex, or interact with men in any way.

It's already illegal to screw someone who is unconscious due to drinking, and there's not a lot of guys who aren't aware of that. But that's not what the Feminists are after, is it? They want to claim that any woman who has touched the Devil's Brew can no longer make any decisions - unlike a man.

According to Feminists, women are but feeble children in adult bodies.

Consent is IMPOSSIBLE.

7) Coercion is not consent.

Really, Feminists think men are unaware of that. Everywhere in the non-feminist world, men will go up to women, throw them down and have their way, and go on, without any thought that might not be socially acceptable.

Of course, feminists re-define coercion on the fly, so they might well decide that saying "would you like to sleep with me" now counts - in the same way they defined cat-calling as anything from "hello" to "have a nice day" if spoken by a man to a women - when the man is considered unattractive by that woman, of course.

8) Alcohol is no excuse.. hmm, might want to tell your other feminists that. It's not our side that is claiming women are unable to consent if they have swallowed any booze.

9) Consent is beautiful? No, it's an ugly bag of pus, thanks to feminists.

10 ) "Love softly"? That's gibberish. A good summary of Feminism; something that sounds like it might mean something, but doesn't.

Recommended Reading:     16 Apr 2015 12:18:34 UTC from


Not indefinite:

Consent may be withdrawn by any party at any time.

Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? In BDSM, that means a safe word or activity; three taps, for example, usually repeated like morse code.

"Recognizing the dynamic nature of sexual activity, individuals choosing to engage in sexual activity must evaluate consent in an ongoing manner and communicate clearly throughout all stages of sexual activity. "

How do you communicate clearly at all stages?

May I thrust? May I thrust? May I thrust? May I thrust?May I thrust? May I thrust? May I thrust?May I thrust? May I thrust? May I thrust?May I thrust? May I thrust? May I thrust?May I thrust? May I thrust? May I thrust?

How many times can you say that?

dAnd of course, since the purpose of sex is to enter an irrational state (i.e. orgasm!), at some point you can either stop talking or stop feeling.

Of course the point is that everyone will break the rules - but then they can pick and choose who to punish. And from the experience with the courts, which group do you think will be most selected?

"Withdrawal of consent can be an expressed “no” or can be based on an outward demonstration that conveys that an individual is hesitant, confused, uncertain or is no longer a mutual participant. "

"Outward demonstration"? Well, that seems critical! A young man's life hinges on the 'outward demonstration'!

So is it defined? Of course not! That might mean anything at all; she might tense up because she's having an orgasm, or because she's now feeling uncomfortable - you, as someone without telepathy, just don't know.

So the only way to pass this test is never to take it; remain celibate.

And remember; if you do masturbate, as a male, you are likely to use porn instead of a vibrator like females do - and that means feminists can and will shame you and even criminalise you for doing so!

Feminism; it hates men. It really hates men.

In response to the comments:

Further Reading:

  1. Consent Continued
  2. Women cannot consent because they are feeble and timorous beasties
  3. Feminists say "not even YES means yes"!


  1. You haven't addressed my argument; instead you are launching what is call an ad hominem attack.

    I cannot 'perpetuate' something which does not exist.

  2. So male and female victims that are shamed daily for what happened to them that is entirely not their faults don't exist? Rapists can get parental rights/claim child support are okay in your book? Marital rape was legal until 1993 (So if I were in a relationship/engaged/married, can I just force my husband to have sex with me if he clearly expressed, both nonverbally/verbally, that he doesn't want to).

    What we are saying here is, if consent is blatantly disregarded, it is rape. This is why people ask, is this alright when you get a new sexual partner and we encourage people to speak up if things get uncomfortable.

    "Rape culture doesn't exist." Tell that to the Stubenville rapists who were called "nice boys who made a mistake" by the media. What a tragic mistake, gang raping someone, filming it, and putting it on the Internet is a mistake like getting a test answer wrong.

  3. You don't seem to understand what a culture is.

    "male and female victims that are shamed daily"

    By whom? Female 'victims' are trumpeted. Claim you were raped, grab a mattress and drag it about campus - and you can claim that for academic credit!

    Even when it turns out you were texting your alleged rapist AFTERWARDS asking for a repeat performance!

    No police charges, nothing, just "Listen and Believe" from a credulous audience.

    A rape culture would be if rape was socially acceptable, instead of a crime so hated that rapists are routinely lynched. And rape has always been treated that way; this is nothing new, go back a hundred years and an accusation was the usually trigger for lynching - even tho' in many cases they turned out to be false.

    Strange Fruit, anyone?

    "Rapists can get parental rights" - yes, which is bad - and applies to BOTH SEXES. It has nothing to do with this subject.

    " Marital rape was legal until 1993" - which might be relevant if it was before 1993. I want you to ask yourself; why are you concerned with solving problems THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLVED.

    "What we are saying here is, if consent is blatantly disregarded, it is rape"

    Which everyone is fine with - where we disagree is the idea that consent a) has to be verbal b) cannot be implied.

    "This is why people ask, is this alright when you get a new sexual partner"

    You are moving the goalposts as these rules apply just as well to long term relationships.

    "Tell that to the Stubenville rapists" who were vilified worldwide? You really don't get it. There are countries, like the Congo, where rape is normal. In PNG, for example, no-one cared if you raped a woman of an opposing tribe.

    Stubenville's situation was where a small elite were treated unjustly - in contrast to the overwhelming national response which was negative.

    Compare that to the case of Phi Kappa Psi, who were judged guilty and physically attacked on the basis of testimony that fell to pieces as soon as the first skeptical person heard it.

    And how long did that take? Far too long, because everyone was busy "listening and believing".

    And what are the consequences to the person making the false accusations?


    if anything, we live in a "false accusation culture".

    And how do feminists react to the news their 'victim' should have been treated with skepticism? That the 'victim' ... lied?

    They double down!

    Yes, even when the police tell her there's no rape here, she's going to plough on, calling everyone who dissents a 'rape denier'.

    Discussion here:

  4. This is the most disgusting and ignorant thing I have ever read. First of all, being in a relationship DOES NOT mean consent has been given. This applies to feminists and non-feminists. Being in a relationship with someone does not mean that you are REQUIRED to have sex with that person. If I am in a relationship with someone, and I explicitly say I do not want to have sex, if that person were to force themselves on me.. that would be rape. Also, all of your arguments basically imply that women don't actually get raped. As a survivor of rape, I have to say FUCK YOU for that because you are wrong and there is no way around it. NO means NO. Period. Your justifications for foul behavior are reprehensible. I'm sure nothing that I say will change your mind because you have clearly reached a level of stupidity that cannot be washed away with a few comments on a blog so I'm not going to attempt to educate you. Smh. Have a nice day sir.

    1. "This is the most disgusting and ignorant thing I have ever read."

      I congratulate you on the incredibly easy and carefree existence you have had thus far. Having read "Mein Kampf" and "The Female Man" et al, i cannot claim as much.

      "First of all, being in a relationship DOES NOT mean consent has been given."

      It does to sane people. We like to play with each other's bodies and indicate to each other when we want them to stop. We don't have to refresh that agreement every time someone changes position - because we have this concept called TRUST.

      "Being in a relationship with someone does not mean that you are REQUIRED to have sex with that person."

      Strawman. Sheesh, I thought you said you had read the article. Quote me saying it does.

      "If I am in a relationship with someone, and I explicitly say I do not want to have sex, if that person were to force themselves on me.. that would be rape. "

      Nope, you didn't read my article.

      Did I say it was reasonable or unreasonable?

      Your time starts... now!

      Tick tick tick tick...

      "Consent may be withdrawn by any party at any time.

      Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? In BDSM, that means a safe word or activity; three taps, for example, usually repeated like morse code."

      Bzzt! Time's up! I said... reasonable! Gosh, what a shocker! Reasonable people agree that consent can be withdrawn - using clear communication! And I gave examples.

      " If I am in a relationship with someone, and I explicitly say I do not want to have sex, if that person were to force themselves on me.. that would be rape."

      Not according to Mary P. Koss. They have to penetrate you. If you're male and they envelop without consent - you're out of luck. No justice for you! That's the case under UK law too - doesn't count as rape.

      "Also, all of your arguments basically imply that women don't actually get raped."

      Bullshit. Still, you didn't watch the videos so I'm not surprised you use the opposite of what i argue because that's convenient to your strawman.

      "As a survivor of rape, I have to say FUCK YOU"

      Err, no, but thanks for the offer.

      " NO means NO. "

      And maybe means maybe, and nothing at all means nothing at all.. should i go on?

      " Your justifications for foul behavior are reprehensible."

      Your arguments are non-existent, but go on.

      "I'm sure nothing that I say will change your mind"

      Are you upset I won't convert to your religion? Oh dear. Never mind, i'm told Feminist "Rape Culture" is being taught to little kiddies who are far too young to think skeptically; I'm sure you'll have a fresh crop of fellow believers soon.

      "I'm not going to attempt to educate you."

      Oh dear, however will i cope?


      A fine newspaper in it's day, but sadly lacking for my saturday read.

      "Have a nice day sir."

      (*tips fedora*) And to you as well! Harrumph! Harrumph, i say!

  5. Is that picture of a grotesque lynching supposed to support your point that historically men have faced discrimination in moral and legal issues. LOOK AT ALL THE MEN STANDING AROUND AND POSING FOR THE PICTURE!

    1. "Is that picture of a grotesque lynching supposed to support your point that historically men have faced discrimination in moral and legal issues."

      No, that's a different topic. Would you like to discuss this topic? Maybe read the article, or see the videos?


      Yup. A woman pointed out a man and cried "Rape!". The idea of rape culture is that rape is acceptable. Did those men accept the rape as normal? Or did they respond with bloodlust and wrath? Did their emotions overpower reason, so that innocent men were murdered?

      Seems to me - as was already pointed out in the videos - that rape is about as unacceptable in our cultures as it can get.

      Unless you re-define rape, of course.

      Feminists know the actual incidence of rape - using force to get sex - has been declining for a long time. So they start re-defining the meaning of the word to boost the stats - suddenly sex while drunk is now rape.

      Only for a woman, naturally.

      Even if the woman and the man, in front of witnesses, whilst being recorded, said together "let's get drunk and have sex". Legally, the woman can accuse the man of being a rapist, in Australi and under the college campus rules of some American (and UK?) universities.

      Women, of course, cannot be accused of rape in most places in the West, thanks to feminists like Mary P. Koss.

      They are immune altogether in Israel and India. Bummer if a woman rapes you; feminists aren't going to help you then!

      Not even if you are a woman. You are collateral damage, in that case.

    2. Lynchings of black men accused of raping white women in the South has much more intricate gender and racial issues that I don't think you understand. You're right though that these lynching victims were on the whole completely innocent of rape. You should read the book, Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching by Crystal Feimster

    3. It wasn't just black men who were lynched.

      "The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites being lynched between 1882 and 1968"

      An accusation of rape is the traditional trigger for a lynching - as occurred recently in India.

      It is partially because of demonisation of a particular group - Jews, or Men, or people of a slightly different ethnicity as in India.

      A sociopolitical movement, like feminism or white supremacism or fascism, drums up the hatred towards that group, the Other - and it finds release in acts of violence.

      From your link: "Between 1880 and 1930, close to 200 women were murdered by lynch mob"

      So around 5% or less of lynching victims were female... yet that is where your focus, as a feminist, lies.

      Tell me again how Feminism is helping everyone?

  6. God forbid that one day someone you love, or even perhaps you, will be a victim of rape. Of course, I would never wish that upon someone. But, if that were to happen, I hope and PRAY that someone will free your mind from such insensitivity and ignorance so you can begin to understand what has actually happened.

    1. "God forbid that one day someone you love, or even perhaps you, will be a victim of rape"

      You cannot conceive that that might have already happened - you imagine everyone would join your religion if you just Show Them The Light.


      It has happened, and i still remain an unbeliever.

      " Of course, I would never wish that upon someone. "

      So you'll be fighting for gender neutral rape laws to replace the ones feminists made to exclude women rapists from statistics?

      You'll be fighting to make sure female rapists are treated as harshly as male ones?

      And that male victims have the same access to rape kits and help lines and legal services... no, of course you won't.

      Feminism is for *everybody* - except men, they can go to hell.

  7. I don't think this article is taking into account actual rape victims. Yes, there are some women who simply "claim" rape but how about the millions of women who have actually been raped? This article boldly trivializes the extent of sexual harassment and the criteria.

    I am not saying "because you're a male you do not understand" but it is more so that you are ignorant to a situation you REFUSE to understand.

    Have you ever had a friend recount the horrors of a rape to you? The lack of consent (verbal or otherwise) from her side and the sheer apathy from the other? How about how this friend among the same million of other rape victims feel after having their body, their sacred temple, violated?
    You don't have to be a feminist to KNOW that you were raped and feel ridiculed by articles such as these.

    1. "I don't think this article is taking into account actual rape victims."

      Did you watch the videos? What did they have to say about actual rape victims? If you don't care to work that hard to find out, how is it you are sure that they say nothing?

      "Yes, there are some women who simply "claim" rape but how about the millions of women who have actually been raped? "

      Whether or not there are millions or billions or quintillions doesn't matter; the question is "is rape acceptable in our society?"

      Of course, it isn't. We no more live in a rape culture than an assault culture or a murder culture; in fact, considering men are routinely assaulted, and expected by our culture to "be a man" and shrug it off, we could be, with far more justification, be said to live in a "male assault culture".

      And what happens when a woman teacher, for example, rapes a student? It's treated as a joke. A woman rapes a boy, has his children, pursues him and marries him - and is treated like a celebrity?

      Find me an example of a man who did the same and is treated so coyly.

      "I Want to Get My Name Off Sex-Offender Register"

      Find me a male pedo interviewed by Barbara Walters - find me any pedo interviewed with sympathy. A man who rapes a child is the lowest of the low, and they are often murdered in prison.

      A woman who does the same?

      How are they described?

      " Former teacher who bedded pupil aged 12 "

      Oh, she 'bedded' him.


      I am not saying "because you're a male you do not understand" "

      That's generous of you. How do you know I haven't been raped?

      "Have you ever had a friend recount the horrors of a rape to you?"

      Yes, I had a friend who was raped by a woman. She found it impossible to get support. Her feminist friends told her to shut up about it. The VAWA is very clear that rape is caused by Patriarchy; the idea a woman could do it undermines the 'message'.

      "The lack of consent "

      And there, as you would know if you'd read my words and not made a strawman instead, there, we differ because of our definitions of consent.

      I have no problem with prosecuting someone for ignoring consent; I just don't think it needs to be yelped out every thirty seconds. I want women and men to be treated equally, as agents and adults.

      And i certainly want the 1500 year old principle of the Presumption of Innocence to be defended.

      "You don't have to be a feminist to KNOW that you were raped and feel ridiculed by articles such as these. "

      No, you just have to be an irrational person. Which covers most of the Third Gen. Feminists, alas.
