TL;DR - Feminists Getting Triggered #Dictionarygate
Published on 30 Jan 2016
[EDIT: 30/01/16]
It has come to my attention that this video may be being flagged as 'harassment' in an orchestrated attempt to silence it ( Feel free to download this video for your own private records just in case this happens. Please do not contact @OmanReagan regarding this video or this issue.
[EDIT2: 31/01/16]
It has come to my attention that this video has had a privacy complaint leveled against it for supposedly revealing personal information between time code 4:00-4:06. A response to this accusation can be found here (
This privacy complaint will be fought under the youtube terms of fair use which state "Examples that would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names, and address information in which the individual is not named.
We also take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed for a privacy violation."
The key words here are "public interest" and "newsworthiness". Changing the dictionary examples is certainly newsworthy and of public interest as can be seen by the myriad of news sites covering the story below (all of which also link back to the twitter profile that this privacy claim is being leveled against).
Criticizing someone's position using their own standard of evidence and showing a different point of view and adding information to a discussion is not harassment. Listing your sources of information for total transparency so that they can be fact checked by the public domain is not harassment or a privacy violation.
Please do not contact @OmanReagan regarding this video or this issue.
It has come to my attention that this video may be being flagged as 'harassment' in an orchestrated attempt to silence it ( Feel free to download this video for your own private records just in case this happens. Please do not contact @OmanReagan regarding this video or this issue.
[EDIT2: 31/01/16]
It has come to my attention that this video has had a privacy complaint leveled against it for supposedly revealing personal information between time code 4:00-4:06. A response to this accusation can be found here (
This privacy complaint will be fought under the youtube terms of fair use which state "Examples that would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names, and address information in which the individual is not named.
We also take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed for a privacy violation."
The key words here are "public interest" and "newsworthiness". Changing the dictionary examples is certainly newsworthy and of public interest as can be seen by the myriad of news sites covering the story below (all of which also link back to the twitter profile that this privacy claim is being leveled against).
Criticizing someone's position using their own standard of evidence and showing a different point of view and adding information to a discussion is not harassment. Listing your sources of information for total transparency so that they can be fact checked by the public domain is not harassment or a privacy violation.
Please do not contact @OmanReagan regarding this video or this issue.
Sources used in no particular order:
"Doctor" of Divinity: