Saturday 11 June 2016

Your art makes me uncomfortable - change it!
Current Female Orc Model (source)
"Okay, but why does the orc lady look more human than orc. I mean I’ve been annoyed about this ever since first playing WoW I know sexual dimorphism is a thing, but fuck, if you were to show someone who never touched the warcraft games a picture of her and a picture of the male orcs they’d say she’s from startrek and not an orc." (source)

Many women, and some men, will find him attractive.
Most men are not threatened by him.
They might wish they could look at least somewhat like him.

Many men, and women, will find her attractive.
Some women will find that threatening.Some men will be ashamed of the way she inspires desire.
She-Hulk in her 'gray' form
Standard She Hulk.

Which do you think people attracted to females prefer to look at?

Which do you think females would rather look like?

“ Okay, but why does the orc lady look more human than orc.”

Women are attracted to beauty in males,
but other features representative of sexual success
are important, such as physical power.

The sex-reversed version simply doesn't have the same mass appeal.
Because people who are attracted to females find that more attractive.

Others have said it's because she's half-orc - I don't care. There's a reason females in fiction get to be pretty, and men can be bestial yet still be attractive.

Because women want to be sexy, and like sexy women even if they don’t want to have sex with them, unless they feel they are unattractive and so are threatened by attractive women, or unless they are religious, and hate those damned sluts.
Unattractive women project their
hatred of attractive women
- their rivals.

They can't admit to hating other women,
so they hate the men who want them by proxy.

The irony is - if you are not physically attractive
(and most can improve it at least somewhat),
then you can seek other paths to attractiveness
- through dance, through kinky outfits,
through song or other displays.

Or you can try and tear down those sluts instead.

“I mean I’ve been annoyed about this ever since first playing WoW”

WoW exists and has been successful because it understands human psychology. There are plenty of games with unattractive females, but attractive females have sold better. Should marketplaces not respond to the desires of consumers?

“I know sexual dimorphism is a thing”

Yeah, like gravity is a thing. It’s interesting that you put a but after it. I know gravity is a thing, but why can’t I just fly around without any effort, fuck, the Patriarchy is oppressing me.

Accept reality. Move on from there. You want movies with women who aren’t attractive? Crowdfund them. Or make them yourself. Don’t get angry because artists aren’t making the art you want.

"if you were to show someone who never touched the warcraft games a picture of her and a picture of the male orcs they’d say she’s from startrek and not an orc. “

Sexual dimorphism:

and, of course,

The circled bit is the male. It survives by eating her in exchange for supplying sperm. Yay?

Even by the premises of your own argument - that sexual dimorphism exists but people should be able to recognise they are of the same species - you fail biology forever.

And it’s not like you failed it because you had to go to a  library or study at uni - the knowledge was a mouse-click away.

But let’s ignore that and go back to WoW.

This is a typical WoW character. Why are you trying to impose science on how Orcs can be depicted, when magic - magic - is fundamental to WoW.

There are Gods. They can fashion races according to their whims, and if they like making orc women look sexy, then who are you to tell them they are wrong?
Who are you to shame us?

And sexy orc females have been depicted consistently when artists, professional or otherwise, have depicted them - we humans prefer sexy women, either to gaze upon with desire, or to project ourselves into.

Skip to the female orc to see how human women interpret orcs - they make them sexy, because being attractive is a form of power - and it's a fundamental drive to any sexual species, without it your genes become extinct, so it's hardly surprising.

Women reproduce by being attractive physically but can compensate through other means- men have to be somewhat physically attractive but can compensate more with physical power and social status.

Historically, only a few men get to reproduce. Most fertile women have done so. It's women who are the gatekeepers of relationships, of sexual pleasure, and of reproduction.

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