Sunday, 31 July 2016

Feminists can imprison men for off-colour jokes

Paloma Brierley Newton speaking to reporters outside court.
Paloma successful imprisoned a man for hatecrime, after he sent her a joke she didn't like.

When asked why she didn't just block him, she replied "why do you hate all women?"
Yes, that was a joke. She really did have him destroyed, however.

31 Jul 2016 21:52:32 UTC

"Zane Alchin, 25, from Caringbah, was sentenced ... for using a carriage service to menace"

So what did he say that was so terrible?

"feminists don’t get any action, so when you rape them it feels 100 times tighter”

This is obviously a joke, as even rapists don't want to stick their dicks in... her... (*shudder*)

"to menace"?

How was he menacing anyone?

Feminists joke about drowning boy babies
just in case
they grow up to become antifeminists.

It's totally cool when they do it, amiright?
He might have been annoying, true, but he made no credible threats. Heck, I remember hearing jokes about tossing babies into blenders. Don't recall anyone being arrested for hatecrime back then.

Perhaps it was because we understood that making a joke is nothing like actually doing something?

This man didn't threaten anyone, all he did was make a few crude jokes. Now, I agree they are in bad taste - but if you don't want to read his stuff, it's trivial to block someone on facebook.

Feminists justify laughing at the weeping of men as being a joke...

They justify laughing at the genocide of men as a joke..

... and physical assault? That's fucking hilarious to Feminists!

What feminists have decided is not only that they don't want to hear jokes directed at them, but you aren't allowed to make them in the first place. And they are the ones running the country.

Feminists constantly make the claim that they are an oppressed class, savaged by evil man-beasts as a part of the global conspiracy by all men against all women.

This is from a feminist video clip, where she is pretending to rape a man with a dildo as a joke.
It is perfectly legal, because a feminist is doing it.

If a man made the gender reversed joke, it would be a crime.
Fainting Couch Feminists
are always ready to be offended,
always ready to be threatened,
always ready to claim to be powerless.

Yet they can get men destroyed on a whim.

Who, exactly, is powerless?

Who, exactly, is the oppressed?

Parodying Feminism is now hatecrime?
Why is it Feminists cannot take a joke?

Morgan was one of the founders of Modern Feminism,
and has
- with the aid of other man-haters like Dworkin
- shaped the movement in her image.

Feminists write our laws.

Feminists hate half of humanity.

Why do we give them that power?

Who is really in power here?

Who is it who gets to ruin someone's life over a joke?


Apparently I wasn't sufficiently clear when i said I was joking about Paloma imprisoning a man. He is currently at large, albeit with severe restrictions on his freedom, and - potentially -  will remain so.

The planet he was living on, however, was not so lucky.

Feminists do not forgive, and they do not forget. Consider yourself warned.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

NSFW: Emma Watson demands a feminist replacement of pornography

Emma: "It's not porn when I do it."

"... discussed the differences between 'pornography' and 'erotica'"
Feminists think that ISIS will stop Islamic slavery,
done according to the rules of the Koran,
if Western men stop jerking off to porn.

If I like it, it's erotica. If I don't, it's porn and it should be burnt, and if you like it, you piece of filth, WE'LL BURN YOU TOO.

"Emma Watson has called for the creation of "awesome alternatives" to pornography"

Emma: I'm doing this to arouse the audience sexually, because that's totally not porn.

Yeah, good luck with that. The Romans did it everywhere, to the point christians destroyed their artworks in the hope of eradicating it. It didn't work for those moral crusaders - they just ended up making more!

"We should at least have a word for sex that is mutual and pleasurable "

We do. It's called "sex". Jeez that was a hard one.

"We were both worried about the envelopment of the earth in pornographic images"
More totally not porn. She does make rather a lot of it.

Get your mind out of the gutter!
Are you touching yourself?

Emma says you must stop that immediately!
Well, unless someone is very busy with an inkjet, i don't think that's like to happen. For one thing - it's going to sink, leading to some very confused sea-life.

"The right wing ... is suppressing sex education"

Rubbish. Does she realise right wing describes half of the voting population? And that sex education exists in the West? Perhaps she is thinking of Islam? No? Can't criticise Islam, that's sexist... or something.

"We should be creating lots of awesome, great alternatives to pornography.”

We are. Almost all art is non-sexual. No-one is forcing poor Miss Emma to stare at naughty piccies.

GQ magazine is totally not porn or anything! Feminists have ruled it incapable of causing erections!
But that's the thing, isn't it? She doesn't care that she's not being forced to view it - she demands others not be allowed to see it themselves.

How dare they have the freedom to choose?!!

1.8 Against Censorship
5 Examples Of Feminist Censorship That Will Make You Rethink Online Bullying
Top end this, let's look at Emma totally not porning away...

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Why do I see Feminism as a Hate Movement?

This is one of the many images it creates as propaganda. First it whips up a fear of men - then it offers a solution. "All we have to do is lock them up - put them in ghettos! Take away their rights! Then we can be safe!"
Feminist propaganda, beat for beat, re-uses old Nazi propaganda.

The innocent women is being ravished by the bestial man.

What is the message here?

What solution to this problem do you think they are proposing? (source)
We have heard this before. This was done to the Jews, because the Jews were seen as unsafe. But the fear was whipped up further - finally the only solution was to eliminate them entirely.
The Nazis didn't start with the Gas Chambers.
They proposed curfews first. Then ghettos. Then elimination.

Feminists are lazy genocidal maniacs.

But here's the thing - lets follow the logic through. Imagine all the men are inside from the hours of 9pm to say 8am - they are allowed out to work for women for a while, then kept indoors so women are safe.
Almost every worker on power lines is men.
Feminists never call for quotas
for such dangerous work. (credit)
Because that would make women safe - there are no violent women, no criminal women, no women who rape or steal... Feminists believe this when it's convenient to believe it - despite the many counter-examples. They care nothing for facts, it's always about the feelz.

But what would happen in their fascist utopia? Well, the place would burn.

Woman who failed FDNY physical test 6 times gets another chance

Well, ok - maybe they are lucky and not everyone is torched - but plagues would hit the survivors because men do almost all the sewage work, men do the plumbing, men do the medical work above the level of doctor, men maintain the power lines that supply water pumps with pressure and the power plants themselves.
Power plants are run by men, and require constant vigilance. (source)

Lock men inside and the power plants would shut down or explode. Lock men inside and water would stop flowing. Lock men inside and fresh plagues will slaughter the survivors.
Just another shit job that Feminists never propose quotas for.

Do they not realise what would happen if men were not doing this?

Do they think shit is oppressing them, and they can shame it away?

Now, Feminists at the top know this, in the same way the Nazis in charge knew the Jews weren't doing anything except existing. Feminists never move and form their own nation, like other groups always have in the situation they claim to be in. They never Separate.

They just try and shame men into submission, and rejoice in their female supremacist hatespeech, and then turn around and say

"why are you against equality? why do you hate women?"

whenever you point to posters like this and how fucked up they are for a so-called equality movement.

Further Reading:

What would happen if no men showed up for work today?

Friday, 22 July 2016

VRAM - err - DRAM Lamentations

Rats! Was hoping the Titan-X prices would have fallen by now, would really like card with loads of vram DRAM? ...whatever the stuff needed for textures is... for Fallout 4 video production etc .

The new nvidia cards seem to be stuck in the absurdly expensive range - possibly because the aussie dollar is like a day old kitten with pneumonia. Nah, it's more that the chinese see us coming and know we're a bunch of suckers. It's not like we can buy from anyone else - who else makes video cards? I know the Japanese used to... decades ago...


So as the title says once again we Aussies are getting the royal screw job with pricing of new nvidia graphic cards. Nvidia says US$599 for the FE edition, that equates to AU$812.

But most retailers here are selling them for AU$1199. Thats AU$400 more then what the US price is saying it should be. I can understand a few taxes need to be payed but CMON $400 more then the US GTX 1080


Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Feminists ban Milo from Twitter?

"Mostly positive".
on IMDB is "Mostly positive"?

(15 Jul 2016 23:44:21 UTC)
So what do the critics say?

Avoid Like The Plague

11 July 2016 | by StoryIsEverything (United Kingdom) – See all my reviews

I went into this movie with an open mind hoping that it would not be as bad as the trailers and TV spots suggest.

It is.

I really wanted this movie to surprise me, to make me laugh to make me care for the characters and have some investment in the story, but it failed to achieve any of that. What I saw was a two hour mess of a movie.

An unfunny, poorly written, poorly edited, contrived cash-in on a beloved classic which has some of the poorest dialogue and worst performances I've seen in a while. The computer generated effects were like something out of a live action Disney picture.

The music, in particular the theme tune was uninspiring and added no impact or energy to the movie.

I honestly can't think of any redeeming qualities that this film has. After waiting so long for a new Ghostbusters film this comes as a major disappointment.

Some things are just best left alone."
Interesting times. The black chick from the Ghostbusters reboot (Leslie Jones ) was being teased by trolls.

Milo told her that everyone gets that, and not to make a fuss about it, as did myself and quite a few others - "don't feed the trolls" as the saying goes.

Milo 714

 Chanty Binks claims on Twitter that he was guilty of hatecrime. Others accuse him of being an "Uncle Tom", which Leslie supported.

Leslie then tweeted "Black Lives Matters"... because she thinks Milo is a white supremacist or something? As Milo pointed out, not a lot of neo-nazis are fond of fucking black men, so it's a pretty odd accusation!

(Black Lives Matter - unless they are black cops, of course, BLM wants those fuckers shot in the head).

Then Milo's account is closed.

Chanty blocked me after I pointed out that if she had evidence for her claims, she would go to the police.

Feminists do not believe in evidence. They believe in the accusation. That is all they require.

If they accuse a man, he should be destroyed; "Listen and Believe"!
 If Milo was guilty of sending the nasty tweets - the police would investigate. Instead, Feminists like Chanty used the opportunity to silence a critic.

Feminists hate Free Speech, and they will always play upon the natural love of men for women - despite the claim that men hate women.

They will play the hapless, weak, Damsel in Distress - despite claiming to be the equals of men.

 Then they will propose the solution to the "harassment of women" is that Feminists be given the power of censorship - and instead of targeting the actual trolls, they will go after their political opponents.

Every person outside of Social Justice is being given a choice. Bend the knee, obey your masters - or we will silence you.

Why does that sound familiar?

Feminists and Islamists, yet again, prove they are birds of a feather. They exploit loopholes ruthlessly to destroy their critics.

This is soft fascism.

It relies on the tendency of the general public to forget the accumulation of small repressive actions, so that they can turn the world into a giant police state little by little.

We cannot allow them to get away with this.
Jewish refugees being marched away by British police at Croydon airport in March 1939.

They were put on a flight to Warsaw. (source)
Because if we don't fight together against this, it will be us next.

[I did have a list of Leslie's tweets about Milo, ShoeOnHead, BLM etc but it looks like Tumblr has censored them. Yes, I was an idiot for not copying them when I had a chance]

Mundane Matt's view on this:

Paul Joseph Watson's view:

"Leslie Jones ADMITS she incites targeted harassment of Twitter users."

Double Standards: Leslie Jones’ Racist Twitter History.

Leslie claims she was hacked but she seems to have a long history of racist behaviour. She also seems happy to do exactly the behaviour that Milo is alleged to have been banned for - inciting a mob to harass the people she doesn't like.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Why do Feminists hate Truth?

To understand why critics of Feminism say it is a hate movement, I refer you to the following:


A reply to a Feminist, who insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that feminists don't hate men.

Here was my original dialogue.

Feminist: "Feminism: great for women... also great for men!"

Sane Person: "Uh huh. So when you disrupted a conference on male suicide by pulling fire alarms, singing "Cry Me a River" and offering to collect the male tears of the brothers and sons of the dead, how was that helping men?"

Feminist: "The fact that you question Feminism is the reason we need Feminism!"

Sane Person: "That's a deflection. Why don't you answer the question?"

Feminist: "Why do you hate women?"

Sane Person: "That's another..."

Feminist: "I bet it because you can't get laid!"

Sane Person: "Will you focus on the issues?"

Feminist: "Pathetic man-baby! Cry me some male tears why doncha, man-baby?"

Sane Person: "Ok, you aren't interested in anything beyond abuse, and we're done" (*leaves*)

Feminist: "Hey! Hey! Did you all see that? He was trying to rape me! Donations pls!"

(Full quote from the feminist in question is far below.)
She replied, and my response to that continues from here.

"Sorry but no, I completely disagree."

Of course you do - you don't care about evaluating new information that conflicts with your ideology.

"You're telling me that I'm not right to tell someone to settle down"

As I said, Feminists would have sworn at you historically if you'd tried that on them. Who are you to decide which emotions others may experience? Why is it you don't object to angry feminists?

" as though that's logical?"

You've completely ignored all evidence we have presented... but now you care about logic?

"the things you are saying are based on misinformation from hate groups. "

You have provided no evidence to back up anything you believe, and dismiss all the evidence you don't like on the grounds that it must be from bad people.

Jess Phillips, the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, angrily dismissed the idea of having a parliamentary debate on issues affecting men, and laughed at male suicide rates. (source)

She then called for male critics of Feminism to be arrested. (source)

This person has enormous political power, is supported by Feminists in the name of Feminism, and wants to introduce laws straight out of 1984, and you insist Feminism didna doo nuffin'.

"Feminism is not a hate group. "

And yet it invented the concept of toxic masculinity, without any correspondent toxic femininity. And it's easy, through word association, to establish feminists hate men.

They never talk about positive qualities of men unless they are filtering their words - when they freely associate, they will use negative terms only for men, who are seen as The Other... and they will only use positive terms for their In Group, i.e. women.

Feminists hate boys
This has been tested over and over.

Feminism is the doctrine of hatred of men and boys.

It's the hatred of PEOPLE.

But feminists are no longer able to see men and boys as people.

Which is why, in Australia, it's legal to pay men less per hour for identical work - men were legally re-classified by the Australian Human Rights Commission - controlled by feminists like Gillard - as not BEING HUMAN.

"The feminists who commented on this page said they don't hate men"

"Your argument is wrong, because of your race". Tell me again how Feminists aren't racist?

Talk is cheap. Lots of neo-nazis say they don't hate other racists. We care about deeds. We look  at feminists writing laws that protect female rapists, that make innocent behaviour such as the act of sharing champagne with your bride on your wedding night into a crime.

- we look at feminists calling for Sexual Segregation, for special treatment, for more and more resources to be spent on one sex than the other... 

...and we know that all the fine words don't make a damn bit of difference compared to WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

" I volunteer four times a month "

Which proves what?

" you're claiming I'm a nazi [sic]"

No. There are very few Nazis remaining on this planet. I'm claiming you are a fascist, yes, but your focus is on the hatred of men and boys, not on Jews and Gypsies.

And Feminism is far more subtle than Nazism ever was - but far more bold about wanting a genocide.

Feminists constantly talk about exterminating men - but in the end, they try to persuade us to murder ourselves instead. They laugh, and sing with joy, at male suicides. Do you have any idea who Big Red even is?

The thing about the Nazis is - they thought they were good people too.

"Saying I'm not allowed to say"

You're allowed to say what you want - in fact, as Facebook has shown, Feminists can freely call me a "white c*nt" and they will turn a blind eye to it, because they have that area run by and for Feminists.

But there's a difference between ALLOWED and JUSTIFIED that you seem incapable of grasping. You will not honestly deal with us - then you are offended when we call you out on it? Boo hoo! I don't care about your Feelz.

" Comments on this thread, saying things that females attempt suicide only for attention shows hate."

No, it shows reason. Death is easy. Do you think men are more competent than women? That women can't kill themselves properly because they are stupid? When men try to die, they succeed. Women cut themselves a little, then call for help, or they swallow pills that won't kill them for hours and sit in a place where they will likely be found.

And it works - women get far more resources proportionally. Feminists make damned sure of it.

In fact, when women's suicide rose a little to the rate of men, it was classed as a disaster... for women.

The concept of treating people equally regardless of their sex is impossible for feminists.

" When every feminist blog I've looked at discussed protecting rape victims both male and female" ... yet ignores the feminists writing laws that grant female rapists immunity to prosecution - yeah, so what if the blogs you read confirm your biases?

You just "no tru feminist!" the ones you don't like.

You aren't going to read new information, so I'm going to post this up in case others read it one day.
 I do not believe you are honest, and further discussion with *you* is pointless - but should anyone else have a desire to know more, the information is there, or I can provide it on request.

"discusses why consent is important"

Two people share a glass of wine and then have sex. Which of them raped the other? Thanks to feminists, legally, they are both rapists and they are both rape victims - but we know feminists will always ask "well, which was the man?"

Feminists don't care about consent, they care about harming men. Sane people are capable of ongoing consent - we don't suddenly decide that our taxi driver must have kidnapped us because they didn't ask if we still wanted to be driven every minute on the minute.

"why men and women should be paid the same for the same quality of work"


Feminists APPLAUDED the legal decision to pay men less per hour for identical work on the grounds that women deserve more because vagina.

That's a fact. But you don't care about the facts. You doublethink your way around them.

"why pro-choice is important"

Are you copying and pasting from some feminist list of grievances now? Abortion is a different topic - nice derailment attempt! And you wonder why we think you are dishonest.

" why harassment is wrong"

You feminists class everything a man says to a woman as harassment. "Good evening" was counted in a feminist video on the subject - one very popular with feminists. They didn't object to that shifting of the goal posts.

"why it's okay for guys to be sensitive"

Randi Harper was then called to the UN to speak on behalf of Feminists,
for a conference on how terribly harassed women are.
Talk about putting a fox in charge of a hen house!

... this from the movement that created a meme of "male tears" and "masculinity so fragile".

You hypocrite!

"how it's important to defend against homophobia"

Recently, feminists classed gay men as "privileged". Feminists applauded as gay men were arrested in the 1970s, and they do their damnedest to silence gay men like Milo when he says the things they don't like. When feminists march on to the platform of gay men and grab the microphone and tell the gay men that they are not allowed to talk, then I have to take your claims as being utterly worthless.

" transphobia"

Hahaha. TERF. Look it up. Feminists celebrate hating transgender women. There's a good reason people like Blaire White oppose you.


Feminists routinely denounce white people - they even claim they can't be racist against white people.They write themselves a permission slip for violent behaviour.

When feminists call other people "WHITE c*nts", it's because they are racist, and because other Feminists are racist, and because they have the power to be racist with impunity. They enable each other's bigotry. That's a choice.

You, as a Feminist, are responsible for what is being done in your name. Instead, you persist in making excuses that result in people being murdered.

" I am absolutely certain it's not a hate group."

You are absolutely certain despite contrary evidence you never evaluate. You are a close-minded ideologue.

"If haters exist, I can't control them"

Yes, you can. You can stop supporting them.

When Dworkin was put in charge of teaching feminism to millions of students, feminists didn't object. They applauded. They made a choice. Don't give me that rubbish about being powerless.

" anymore than you can control groups like RotK"

... a group that has absolutely no connection to men's rights, and despises MRAs to boot. Why the hell would you think that was analogous? Are you an idiot?

" the difference is I'm not claiming that you must hate women "

Feminists call their opponents misogynists all the time. It's a standard tactic. In fact, Gillard even had the dictionary definition re-written after an argument with her opposition fell apart because they weren't using the Feminist definition.

We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

"When I see other feminists who work humanitarian jobs and volunteer, I don't see hate."

When the Nazis saw smoke blowing in from the ovens, they didn't see hate either. They made sure they thought about other things. They might not have killed Jews in person - but blood was on their hands nevertheless.

"Saying I need to address every radical while the majority are against hate is irrational."

Your claim that the majority is against hate has no evidence to back it up - and plenty of evidence against it.You don't oppose the radicals in any case - any of them. You just say you do.

And I'm done arguing with a fanatic who wouldn't know an honest thought if it smacked her in the face.

 Yes, they used the "Wall of Text" and "Gish Gallop" to boot.

Brett Caton Sorry but no, I completely disagree. You're telling me that I'm not right to tell someone to settle down and stop raging and throwing out random insults, as though that's logical? It's not. And the things you are saying are based on misinformation from hate groups. Feminism is not a hate group. The feminists who commented on this page said they don't hate men, and you respond by calling them liars, which matches my point perfectly. I volunteer four times a month and you're claiming I'm a nazi which again shows hate. Saying I'm not allowed to say I shouldn't have insults thrown at me shows hate. Comments on this thread, saying things that females attempt suicide only for attention shows hate. When every feminist blog I've looked at discussed protecting rape victims both male and female, discusses why consent is important, why men and women should be paid the same for the same quality of work, why pro-choice is important, why harassment is wrong, why it's okay for guys to be sensitive, how it's important to defend against homophobia, transphobia and racism I am absolutely certain it's not a hate group. If haters exist, I can't control them anymore than you can control groups like RotK, the difference is I'm not claiming that you must hate women because of all the anti-feminists out there who despise women, homosexuals and men who express feelings other than rage. When I see other feminists who work humanitarian jobs and volunteer, I don't see hate. The anti-feminist comments on this thread though? Different story. Saying I need to address every radical while the majority are against hate is irrational. The majority of anti-feminism I see is hateful though and I've looked at both sides, whereas you seem to only get your sources from one. You can cry and play the victim and pretend that warping an ideology around is somehow making a difference but in the end, I'm completely right. You can say that it's okay for men to express rage and aggression at others who disagree without being told to settle down, while saying feminists are hateful, but it only shows you as a hypocrite. I don't agree with hypocrites.

Further reading

Cat-Calling is (Now) a Crime