Saturday, 12 October 2013

Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for streaking

Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for streaking

He was wearing a sock.. you know who also did that?

Were they arrested, branded for life?

Of course not.

"He was arrested and school district recommended he face a court hearing
If convicted of indecent exposure, he'd have gone on sex offenders list"

The sex offenders list... for streaking?

He'd have been regarded as unsafe to be near children and denied a lot of work. 
A creep, a pervert, a rapist.


I grew up when streaking regularly happened at sporting events. People would laugh, or see it as a nuisance, but they didn't feel damaged.

He'd have been marked for life. For doing something we used to regard as a silly prank, or even a political protest.
The sex offenders list. Did what they propose fit the crime?

Isn't that what punishment is supposed to do?

In 1973, what the press called a "streaking epidemic" hit Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, with streakers being seen in residence halls, at football games and at various other on-campus locations and events, including Spring graduation.

The trend continued until spring 1974, when Ralph W. Steen, University president, hoping to end the streaking fad, designated a day to streak the length of East College Street, a tradition that - with a few breaks - has continued to this day. (source)

 I have to wonder.. would he have been treated as harshly if he'd been a she? Or would it have been seen as a bit of a joke?

Oh, right..

It was.

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