It's because of something called the Duluth Model. It is commonly used as the basis of government legislation and by 'charities' run by Feminists as their propaganda wing.
For example:
White Ribbon
archived 19 Oct 2015 13:07:17 UTC from
archived 19 Oct 2015 13:07:17 UTC from
If you never heard of the Duluth Model, this is their page.
For more info, see Duluth and the VAWA: "Power and Control
(Screenshots were taken at the time; unfortunately the archiving tool wasn't available then.)
Click images to enlarge.
It's the official policy used by most, perhaps all, feminist groups, which holds all domestic abuse to be the fault of men, and only women and children to be their victims.
Apparently lesbians and gay men do not exist in their reality?
The man is always the perp,
the woman or the child - usually a girl - the victim.
"Prioritizes the voices and experiences of women who experience battering in the creation of those policies and procedures.
Believes that battering is a pattern of actions used to intentionally control or dominate an intimate partner and actively works to change societal conditions that support men’s use of tactics of power and control over women."
I screenshotted it just in case it was changed to hide the misandry.
The Duluth Model or Domestic Abuse Intervention Project is a program developed to reduce domestic violence against women. The program was largely founded by social activist Ellen Pence.(Note: as of 10/10/2015, the wikipedia definition has been altered. Feminists have been caught doing 'social hacks' on wikipedia to re-align it to their agenda.
The Duluth Model is based on a "violence is patriarchal" model. The model focuses solely on the men's use of violence in abusive relationships, rather than on the behavior of all parties concerned. This helps the men to focus on changing their personal behavior in order to be nonviolent in any relationship.
There was no archiving ability for wikipedia when i wrote this and I had no idea I would even need to screen-shot it - the encyclopedia "for the people" became the encyclopedia "that repeats Feminist propaganda".
Nevertheless, if you look at the edit history, you will see this was the agreed definition for years - is another source)
So what are it's key assumptions?
1) DV IS ALWAYS MALE PERP ON FEMALE VICTIM. Of course, countries like Australia that use it will be extremely biased against men. It would be a contradiction in terms, to that mindset, to examine a female perp, or a male victim.
2) The PATRIARCHY must exist. Faith in this is essential.
Who proved the existence of the PATRIARCHY? Was it Newton, in 1742? Maybe Einstein did it around WW2?
No-one did. It's true because it's true because it's true. It's a religious belief that has the guise of a fact.
3) DV occurs because men are wicked, but they can be corrected.
Did Ellen Pence just not know what she was doing was wrong?
"In many ways, we turned a blind eye to many women’s use of violence, their drug use and alcoholism, and their often harsh and violent treatment of their own children."Reference: 10 Pence E. Some thoughts on philosophy. In Shepard M and Pence E (eds.): Coordinating Community Responses to Domestic Violence: Lessons from Duluth and Beyond. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 1999, p. 30.
So she knew - but it was an inconvenient truth. It was erased.
So what happens when men get a proper help-line?
30 Sep 2015 10:06:55 UTC
Huh. Didn't see that comin'! webpage capture saved from
17 Oct 2015 09:34:08 UTC
This is the nsw official website for domestic violence matters.
See if you can spot the group that they happen to overlook...
There are publications on all formsof domestic violence, including specific publications for Aboriginal women, culturally and linguistically diverse women, older women, younger women, women with disabilityand domestic violence service providers.
If you would like your organisation’s publication linked to this page, please contact Women NSW, at
What do you mean you are not a woman? What else can you be?
I have to laugh at this. saved from 17 Oct 2015 09:54:16 UTC
Emergency accommodation
If you need emergency accommodation in NSW because of domestic and family violence, contact the 24hr Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63. They can refer you to services in your area.
That line is for women only. But fear not, I'm sure there's something here for men?
You can also call Link2home on 1800 152 152. Link2home is a state-wide information and referral service and they can refer you to Specialist Homelessness Services that support women and children who are escaping domestic and family violence support services.
So... still nothing for men? Surely they will have it later!
Men who are afraid to leave a violent relationship because they have nowhere to go can contact the Mensline 24 hours a day 7 days a week on 1300 78 99 78. They’ll help you with advice and information about your options.
Wow-whee! That sounds promising, doesn't it! Feminism IS equality, after all! Yes, Feminists do care about men...
What do they link Mensline to?
Mens Line of Fashion in Australia
Fashion and Beauty for Men
Male Grooming for the Australian in need.
Men are beginning to enjoy looking their best, wanting to look attractive is no longer a social crime and if there are products on the market to help you catch a lovely woman with your glowing skin and pearly whites then who are we to say no?
Yup. If you men need help, they can provide you with a collection of beauty tips! Yay!!!
Because you are going to need a good make-up job to cover up the scars she'll give you...
Related Stories:
- Duluth and the VAWA: "Power and Control"
- Where Are All These Abused Men?
- The pain of Aboriginal men abused by their women
- 70% of unprovoked domestic violence is by women
- Duluth Model buries key facts on domestic violence (by Erin Pizzey)
- A lesbian woman is killed by her girlfriend in Chile and FEMINISTS BLAME THE "PATRIARCHAL CULTURE" (I can't verify this as I don't speak the source language)
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