Do we really only need to teach boys what is acceptable behaviour?
What happens when they grow up?
A study of public responses to openly conducted domestic violence
- Who is the invisible group of domestic violence victims?
- Why is it that data collection of male victims doesn't even occur? And that female perps get incredibly light sentences at best?
- Why don't men in Australia get the same path for support with DV as women? Why is getting an AVO so much harder?
- Verbal abuse counts as domestic violence.
- Domestic Violence Allegations lead to False Arrest
Slapping a husband still counts, even if he slaps back, but US law requires the police to only investigate one offender and it's usually a man due to the Predominant Aggressor Laws
Why are male rape victims erased?
- Men can't get raped?
- Men Outnumber Women Among American Rape Victims
- Are 40% of rapists female, and 60% male, in the US?
- For all those who say women are overwhelmingly the primary victim of rape
- Why is RAINN so often used as a source when it erases most male victims of rape?
Rape is not a "Women's Issue" according to Feminists?
The claim is"Almost all rapes are committed by men."This is a useful lie
Feminists fighting against the redefinition of rape to include men
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