Thursday, 31 March 2016

Did Alison get a bad Rapp?

Update: 6th April:

Feminist Motto: "there are no bad acts, only bad targets".

You can lie, cheat, whatever it takes
to protect the people in your group,
and to hurt the people outside of it. from

5 Apr 2016 23:08:49 UTC

Update 1st April 18:30:

Nintendo urged to FIRE feminist employee at centre of furious child pornography censorship row

Jamie Walton, president and co-founder of an anti-sex trafficking non-profit called The Wayne Foundation, also addressed a tweet to the firm's American branch and wrote:

"Better fire Alison Rapp before Monday or there is going to be reckoning."
I don't think that children's company is afraid of women so much
as they are afraid of bankruptcy
if they continue to hire someone breaking the law against prostitution.

Feminists make sex work illegal - then claim the evil GamerGate musta done it!!!

Playboy, Kotaku Misreport On Nintendo Firing Employee

Patrick Klepek at Kotaku ... frames it around Rapp being a victim of harassment from Neo-Nazis and .. GamerGate.

Hang on..

gamers are dead?


GamerGate is over?



... somehow...

we manage to fire people from beyond the grave?

So spooky! Woo!


A response to [Gaming] Alison Rapp Update by MundaneMatt

At 3:34 - moonlighting might be acceptable but PR jobs are based on putting the needs of the company above everything else, which is why it's paid quite well for the entry requirements. You can be fired for all sorts of reasons that simply have to do with how you are perceived - you might be merely *accused* of a misdeed, and the accusation is sufficient.

(This is how the Westminster Parliamentary System worked as well)

You do not have anonymity doing porn if you can be identified - we live in the age of facial recognition, for example. I would defend her rights to do porn if she was in another position, but she is supposed to be the face of the company, and if the face of Nintendo1 is covered in jism, parents won't buy the company's products, will they?

Screenshots from her tweets. IMO the drawings of Japan aren't child porn - no children are involved therefore no victim exists - but she isn't distinguishing the two, and her support of adult-child sexual interaction makes it possible, even probable, that pedophilia is exactly what she is supporting, and that she doesn't have a problem with sexual interaction - including photography - between adults and minors.

Whatever nuances are involved don't matter - she cannot work in the PR field. In fact, I'd be worried about her around children. "Don't hate on men who like kids" isn't proof she's pro-pedo, but since she's talking about an age of consent of 13, it's hard to interpret it in any other way.

1 a company that markets itself to young children in conservative countries, what's more - countries that can ban Nintendo on a whim

Comment from someone on Twitter that I found interesting:

I thought I'd state my own views here.

I don't have a problem with the Japanese culture. It's weird, but it seems to work for them. There's no evidence that child rape is a problem there, and they claim it is much lower in their country than in the countries that repress such drawings.

Japan’s Minister of Justice says that fictional works not modeled on existing persons cannot violate human rights.

Of course, it might turn out later that it's just not reported, but until evidence is presented, I'd have to say it was plausible that having such things legal means that there exists a safe outlet. After all, violent drawings don't seem to lead to real world violence, and countries that ritualised violence into sport don't seem to have the real-word rates of violence of countries without that outlet.

I also don't have a problem with an age of consent of 16, with exceptions for
Romeo and Juliet situations (kids shouldn't be put in jail for experimenting with other kids) and for power positions e.g. teachers., diseases like Herpes are no respecter of youth, and most of them, once caught, are there for life.

I would not like to have to explain to my 8 year old daughter that that little sore is never really going to go away, and that the people she later loves and wants to marry may think she's disgusting as a result.

As for pregnancy?
Lina Medina, from the Ticrapo District of Peru, gave birth by cesarean section in Lima at age 5 12. The infant was a 2.64 kg (5.8 lb), 47.5 cm (18.7 in) boy named Gerardo. Medina's parents, who assumed their daughter had a tumor, took her to a hospital in late March, where she was then found to be 7 months pregnant.

I don't know what the youngest father's age is - this is actually a serious issue as women have the legal right in many western countries to demand money from a child they have raped, yes, raped, if that child's rape impregnates them.

I can't conceive of an effective form of birth control for a young boy, even if you could teach them how to use it - changes in the size of the vas deferens means products like Vasalgel would be useless.

I have been informed by doctors that there are documented cases of 'virgin' pregnancies where the ejaculation took place externally but semen contacted the vulva - and that was all it took. Opinion on this seems difficult to substantiate, however.

Perhaps one day a pill will be invented that can be safely taken by a male child but I'd have to say that's firmly in the realm of science fiction.

Thus, even if all diseases ceased to exist, even if no power abuses occurred and children only had sex with each other - sex at an early age is perilous.

As for taking photographs of a sexual nature of children goes - the few cases where it has no ill-effects are outweighed by the cases where it has terrible effects.

Of course, that has also led to absurdities such as the Australia law that photographing an adult becomes classed as child porn if a judge rules that she looks potentially younger than 18 - which means small breasted models are being told they cannot be treated as adults!

However, the goal-post shifting where laws designed to stop child exploitation have now been moved to cover dirty pictures of The Simpsons - who do not and can not suffer because they do not exist - that concerns me.

A law designed to shield real children is instead used to prosecute those who have repugnant thoughts? That is incredibly dangerous.The people who campaigned for Free Speech did so because speech is an expression of thought - and if our thoughts - even the worst thoughts - are not free, then we have no freedom at all.

Further Reading:

16th April, 2016. It looks like Ms Rapp was working as a sexworker, which would be a huge violation of the contract with her employer and also the law! (discussion here)

Bloomberg using bots to push Alison Rapp false narrative, article is full of misinformation

View post on

On the manufacturing of outrage

Alison Rapp presented herself as the victim of online harassment with a list of 52 comments she labeled gendered hate back in October 2015. By digging into them I was able to uncover that...

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Why do Feminists hate Equality?
A reply to Why Drafting Women Wouldn’t Be “Equality” 30 Mar 2016 19:45:34 UTC

This is an example of why arguments are futile when dealing with dishonest agents. They aren’t discussing equality, they are discussing “equality”.

Suddenly the meaning of the word is subverted - the truth is, they want to be able to redefine it on the fly.

Is there any chance of them having a reasonable exchange of views if they wish to change the meaning of words? None. You are no longer speaking the same language.

I’m not exaggerating. I noticed that particular piece of perfidy was used throughout the original posting here.

“ There was a law that said women have to give birth. “


Name the law, then.

“ Abortion was against the law. “

And so it begins: a quick shuffle of the goalposts. Infanticide has often been illegal, yes. It’s always been a legal compromise between the interests of the parents and the child as to when one can kill the other.

But abortion has nothing to do with conscription. This is a deflection.

In fact, almost all of this is deflection. The OP will do almost anything to avoid the discussion of conscription.

Instead, they want to discuss every other topic under the sun in the hope of doing the good old Gish Gallop.


“ it practically was women’s responsibility to give birth “

I have to laugh at that one tho’ - yes, if women didn’t give birth, the society perished. Only a feminist could decide that a biological necessity was a conspiracy against them by those wicked Old White Men.

“ Therefore, if you’re truly interested in equality, then if you believe it is right to have women drafted for warfare alongside men, then you’d equally believe it’d be right for technology to be built to enable men to give birth also, if there were a childbirth draft. “

A technology that doesn’t exist, may never exist, and logically, wouldn’t require men to be pregnant either. How fucking desperate do you have to be to avoid discussing conscription that you say “it can only apply to us if pink unicorns carry us to and from battle”.


Pregnancy has actually been used as an out for women in countries with  female conscription, so your argument has already been a failure.

But the practical consequence of that is - you have absolutely no excuse not to be drafted if not pregnant. Many women can’t get pregnant ever, and long term contraceptives are readily available. The technological barrier to female combatants has disappeared.

You just don’t want to do it. You have decided that equality means HeForShe - men must die for the good of women. You have decided that just because some women can get pregnant, then all women must be exempt.

Well, so fucking what? Some men are disabled - they are then exempted from most duties - but there are still jobs they can do.

Feminists claim a pregnant woman can run a country - and having given birth, can keep doing so - but never have to get their hands dirty like men do with the business of killing?

It's always important to have a nice nap in the middle of running the fucking country.

I adore the fact that Feminists can be this bloody pampered
and still manage to spin it all into their narrative of being oppressed.

Can anyone tell me how she can be competent enough to organise a war, yet too incompetent to operate a drone?

Pick. One.

I do think it's hilarious that the Topless MP sketch from Tracey Ullman's show would turn out to be less extreme than the Feminist reality.

Further Reading:
Welcome to your new Commander, Marine!
In Marines' new fitness plan, pullups for women won't be mandatory because enemy soldiers will never be so unchivalrous as to fight as hard against a woman...

"“Since the PFT score is tied directly to promotion, there is already a sentiment that the scoring system is not fair,” the officer said."

So in other words, men will be actively discriminated against by female officers who will never have to work as hard as they do. Sounds like a Feminist wet-dream.

Fallout 4 Fashionistas

Had to capture that in a hurry - I'd never seen her say that before.

Cricket is a scary drug-addled nightmare, and is as sexy as fuck.

Seriously, you'd think the surgeons would be able to make ghouls prosthetic noses.

"Well, at least this place isn't full of apes, not like that last planet..."

She's been staring at that cup for ages. 

Mah Waifu. Making chems and admiring teh pr0n. 
 Mad Max meets Madonna!

If you are going to stand on rooves, it's best to do it wearing shoes with a good grip to them!

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Feminists don't hate men? Part Two!
Are Feminists "Pillow Princesses"?
And what is the claim Feminists make about men?

"Women's Rights News" reveals what Feminists really think 1

Continued from:

Feminists don't hate men?

Have a look at these quotes- what do they tell you about how Feminists see the world?

Do they really believe in equality?

Is "man-hater" an unfair stereotype?
Heather Derringer: "If I had a daughter I'd tell her that men will mess you up!!!

...if you do decide to have kids and a husband be willing to give up everything you love for them.!

You'll be taking care of them till your old and grey!

...get some cats and come home and love alone time! It's so much more relaxing than men and babies!"
Andrea Dohm: "I would tell her to be cautious of the male sex because they can and will fuck you over if given the opportunity ... not let male opinions make her decisions 4 her as they mean nothing."

Sara Mai: "Your treasure is for your pleasure
...  if he can't give you a good head massage and foot rub then don't trust him with more intimate parts of yourself"

Ula Saltibus: This world is awful for women. I will not bring a daughter into the world.

Now you can say these are just isolated statements - but none of the Feminists here speak up against them. Hatred of men is perfectly normal in their circles.

Telling little girls to hate men isn't child abuse, in their eyes - it's just learning to use the Feminist Ideological Lens.

" be cautious of the male sex because they can and will fuck you over if given the opportunity"...

"men will mess you up!"

Uh huh. So every male is an amoral monster.

"if you do decide to have kids and a husband be willing to give up everything you love for them"

It's impossible to have a life and a family, and husbands are just another dependent - tell me again how Feminists don't hate the family?

"get some cats and come home and love alone time! It's so much more relaxing than men and babies!"

And they say the crazy cat lady is a Feminist Stereotype...

"not let male opinions make her decisions 4 her as they mean nothing."
And Feminists claim to be the sole equality movement... a movement where male opinions mean nothing.

"pillow princess":

A woman who enjoys sex, but prefers not to reciprocate as much as he gives. She feels both parties' pleasure should be reached by pleasuring her.

Jane is such a brat, even in bed; she is a pillow princess.

by ethereal4realMay 08, 2010 (source)

"Your treasure is for your pleasure"
Wow, you must be a lousy lay. So you see sex as all about pleasuring you? Fuck that, Princess!
Why do Feminists think men exist to pleasure women?
Why are relationships of equality... inconceivable .. to their minds?

" if he can't give you a good head massage and foot rub then don't trust him with more intimate parts of yourself"
This is how Feminists think all relationships have to be.

Don't have sex with someone who doesn't exist to serve you - but don't give anything back to them, of course.
Feminists hate BDSM2 - but love abuse.

This world is awful for women. I will not bring a daughter into the world.
At last, something I agree with. No Feminist should have children, not sons, not daughters, no husband, no-one. It's win-win!

I'll leave the last word up to a feminist I saw on twitter:
Later on, she was complaining about the fact that
spewing bile to people based on their sex and skin colour
tends to create a rather angry response...

There's not a trace of self-awareness in there... just echoing SafeSpace.

1 webpage capture from 30 Mar 2016 04:31:01 UTC

2 Difference Between BDSM & Abuse

Kingsport Lighthouse and Art Gallery

Click on images to view full size.

The water processing plants - the sounds of the sea are lovely, and make me quite wistful.

Visitor Barracks - very basic, but they have free food and water.

I find looking down at the sea washing between my feet rather unnerving.

I have no idea how Ada gets up there. Perhaps she is part cat?

No photos allowed!

Ada looks in the window at the bedroom.

The main sleeping area.
I'm going to imagine they have some
combination of
air-conditioning and light-dimming glass.

Because - as lovely as that looks,
 it's not exactly going to be comfortable in a greenhouse during the summer!
The main sleeping area, jetpack view