Tuesday 29 March 2016

Feminists don't hate men? Part Two!


Are Feminists "Pillow Princesses"?
And what is the claim Feminists make about men?

"Women's Rights News" reveals what Feminists really think 1

Continued from:

Feminists don't hate men?

Have a look at these quotes- what do they tell you about how Feminists see the world?

Do they really believe in equality?

Is "man-hater" an unfair stereotype?
Heather Derringer: "If I had a daughter I'd tell her that men will mess you up!!!

...if you do decide to have kids and a husband be willing to give up everything you love for them.!

You'll be taking care of them till your old and grey!

...get some cats and come home and love alone time! It's so much more relaxing than men and babies!"
Andrea Dohm: "I would tell her to be cautious of the male sex because they can and will fuck you over if given the opportunity ... not let male opinions make her decisions 4 her as they mean nothing."

Sara Mai: "Your treasure is for your pleasure
...  if he can't give you a good head massage and foot rub then don't trust him with more intimate parts of yourself"

Ula Saltibus: This world is awful for women. I will not bring a daughter into the world.

Now you can say these are just isolated statements - but none of the Feminists here speak up against them. Hatred of men is perfectly normal in their circles.

Telling little girls to hate men isn't child abuse, in their eyes - it's just learning to use the Feminist Ideological Lens.

" be cautious of the male sex because they can and will fuck you over if given the opportunity"...

"men will mess you up!"

Uh huh. So every male is an amoral monster.

"if you do decide to have kids and a husband be willing to give up everything you love for them"

It's impossible to have a life and a family, and husbands are just another dependent - tell me again how Feminists don't hate the family?

"get some cats and come home and love alone time! It's so much more relaxing than men and babies!"

And they say the crazy cat lady is a Feminist Stereotype...

"not let male opinions make her decisions 4 her as they mean nothing."
And Feminists claim to be the sole equality movement... a movement where male opinions mean nothing.

"pillow princess":

A woman who enjoys sex, but prefers not to reciprocate as much as he gives. She feels both parties' pleasure should be reached by pleasuring her.

Jane is such a brat, even in bed; she is a pillow princess.

by ethereal4realMay 08, 2010 (source)

"Your treasure is for your pleasure"
Wow, you must be a lousy lay. So you see sex as all about pleasuring you? Fuck that, Princess!

Why do Feminists think men exist to pleasure women?
Why are relationships of equality... inconceivable .. to their minds?

" if he can't give you a good head massage and foot rub then don't trust him with more intimate parts of yourself"

This is how Feminists think all relationships have to be.

Don't have sex with someone who doesn't exist to serve you - but don't give anything back to them, of course.
Feminists hate BDSM2 - but love abuse.

This world is awful for women. I will not bring a daughter into the world.
At last, something I agree with. No Feminist should have children, not sons, not daughters, no husband, no-one. It's win-win!

I'll leave the last word up to a feminist I saw on twitter:
Later on, she was complaining about the fact that
spewing bile to people based on their sex and skin colour
tends to create a rather angry response...

There's not a trace of self-awareness in there... just echoing SafeSpace.

1 https://archive.is/gR1Kv webpage capture from https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1116272361748492&id=184599864915751&fs=5 30 Mar 2016 04:31:01 UTC

2 Difference Between BDSM & Abuse

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