Friday 18 March 2016

Madonna creates kiddy porn? Feminists don't care.

" she invited a young woman on stage and exposed the girl's breast by pulling down her top ... The girl, reportedly aged 17, can be seen reacting with shock before quickly pulling her top back up." (source)

So Madonna, the Feminist, created child pornography by the definition of most legal codes. She exposed, without consent, the private areas of a minor in such a way that they were not just filmed, but distributed.

And the consequences of her doing this are...

None of course. Women are saints. Men are devils. #Feminism tells us this every day.

Imagine if a male musician had done that to a young girl. There'd be marches in the streets and call for them to be banned.

So how does Feminism - a movement that claims to be for everybody, to be for equality - react?

With silence. Or by defending her. No hashtag campaign, no "Women must be taught not to rape!"

"It's ok when we do it" seems to be their motto.

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