Friday 15 April 2016

I think the Institute should just... run!

The posse! But where the heck is Nick?

Ugh. Valentine hates group photos. I think he was hoping I wouldn't notice his absence.

Anne putting on one of her radio plays. Not sure if I understand the symbolism. Or her dress sense.

Designation: Sentry-01.
Terrifying, but gentle as a 20 ton kitten.

Starlight Drive-in.
A powerhouse of industry, and of horrible industrial accidents.

Seriously, would some railings on that staircase have been too difficult?
And what's with the obsession with bathing in molten metal?
They say Croup Manor is haunted by the ghosts of all the settlers
who went down in the water
and hung around for no reason until they died.

Maybe they were waiting for a ferry?

Might have to be there quite a bit longer then...
Can't remember the name of this settlement...
No, she came voluntarily! Boom Boom!

Settler is so tired of your shit...

She likes kinda pretty. Like a certain Cylon...

Ugh - that suit needs a better texture.

I've fallen in love with some of the places I've made.
Somerville Place. Do not mess with the guards. 

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