Tuesday 26 April 2016

NSFW: Feminists proclaim: Female porn good! Male porn bad! Because raisins!

It's only bad if men do it.


There's a very good reason Feminists love to call men fuckboys.
They drool over the fantasy of raping masculinity,
and individual men in some cases..

One of the central claims of the article below is that women prefer to see female nudity over male. If that's the case, why do Feminists demand that shows like Game of Thrones feature equal amounts of male and female nudity?

Each scene of male nudity costs money to make, and will cost the audience of anyone who doesn't like dicks - which according to the article, is... practically everyone!

It also has special dangers - an erection can get them shut down but female sexual arousal is invisible.

So why do Feminists demand it if their own evidence means it's a terrible idea?

Because they can. Because bullying people into obeying their whims is what they do, and the more society defers to the professional Damsels in Distress, the more broken it becomes and the easier it is to make them even more submissive.


The Article:

A Response to "Male Porn is bad! Porna is better - because for women! Buy it with all yr monies!!" by the Sydney Morning Herald (former newspaper).


26 Apr 2016 12:13:22 UTC

I used to read the Sydney Morning Herald, but the collapse of print journalism means any old idiot can write for them nowadays.

Recent research [unreferenced] has revealed that women are increasingly becoming consumers of online porn [almost impossible to check, so citation needed], and feminist pornographers are taking more control [huge citation needed] in an industry which has traditionally focused on satisfying men's needs [it's been focussed on giving stuff to people with money - and the majority willing to pay for any sort of sexwork has always been men, and the author hasn't bothered providing evidence].

Feminists have been pushing this feminist pr0n bullshit for decades. They want male porn to be illegal, but female porn is strong and empowering.

The sexism and doublethink required to hold those beliefs is truly impressive.

I thought I'd show real porn made by women, or at least a woman I know. I've seen a shitload of female produced porn, and the secret is... it's the same as male produced porn. It has BDSM, women being hurt, even raped, even killed - if anything, it's more extreme than the male stuff.

Salanica the Elfkin.- A NSFW artist!

A nice person with a filthy mind who hasn't paid me to advertise this, alas.


This porn is messy, funny, intimate, and involves a woman being degraded for the pleasure of the viewer.


"Burrrrn it!!!", the Feminist hisses.

Sane Person: "But it was produced by a woman?"

Feminist: "Oh.. a woman, how empowered it is, oh yeah, (*schlick schlick schlick*)

"Sex is messy, funny, impulsive and intimate"

Rubbish. Are they going to slut-shame women whose sex isn't - for example in BDSM, where things may be planned and serious?

Are they going to slut shame women who have casual sex, which is often not intimate, and may not involve a woman wanting to see their partner for more than that?

Of course not. Feminists only shame male desire. It's what they *do*.

"porn is none of the above"

Sorry, what?

According to Feminism, THIS NEVER HAPPENS.
This person has never heard of messy porn? Wow. Ok. They haven't actually seen any of it, have they? Typical Feminist, doesn't want to get the purity of their ideology contaminated with facts.

I thought about proving this wrong, but I really am not keen on most of that stuff. The Feminist idea that women don't like it is hilarious - what women get off on sometimes makes me want to hide under my bed, quite frankly!

As for funny porn - parody porn titles are par for the course

Matty Silver couldn't be bothered doing the 1 second it took to check her facts. "There is no Humour in Porn". She said that, Listened and Believed, and it was true, and her audience will lap it up like the gullible yet dangerous idiots they are.

... and an awful lot of image porn is a joke.

Anyone who has ever looked at old Playboys knows they ALWAYS had combinations of humour and erotica in their cartoons.

"Pornhub, visited by about 150 million people every month, has revealed that women make up a quarter of its global audience" ... who apparently have no problem with the porn you seem to think disgusts these Damsels in Distress.

Maybe... just maybe... hear me out here... maybe they don't need rescuing by Feminism?

"Sex is, or should be, preceded by enthusiastic consent"

Why? Why do we have to follow your rules, you fuck? Sane people are perfectly capable of figuring out consent and often give it until it is explicitly withheld; if my partner kisses me in my sleep and I wake up to her going down on me, then I have this wonderful word I can use if it's unacceptable.

We adults call it "no".

Feminists can't seem to grasp it. Maybe it's because they just don't fuck enough.

"discussions of STI protection and contraceptives; porn has none of that"
According to Feminists, this is what you should be focussing on when you feel horny.

Gosh, I wonder why? Could it be because fiction is not real? Could that be it, you bloody moron?

We don't need discussions on your genital warts in our wank-fodder, Matty. Ok, some people might get off on it, but it's a niche market.

We also don't get lectures on gun discipline in action flicks either!


Ok, the rest of the article reads like an ad for one of the porn companies, and I have to wonder if there's not an undisclosed relationship going on here. I get it, she's plugging her business as well, but .. did they just buy her a large lunch, or was more involved?

How much did it take to spread her metaphorical legs and get her to lie back and think of the Queen... not doing anything nasty because that's male porn, oh, that would be bad, baaad, I've been such a bad girl, punish me Queenie, oh!!!

Further Reading:

Why feminists are so down on sex

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