Saturday 23 April 2016

Why do Feminists hate Fathers?

The rhetoric is that they fight for equality...
The reality is they fight only for women
- so long as they are the right type of women.
Why do Feminists demand this man be separated from his son?
In Australia, and in some other western countries now,
Feminists have created new laws to forbid these two travelling together by public transport.
110 year-old Afghan refugee Abdul Quader Azizi with his daughter
This 110 year old man is considered too dangerous to travel in a carriage with a woman,
even if it's with his 90 year old daughter.

Presumably his "male gaze" shoots out like lasers, incinerating the Damsels in Distress. (source)

Feminists claim to be oppressed - yet what other lobby group in the last century has had so much political power over the Parliaments and Senates of democracies?

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