Thursday 28 April 2016

NSFW: Why do Feminists hate sex?

"Comics fandom can’t scream that this medium is for adults and then cheer on Frank Cho’s sexist bullshit. Growing up means truly growing up." (source)
It's funny that Scott had no problem with suggestive artwork when it was used to help his career.

This cover is by Cho; check signature in lower right corner.

But hang on, Scott - art for adults - the people who are allowed to be sexual - is often sexual! Who knew!

Frank Cho loves a joke.
Feminists hate jokes -
that don't involve the suffering of men, of course.

Hulk costumes - how do they work?

This is a pretty good point, honestly! 

Feminists are prudes
- but they can't deal with the women who are truly making them uncomfortable directly,
so they just attack the men who appreciate their efforts.

Drawings by Frank, pictured here with cosplayer,
whose photograph is from
Feminists claim sexy pictures hurt women - they call it objectification. The idea is that male sexual desire converts women into objects - somehow - they don't question it, Listen and Believe, folks!

The male feminists are often riding to the protection of the womenfolk
- protecting them from the rapebeasts feminism has taught them that men are,
and dealing with their own shame at their desires by lashing out at other men.

This is traditionalist behaviour
- in fact, the irony is it's the exact opposite of what Feminists used to fight for.
So why do women love dressing up as these 'sexist' characters?

Could it be that non-Feminist women like being sexy?

That they aren't afraid of male lust (or female lust, Feminists don't seem to be aware that other women find that a turn on, too).
Erotic Art has always existed. It's a part of being human.

Thomas Rowlandson, British erotic art of the 18th Century. Art Experience NYC
Adam Hughes

The thing is,
Feminism: "hard men are all rapists - so no cock for you, lass! We know what's best!"
lots of women enjoy male attention, don't have a problem with breasts, or male sexual desire- yet Feminism claims to represent all women. Why doesn't it represent these women?

Oh noes! He is oppressing her boobies! Won't somebody think of the boobies?

Further Reading:

Talking To Frank Cho, Man Of Outrage, About Attracting Women

Shaming Men Doesn't Build Healthy Sexuality

Articles on the recent attacks on Cho by Feminists:
Today's porn panic is no different to the anti-masturbation movements of the 19th century

U.K. Considering Regulating Ads to Make Sure the Women In Them Aren’t Too Hot

'Objectification' is bad, unless women are doing it to men.

From the Feminist Favourite, the Huffington Post.

Wendy Pini - acclaimed artist since 1979
when she won the Ed Aprill Award
(New York Comic Art Convention)
– Best Independent Comic (Elfquest) (source)

Notice that she is drawing how she finds women beautiful.

This would be condemned by feminists if it was done by a male.

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