Tuesday 12 April 2016

Feminism is Equality! Accept it, lowly male!

Apparently she thinks she's a TARDIS.

Ginny McQueen:

Feminist advocate, man-hating bitch.

Feminism is totes about equality. Now learn your place, malescum!


Men: If a woman tells you that what you are doing is wrong, stop doing it. Don't argue that the woman should accept it. That's disgusting.

Black Men: If a white woman tells you that what you are doing is wrong, stop doing it. Don't argue that the white woman should accept it. That's disgusting.

Christian Men: If a muslim woman tells you that what you are doing is wrong, stop doing it. Don't argue that the muslim woman should accept it. That's disgusting.

Gay Men: If a straight woman tells you that what you are doing is wrong, stop doing it. Don't argue that the straight woman should accept it. That's disgusting.

Why the fuck would we accept the first instance when we reject the last three as the speech of an  authoritarian bint?

Feminists love to take money for sex work..

and yet they imprison the men who pay for it.. not sure they have really thought that through.

Further Reading:

  Feminists claim men are subhuman scum, to be eliminated due to mystical forces (their reference is a feminist, not a scientist, but that's good enough for them).

Just remember that whenever a Feminist claims that opposing Feminism means you hate equality, that opposing any Feminist means you hate all women everywhere.

This is a movement that advocates genocide.

The End of Male Supremacy

Feminists will look you in the eye and say that Feminism is about equality, but what is it they preach behind your back?

"Women are not equal to men; they are superior in many ways, and in most ways that will count in the future. It is not just a matter of culture or upbringing. It is a matter of chromosomes, genes, hormones, and nerve circuits."
Feminism teaches men to hate themselves and each other. It teaches women to despise them, to see them as the enemy, as necessary slaves, to be discarded when they are worn out.

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