Monday 16 March 2015

"Feminism is not misandry."

Someone posted this on Facebook and it took all my self-control not to comment, “It’s because men are worthless and you can actually get something of worth out of a diamond. LOLz #overtmisandry #sorrynotsorry”
"men are worthless "

You wouldn’t survive five minutes without them. You’re welcome to try; plenty of places in Canada you can live without us. Just don’t trade with us, or get money from us, or ask us for help if you break your leg or get lost.

May your life be short , and your death not be.
Love when MRAs reblog my stuff.

Some people just don’t get sarcasm…and they say feminists are sensitive.
The one thing here is that it is okay for men to make jokes about women being stupid or emotional all the time and use the excuse, “I was just kidding!” or “My girlfriend is insane, you don’t even know!” But when a woman gets exasperated with men around her and says something like, “Ugh, men are pigs!” then a bunch of men come out of the woodwork to call her a crazy feminist bitch. It’s called hyperbole. Sort of like when you eat too much and you say something like, “Oh, I’m never eating again!” Sometimes women put up with so much disappointment from the men around them in one day they make a general statement about men pissing them off. Sorry we don’t take the time to specify, “All the men /I’ve ever dated/ are useless.” Men don’t make that distiniction when they are pissed off either and say, “Man all feminists are crazy!” What you mean is all people who practice overt misandry are rude and they piss you off. Feminism is not misandry. Seems like that went over your head.
“Some people just don’t get sarcasm…”

And some people deduce correctly when a bigot is saying bigoted things and trying to pretend they didn’t mean it.



Yup. Seems pretty clear.

“and they say feminists are sensitive.“

That’s a first. Never heard anyone describe a feminist as sensitive. Vicious, bloodthirsty, violent, callous, brutal, lying pack of harpies, ... but sensitive?

Feminist mocks a man who committed suicide - much sensitiv, wow.

"The one thing here is that it is okay for men to make jokes about women being stupid or emotional all the time"

Who? Who does that? Because when i turn on TV, it is always the men who are shown as STUPID. Men are the butt of jokes, because no-one dares showing a woman in that light. They know feminists will tear them to pieces.

” But when a woman gets exasperated with men around her and says something like, “Ugh, men are pigs!

And then types it up in her blog - being completely able to reflect on what she's done so every word is considered and posts it...

-then she's in exactly the same boat as the neo-nazis calling black people chimps.

Don't fuckin' piss on me and tell me that it's raining.

"It’s called hyperbole."

Really, you fat sow? I did not realise it, you putrescent pile of filth. I thought it was simply... what's the word, you tapeworm-addled tart? Oh yes: abuse.

"Sort of like when you eat too much and you say something like, “Oh, I’m never eating again!” "

Huh. So the next time someone calls a black player in a football match a monkey, they can just claim it was all a merry jape and we shall all have a good laugh.

"Sometimes women put up with so much disappointment from the men around them in one day they make a general statement about men pissing them off. "

Ah ok, so if a few gay men piss me off, I can denounce all them as worthless fags,  publish it, and be astounded that people are pissed off about it.

That is how you think.

That is what you think reasonable people DO.

Sorry we don’t take the time to specify, “All the men /I’ve ever dated/ are useless.”

It would be nice if you wore that as a t-shirt, however, as most men know that that is one heck of a red flag and they should avoid you like Ebola.

"Men don’t make that distiniction when they are pissed off either and say, “Man all feminists are crazy!”

You choose to be a feminist; you don't choose to be male or female, or black or white for that matter.

"What you mean is all people who practice overt misandry are rude and they piss you off."

Rude? Nah. Fascist? Yeah, that's more like it.

"Feminism is not misandry."

Feminists don’t hate men. But it wouldn’t matter if we did.

What’s the difference between that and

“Nazis don’t hate Jews. But it wouldn’t matter if we did."

50 tangible ways feminism is harmful to men

"Seems like that went over your head."

Says the person who has never read anything about feminism except the propaganda she's been spoonfed.

Who invented #KillAllMen?

What is the phrase "a good rape" a reference to?

Who was the author of "The Female Man" and how did she propose exterminating all men?

Dworkin and MacKinnon started the Third Wave of feminism with Gender (Women's) Studies classes - what did they propose be done to all men?

What about the political party "The Feminist Initiative"? What does it call women who have sex with men? What does it want done to men?

You know nothing, you can't be bothered learning, you are comfortable in a hate movement that reinforces your bigotry.

You really are a terrible person, and I pity any man who has the misfortune to be with you.

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