Saturday 28 March 2015

You don’t like the FemThor, Goddess of Thunder, and all-round SJW?

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I got it. You don’t like the Goddess of Thunder. You don’t like Thor (the new version of Thor). I’m sure you have your reasons. But I have my reasons to like it, too.

First of all, I’ve read Thor before. And liked the comics. Not the character, but that’s because I tend to like little assholes. Thor is not my kind of guy. But I’ve enjoyed his comics (mostly because of Loki being a real asshole or a semi-asshole. I mean, Loki being Loki. I like the bad Loki), so when I started reading this Thor, this wasn’t my first comic nor my first Thor comic.

What do I like? That I can relate to her. So many people have been worthy (even Drax, but maybe because that wasn’t the Mjölnir we know) at certain point, so why not a woman? A woman we still don’t know who she is- but she’s a pre-existing character. It’s not a character without name. And she even wasn’t “Thor” until he gave her the name. I like this. It reminds me of a Batwoman quote about that she realized that everyone could be under that mask, even herself. It’s the first time the God(dess) of Thunder could really be anyone.

She’s not a big, rude guy? Nope. (I’m not calling Odinson rude, okay? Don’t get me wrong). She’s a woman who can show everyone she can be at least as good as Odinson. She’s a flawed character (that doesn’t want to deny she’s a woman, who can fail, said stupid things, be funny) that doesn’t know what to do all the time. And that left us with a unworthy Odinson, without his characterystic power, who had started to grow in me.

I fell like the ones who don’t like her are represented in the comic by Odin. And he has a point. Like you all do. I’m not talking about the writing because I’m not that good at english.

And then… another thing. It’s not the best comic ever written. But if there’s people who like it, people who see themselves in the character, people who waits for the next comic because they really enjoy it, people who are inspired by it… how you dare to say it bad? I’ts new. It’s different. And low sales and cancelled titles don’t mean something is bad. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 got cancelled and if you’re telling me it’s bad I’m honestly questioning you. Even if Thor was bad… so what? I enjoy it. Maybe I’m just reading it for fun, because I like to see the possibilities of other Thor, because it’s another look to asgardians.

The last one: maybe this comic isn’t written for you. There are a lot of people out there that isn’t like you. I don’t like Moby Dick, but I’m not going to say it’s pure shit (even though I might think that). Because if you enjoy something… that’s enough. It’s good enough.

I say:

"I got it. You don’t like the Goddess of Thunder."

I might, if she had her own comic instead of taking ours away.

“You don’t like Thor (the new version of Thor).”

That doesn’t even make sense. If you become the President of the United States, you don’t get renamed George Washington, and the now ex-President doesn’t have a name change either.

Thor’s an actual man’s name. There’s many female versions - like Thora. Thor doesn’t make sense as a name even if there was no comic.

And Thor’s a deity from a living religion. This is the equivalent of deciding you will have a comic about the adventures of Mohammed - then making him a gay interior decorator.

it’s going to piss people off if you do that.

“I’m sure you have your reasons.”

Which you seem oblivious of.

“But I have my reasons to like it, too.”

I imagine it would be nice to be able to go into a theatre, point at the best seats and say “mine now”, and have the occupant thrown out.

It’s a vicious thing to do - but hey, if it makes you happy…

" Thor is not my kind of guy. "

So you took him away from his fans. Huh.

"What do I like? That I can relate to her."

she certainly is common, rather than being alien or Asgardian or a fish out of water on earth or… in any way… Thor.

“So many people have been worthy (even Drax, but maybe because that wasn’t the Mjölnir we know) at certain point, so why not a woman? “

i thought you said you had read Thor before? Other hammer bearers were female - they just weren’t called Thor, and Thor didn’t stop being thor. e.g.

Thordis. Not Thor.

“A woman we still don’t know who she is- but she’s a pre-existing character.”

More of a trope, really.

Does she have a personality? Seems like a generic SJW. I keep expecting her to sing “Cry me a river” while listening to the screams of men being burnt alive.

“It’s not a character without name. “

Glad we agree she’s not a character.

“And she even wasn’t “Thor” until he gave her the name. “

Because that’s how names work, amiright? So did you hear George Washington’s speech last night on the news? Very moving. I’m not sure how he’ll cope with being Obama again after the next election.

"It reminds me of a Batwoman quote about that she realized that everyone could be under that mask, even herself.”

You think the deity Thor… is… a mask. Uh huh. So tell me, what’s Jesus’ Secret Identity? Humble rat catcher by day, saviour of mankind at night?

“It’s the first time the God(dess) of Thunder could really be anyone.”

That might be a surprise to Beta Ray.

"She’s not a big, rude guy?"

No, she’s a fascist arsehole who breaks a guys jaw for having a difference in opinion.

"(I’m not calling Odinson rude, okay? Don’t get me wrong)"


“She’s a woman who can show everyone she can be at least as good as Odinson.”

You have an interesting interpretation of the word “good”.

“She’s a flawed character (that doesn’t want to deny she’s a woman, who can fail, said stupid things, be funny) that doesn’t know what to do all the time.”

Thor was flawed. She’s just an asshole.

“And that left us with a unworthy Odinson, without his characterystic power, who had started to grow in me.”

Can we not talk about your sexual fantasies?

"I fell like the ones who don’t like her are represented in the comic by Odin."

No, they are represent in Straw by the Absorbing Man. You know - who she beat effortlessly - and shattered his jaw for antifeminist opinions? Then she beat up his wife who didn’t fight back, because that wouldn’t be Feminist. Then she went on to dash the babies skulls against the stone - but they were male babies, so the SJWs all Jazz-handed themselves into a frenzy.

“And he has a point. Like you all do.”

Unless he does a Linkara, burns the comic, and yells “this comic SUCKS”, then he’s not making it clear enough.

“I’m not talking about the writing because I’m not that good at english."

Yeah, it doesn’t get any better if you can read English, trust me.

"It’s not the best comic ever written."

I don’t think you quite grasp just how true that is.

Here’s the best thing ever written.

Now go look outside at the most distant star. If you were to travel to that star, and look further beyond out to yet another star more distant, and so on, and so on, until there were no more stars and time itself was burning out then still you would not have gone far enough away to place this comic.

“But if there’s people who like it, people who see themselves in the character, people who waits for the next comic because they really enjoy it, people who are inspired by it… how you dare to say it bad?”

Because it took away what was good, and replaced it with the comic equivalent of “Two girls one cup”. You know, there’s an audience for that too; maybe you should try it out if you want to stretch yourself next time.

“I’ts new. It’s different.” It’s Ebola! Now with more oozing!

“And low sales and cancelled titles don’t mean something is bad.”

It’s usually a hint. Capitalism is very good at weeding things out that don’t meet the muster.

“Even if Thor was bad… so what? I enjoy it.”

So if there was some show you liked, we could just replace that with a show about something you hated… because we’d enjoy it and fuck you?

“Maybe I’m just reading it for fun, because I like to see the possibilities of other Thor, because it’s another look to asgardians.”

She doesn’t do Asgardian, she does SJW.

"The last one: maybe this comic isn’t written for you."

Exactly. Marvel took a comic written for us, and decided to write it for SJWs, despite the fact they have pissed all over comics ever since the days of the Comics Code Authority.


Because even if you buy the comics - we bought the comics AND the merch and WATCHED THE MOVIES OVER AND OVER AND BOUGHT MORE MERCH AND SPENT AND SPENT AND SPENT..

And all that income stream goes (*poof*) when you replace us as your demo.

“There are a lot of people out there that isn’t like you.”

Who could have read their own comics - WE WEREN’T STOPPING THEM.

“I don’t like Moby Dick, but I’m not going to say it’s pure shit”


" It’s good enough."

Nah, on second thoughts; don’t watch “Two girls one cup”, it’s a little too highbrow for your tastes.

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