Wednesday 25 March 2015

The rules of Feminism

1) Never address your opponents points. Logic and reason are PATRIARCHY.
Instead, appeal to emotion - feel-feelz are our greatest ally!

2) If a male dissents, immediately dismiss anything they might say because they are male - mansplaining.

If it’s a female - internalised misogyny!

Disagreeing with a feminist means you hate all women! That will shame them into silence, or help whip up a mob against the logic attack!

3) Lie, lie, lie. I cannot emphasis this enough. When you wake up in the morning, when you are brushing your teeth, think, over and over, “the wage gap is real! the wage gap is real!”

Eventually you will believe it yourself. This will make lying so much easier.

For example:

Write an article: Women are only paid 78% what men are! Imply it’s for the same work (in the fine print, you can weasel out of it - just make sure they have the impression you want). Then, like the Feminist Initiative, propose a just solution: males must pay more.

Now those logic fascists will cry about apples and oranges, point out that men work longer hours and at harder jobs, and they will bring up dying at ten times the rate as a result - as if we cared about them dying!

So immediately dogpile on them - tell them it’s their big male egos talking! Call them pissbabies! Delete their comments if you can’t think of anything else!
Krispen M. Nelson

Top Commenter ·
Missoula, Montana

How is this unfair or wrong, or hateful? My local YMCA has a sliding scale, people who make less can pay less. Is the Y being hateful?
Seems to me like if women are paid less, they should be charged less, at least if you want to be fair.

  • Brett Caton

    Top Commenter ·
    Pennant Hills High School

    "How is this unfair or wrong, or hateful? "

    That's just what I said when I charged the Jews who entered my shop a little extra, to make up for all the money they steal. I don't have any proof, but I read they do it on a website, so that's all the truth i need!

    "My local YMCA has a sliding scale, people who make less can pay less. Is the Y being hateful? "

    Ah, so they pay equally FOR THE SAME WORK? Huh. That sounds like they are obeying the law. Just like men are when they pay DIFFERENTLY for DIFFERENT work.

    "Seems to me like if women are paid less"

    for different work. Do you know what an average is? Because that's how the 'pay gap' myth goes.

    You sum up all the money men earn, and average that, and compare the average to what women earn on average.

    You ignore all the differences. You know they are there, but you also know what conclusion you want to get to. Men are wicked, women are their victims.. gotta massage the data until it says what you want it to say!

    The fact men work longer? Who cares. They work dangerous jobs that gets them killed at ten times the rate? Sweep that under the rug!

    This was exposed as a lie decades ago, but feminists keep repeating the Blood Libel. It helps whip up hate against men, and make women feel weak - and then Feminism leaps up and says "WE WILL SAVE YOU!!"

    There's no difference from that and claiming jewish people are kidnapping christian babies for sacrifice to Satan. That was something hateful spread, knowing it was a lie, but so full of hate they just didn't care about the truth. And we know how that ended.

    Never again.

  • Krispen M. Nelson

    Top Commenter ·
    Missoula, Montana

    Wow.... >slow clap<

    You should get an Oscar for that performance. What rapid escalation into hysteria. Is it your time of the month? You're getting so worked up. Just relax, you're delicate. The big girls can handle this for you. Stop worrying your pretty little head, Brett.

    FYI, I took more than my fair share of stats, calculus, physics, and trig in college. I can read and understand research methods and data just fine. Clearly better than you can.

    But what could I know? I'm just a girl.

  • Brett Caton

    Top Commenter ·
    Pennant Hills High School

    "FYI, I took more than my fair share of stats, calculus, physics, and trig in college. I can read and understand research methods and data just fine. "

    Prove it. Prove all those economists wrong. I look forward to reading about your Nobel.

    In the meanwhile - you resort to personal attacks - because YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT.

    Ad hominem, ad hominem, ad hominem..

    And no answers to any of my points, or of any of those raised decades ago when the lie first became obvious.

    You don't care about the truth. Your hatred makes you blind.
  • Now - as a class exercise, Feminists - how do you respond without dealing with any of his points?

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