Tuesday 10 March 2015

Patriarchy! Patriarchy! Patriarchy! Patriarchy! ANYWAY!

Reply to " Crazy feminist rant"

"I’m so upset"

So am I! Boko Haram just murdered more boys. This puts the number of male casualties at thousands of times the ratio to female, yet no-one in the media seems to care; feminists say they are for equality and they are looking after us too but they don't hold up any little placards; I don't hear Ms Obama calling "bring back the boys"?

It's almost as if .. feminist didn't see us as equals.

It's almost as if .. feminist HATED men.

"I was on youtube(i know im dumb)"

Self-awareness has begun! Baby steps, now!

 "and i ended up watching a plethora of anti feminist videos"

 Since that's a diverse and contradictory umbrella, that's pretty meaningless. MRAs? 2nd gen. Feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers? Neo-Nazis? Traditionalists? Economists?

"I was mostly confused because how can women be against other women"

Hint: they're not, they are against feminists.

It's a shock to realise how small a percentage of women are feminists but if you take sedatives and lie down in a darkened room, with some soothing music and a strait jacket, you can manage it.

Just make sure you have something wedged between your teeth; don't want to bite your tongue off.

 "wanting to be equal"

 And feminists see men as equals now? Hahaha, oh me spleen, me kidneys!

" wanting to not be scared walking down a street"

Not a gendered issue; if anything, men cop it far more often. Evil is everywhere.

 " wanting t not be catcalled"

 Which feminists define as anything from "hello" to a compliment to harassment. Non feminists can differentiate between those. Feminists conflate any social approach from a male as RAAAAAAAAPE!!

 " wanting equal pay"

 If only some US President had passed a law about that, ... Kenneth?... Kendoll? ... Kenden? Something like that.

 Remember when I said economists were antifeminists? It's because you idiots don't listen to them.

 " wanting legal abortions"

 Which is also something a lot of antifeminists want to - you are seriously failing to understand the diversity of the people who don't belong to your religion.

"This video is one of the many videos I have seen tonight. I am gonna analyze this for you, so if you don’t wanna watch it then you do not have to."

How does the feminist slogan go?

"Listen and Believe"

She's actually offering to give you her version of something rather than listening for yourself and making a rational choice for yourself.

She trusts feminists so little - given a chance they might change their mind!

See, she has more respect than I do; I think most feminists are too emotionally committed to their faith to care about contrary data.

"(it is  women, named karen straughan)"

Not a lot of men called Karen in my experience, but i guess you struggle with such things.

 "She fights for men’s rights(lul) "

 That's your idea of a reasoned analysis of an opponent's arguments?

 That's as good as it gets for your lot, I suppose. Did you get some sort of award for this effort? A silver star? You know that's a chocolate, right? No, don't eat the wrapper...

 "Basically they discuss how to make a safe space for men, because men can be hit/abused and cannot do anything about it."


She was talking about a boy who was hit by a girl, who told him she could do it with impunity.

And she's right.

And that continues until adulthood.

It's been tested over, and over. It's a formal policy of VAWA, which uses the Duluth Model - which holds that all violence - ALL VIOLENCE - is male in origin.

And that model is propagated world-wide by feminist lobbyists.

Under VAWA, the Primary Aggressor Laws were created. If a man calls for help from abuse, not only will he be charged - but she will not.

She is immune, due to feminism. He is born guilty in the eyes of the law.

 "The young girl who is asking ken these questions"

I have no idea what you are talking about. Who's Ken? Oh, right. You think Karen is Ken, because a female MRA is

At 5:30, there's a young woman who says Naomi Wolfe is not a TRUE scotsman - I mean, Feminist - which would be a surprise to the assorted feminist bookstores that sold her work.

 "says no one should be hitting anyone"




 For thousands of years, people have said we just shouldn't do bad things. People still do bad things. That is a surprise to you? That is something feminists can't comprehend?


 Sorry, you are? I'll type more slowly then.

 " They stop her there."

Bullshit! You are such a fucking liar. Seriously, it's a shame you don't have Pinocchio's curse, we could use your nose to launch satellites.

She says everyone deserves a safe space - BUT MEN.

She then repeats that in variations.

Once you have made a point, you are supposed to let the other side answer - that's what decent, civil people do. They don't just stand there repeating variants of the same phrase.

It's not her bloody session. She can ask a question - but not just rant about how awful men are for the duration.

At what time exactly is she shouted at?

She ignores Karen and then the presenter says "thank you for the questions", and then she leaves.

 "Everyone goes loud, trying to shut her up."


 "She is right no one should be hitting anyone. OP then cuts the video and say the “feminist” who was talking to karen ignores that men are people. Which, she actually didn’t. "

 1) Everyone should be safe
 2) Men don't need a safe space

 You don't see any contradiction?

 "She was emotional, and upset, because they were not listening to her."

 She was preaching. She was at a lecture. She is supposed to ask a question and listen to the answer - not start her own lecture. She also ignored everything everyone said - she didn't want new information.

 There's no difference between that and going to a lecture on physics and ranting about how the world is flat.

 "They tried to make her seem uneducated and apathetic about men. "

 No, she did that. Using her words. Which are recorded. Is that why you don't want people to listen to this? Because they might hear the truth?

 "I am so sad, there are so many people against feminism."

 More and more. You recruit very well for our side.

 "Men do get abused, men do commit suicide, men have feelings and hurt. "

 And feminists routinely deny all of this, and physically attack those of us who try and are for them.

 What happened to Erin Pizzey's dog?

 "Feminism includes men who get raped/abused/hurt."

You might want to tell that to Mary P. Koss - or is she not a true Feminist today?

It is hard to keep up. Lessee.. Tusday 10th of March: Feminism is equality - no, that was yesterday. Before that?

Ah, here we go: Feminism is defined as 'a form of rice pudding'. It's Thursday it will be about fungal infections.

People who don't want to be feminists are told they are - people who are accepted generally as feminists are suddenly not feminists when it's convenient for your side.

Which political movement fought to make sure female rapists couldn't be charged in India and Israel?

 "And besides the only reason women’s safety shelters are everywhere is because it is ore common for women to be raped and abused."

Do I have to say it again?

Look up



    Still haven't looked that one up, have you?
   "I have been sexually assaulted..I have been abused."

So have most people, by the feminist definition of the term. In fact, since an unwanted kiss is classed as sexual assault by feminists, it's pretty difficult to find someone who hasn't been... maybe if they were reared by wolves ...

 "Women do need these safe spaces"

 She said men don't - so you are going to point that out now?

" men who go through those kinds of things need safe spaces"

Nope. Going to pretend that never happened. Gosh. I did not see that coming.

" ….But to think they think that women do not experience systematic oppression. Karen said men need safe space, because they experience systematic oppression. I think its kind of ignorant because the only reason they experience it is because of the patriarchy… Like men are supposed to be manly and strong, chivalrous and quiet about their feelings. Karen is talking about a dog biting its own tail and getting mad about it…"

Yes, when women hit men, clearly it is Patriarchy. That's feminist 'logic'.

"Karen, feminism needs to include men"

It used to - at least, some branches of it did. the you 3rd wavers kicked them out - told them they could be 'allies', but from now on they shared the 'Original Sin' of all Y chromosomers.

"because the patriarchy affects them too"

in the same way witchcraft does...

Patriarchy is the devil in your mythology. It's something that was never proven to exist; it's simply an article of faith that it does. It's not falsifiable, not testable in any way, and the definition of it changes constantly.

And if you feminists were honest and said "well, that is our faith" - I couldn't argue with you.

But why the Hell do you have State funding in secular western countries when you are running a bloody religion?

So here's the thing - either prove the existence of Patriarchy - or admit you are running a cult.

And for the people who aren't chanting "Listen and Believe"...

Why I Need Men's Rights

Now, to sing you out...

Big Red herself!



(I find myself wanting to put in line breaks but no, I think I should let the crazy speak for itself)

Crazy feminist rant?
I’m so upset

I was on youtube(i know im dumb) and i ended up watching a plethora of anti feminist videos
I was mostly confused because how can women be against other women wanting to be equal, wanting to not be scared walking down a street, wanting t not be catcalled, wanting equal pay, wanting legal abortions…ETC.


This video is one of the many videos I have seen tonight. I am gonna analyze this for you, so if you don’t wanna watch it then you do not have to. IT starts with some guy(OP) to say that this video is sort of what is wrong with feminism. OP plays the clip. It is this anti feminist, men’s right activist(it is  women, named karen straughan) Apparently she is really popular. She fights for men’s rights(lul) Basically they discuss how to make a safe space for men, because men can be hit/abused and cannot do anything about it. The young girl who is asking ken these questions says no one should be hitting anyone. They stop her there. Everyone goes loud, trying to shut her up. She is right no one should be hitting anyone. OP then cuts the video and say the “feminist” who was talking to karen ignores that men are people. Which, she actually didn’t. She was emotional, and upset, because they were not listening to her. They tried to make her seem uneducated and apathetic about men. I am so sad, there are so many people against feminism. Men do get abused, men do commit suicide, men have feelings and hurt. Feminism includes men who get raped/abused/hurt. And besides the only reason women’s safety shelters are everywhere is because it is ore common for women to be raped and abused. I have been sexually assaulted..I have been abused. Women do need these safe spaces, men who go through those kinds of things need safe spaces….But to think they think that women do not experience systematic oppression. Karen said men need safe space, because they experience systematic oppression. I think its kind of ignorant because the only reason they experience it is because of the patriarchy… Like men are supposed to be manly and strong, chivalrous and quiet about their feelings. Karen is talking about a dog biting its own tail and getting mad about it…
Karen, feminism needs to include men, because the patriarchy affects them too

(Also if anyone wants to talk about this, feel free, if i missed anything tell me)

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