Thursday 5 March 2015

i give myself permission to say “kill all men” ?

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when i say “kill all men,” i am expressing my exhaustion, bewilderment, and anger at being a woman and a feminist whose movement through the world is always affected by the expectations, entitlement, and privilege of men.

and see, now i’m mad because i feel the need to qualify or soften my previous statement.

to say, “by men, i mean cis men who aren’t feminist allies,” and to tell you that of course i know and cherish a number of truly incredible men.

i’m so angry that i am expected to make room in my feminism for men so they feel welcome and safe while they learn how they benefit from my oppression, even if they don’t do anything in their own lives to dismantle the behaviours and power structures that make me unwelcome and unsafe.

so i’ve decided it’s okay for me to say fuck respectability politics—i’m not here to be the kind of feminist men want me to be, the “right” or “good” kind who makes space for men in her life or her feminism.

god, it’s hard enough to learn how to take up my own space as a woman; i’m not sharing any of this with a man when i had to reclaim it from men in the first place.

(there are feminists who do make space and time for men, because almost every feminist does feminism differently, and i am so grateful for them.

my girl babs has incredible patience for loving and educating folks who don’t feel they need feminism—including women—which is so necessary… and hard.

but that’s not who i am, at least not right now.)

so i give myself permission to say “kill all men.”

if a man can’t look at that statement and say, “i understand why she would feel that way,” it means he doesn’t have the knowledge or desire to understand the marginalization and oppression upon which his privilege is built.

and if he doesn’t have that, i don’t want him.

i’ve set the bar for men in my life very high because i know from experience that they can meet it if they want to, but i’m not going to spend any of my (limited and precious) time and energy convincing a man that he should. for me to befriend, love, and eventually trust a man, he needs to come to me with that work already done—and prove that he is dedicated to continuing his feminist/anti-oppressive education and work.

i work every day to unlearn my own racism, ableism, classism, cissexism, transphobia, internalised misogyny, etc.

it’s incredibly uncomfortable because it means examining and interrogating every aspect of my life and the world as i have known it.

i’m not saying this because i want a cookie or a pat on the head, but because i want to make it clear that i do not expect from other people what i am unwilling to do.

i do this hard work because i know that i have to, in order to make the world safe and habitable for anyone who isn’t a straight, white, middle-class man.

it is only sheer chance that made me white, cis, able-bodied, and middle class; it’s not like i deserve the privilege and (relative) safety i have, i just… have it.

it’s the same for men: they don’t deserve the ease, safety, and power with which they can move through the world, they just… have it.

every day i encounter men who feel entitled to their space, privilege, opinion, to my time, my body, my space… and i’m fucking sick of it.

at this moment in my life, when i am not only a feminist in my personal life but studying and teaching feminism in an intensive program, i spend too much time reading about, learning from, and loving people whose existence in the world is erased, subjugated, violated—even beaten and killed—by white supremacist capitalist hetero-patriarchy to want to spend time with men.

i see the oppression and violence men enact and benefit from in every aspect of my day, in my work, the people i love, the communities to which i belong, and my own life.

i have experienced a lot of trauma simply because i am a queer woman.

part of the healing process is allowing myself to feel all the anger and hurt that i couldn’t acknowledge as a good patriarchal subject.

marginalised folks are told by our oppressors that we’re imagining our oppression—i speak my truth to power by saying, “i have been hurt, and i have a right to be angry.

i won’t hide it anymore.”

"kill all men" means "i can see the wounds, inequities, and injustices inflicted upon the world by patriarchy and hegemonic masculinity. i want to destroy them."

it’s a screening process, a warning sign: if a man can’t understand why i would say it, i don’t want to know or engage with him.

i refuse to shape my feminism around men, to make them comfortable or safe.

"kill all men" means "i am the feminist you don’t want me to be because i threaten your power and privilege."

i am the feminist dragon you fear because i know the power of my monstrosity, and i will burn down the patriarchy.

when i say “kill all Jews,” i am expressing my exhaustion, bewilderment, and anger at being an Aryan and a fascist whose movement through the world is always affected by the expectations, entitlement, and privilege of Jews.

and see, now i’m mad because i feel the need to qualify or soften my previous statement.

to say, “by Jews, i mean Jews who aren’t fascist allies,” and to tell you that of course i know and cherish a number of truly incredible Jews. i’m so angry that i am expected to make room in my fascism for Jews so they feel welcome and safe while they learn how they benefit from my oppression, even if they don’t do anything in their own lives to dismantle the behaviours and power structures that make me unwelcome and unsafe.

so i’ve decided it’s okay for me to say fuck respectability politics—i’m not here to be the kind of fascist Jews want me to be, the “right” or “good” kind who makes space for Jews in her life or her fascism.

god, it’s hard enough to learn how to take up my own space as a Aryan; i’m not sharing any of this with a Jew when i had to reclaim it from Jews in the first place.

(there are fascists who do make space and time for Jews, because almost every fascist does fascism differently, and i am so grateful for them.

my girl babs has incredible patience for loving and educating folks who don’t feel they need fascism — including women—which is so necessary… and hard.

but that’s not who i am, at least not right now.)

so i give myself permission to say “kill all Jews.”

if a Jew can’t look at that statement and say, “i understand why she would feel that way,” it means he doesn’t have the knowledge or desire to understand the marginalization and oppression upon which his privilege is built.

and if he doesn’t have that, i don’t want him.

i’ve set the bar for Jews in my life very high because i know from experience that they can meet it if they want to, but i’m not going to spend any of my (limited and precious) time and energy convincing a Jew that he should.

for me to befriend, love, and eventually trust a Jew, he needs to come to me with that work already done—and prove that he is dedicated to continuing his fascist/anti-oppressive education and work.

i work every day to unlearn my own ability to experience empathy for others.

it’s incredibly uncomfortable because it means examining and interrogating every aspect of my life and the world as i have known it.

i’m not saying this because i want a cookie or a pat on the head, but because i want to make it clear that i do not expect from other people what i am unwilling to do.

i do this hard work because i know that i have to, in order to make the world safe and habitable for anyone who isn’t a Jew. it is only sheer chance that made me Aryan; it’s not like i deserve the privilege and (relative) safety i have, i just… have it.

it’s the same for Jews: they don’t deserve the ease, safety, and power with which they can move through the world, they just… have it.

every day i encounter Jews who feel entitled to their space, privilege, opinion, to my time, my body, my space… and i’m fucking sick of it.

at this moment in my life, when i am not only a fascist in my personal life but studying and teaching fascism in an intensive program, i spend too much time reading about, learning from, and loving people whose existence in the world is erased, subjugated, violated—even beaten and killed—by filthy capitalist Zionists - to want to spend time with Jews.

i see the oppression and violence Jews enact and benefit from in every aspect of my day, in my work, the people i love, the communities to which i belong, and my own life.

i have experienced a lot of trauma simply because i am an Aryan.

part of the healing process is allowing myself to feel all the anger and hurt that i couldn’t acknowledge as a good patriarchal subject.

Downtrodden Aryans are told by our oppressors that we’re imagining our oppression—i speak my truth to power by saying, “i have been hurt, and i have a right to be angry.

i won’t hide it anymore.”

"kill all Jews" means "i can see the wounds, inequities, and injustices inflicted upon the world by Zionism. i want to destroy them."

it’s a screening process, a warning sign: if a Jew can’t understand why i would say it, i don’t want to know or engage with him.

i refuse to shape my fascism around Jews, to make them comfortable or safe.

"kill all Jews" means "i am the fascist you don’t want me to be because i threaten your power and privilege."

i am the fascist dragon you fear because i know the power of my monstrosity, and i will burn down all the synagogues and ghettos.

Every Jewish man is a man.

Every time you wish all men dead, you wish all Jewish men, all black men, all disabled men, all homosexual men... dead.

Yours is just another incarnation of the Holocaust.


You crave our slaughter. You ache for murder. You lust for our suffering and despair.


We faced you before.


We won.


You think you have what it takes to end us?


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