Sunday, 1 March 2015

Naomi Wolf denounces Porn

Naomi Wolf denounces Porn

"In the end, porn doesn't whet men's appetites", says Naomi, bravely ignoring all evidence to the contrary and erasing women who use porn at the same time.

I have to wonder who the biggest consumer of porn is at the moment - because all the money seems to be going on the 'mummy porn' - oh but that's for women, so it takes the taint out of it.

"At a benefit the other night, I saw Andrea Dworkin"

Oh yes, the woman who feminists frequently tell me is "not a feminist", because she wants to kill men. So ... does that make you also NAF?

"The feminist warrior looked gentle and almost frail"

So did Hitler towards the end. Hang on... you don't mean - the surgery would have been very expensive, surely?

"The onslaught of porn is responsible for deadening male libido in relation to real women"



No, men still want to fuck real woman.

It's just you.

You're no longer the beauty you were, Naomi. It's a shitty fact of life that we lose our looks as we age, but there's no denying it.

Nope, shagging real women is rampant. Despite the best efforts of feminists, men and women sneak off for  quick one, or spend hours in exotic rituals.

Besides - from a feminist perspective, isn't the idea that it might work that way... a good thing? I mean, eliminate male sexual interest and all women's problems go away! Rainbows and unicorns for everybody!

"When I came of age in the seventies, it was still pretty cool to be able to offer a young man the actual presence of a naked, willing young woman."

Yes, as i said, you were young and beautiful, now you are old and grizzled. There's no point blaming heavy metal music, D&D and computer games for the fact the young dudes don't get boners for you any more, pet.

"Now you have to offer—or flirtatiously suggest—the lesbian scene, the ejaculate-in-the-face scene"

a) acting as if women don't expect things from men - "50 shades of beige", anyone?
b) actings as if women don't enjoy these things - women are kinky buggers, and while those specific things aren't for everyone, i have met some very nice women who want me to pee on them, or pretend I'm their Daddy, or (*gasp*) rape them mercilessly.

"Being naked is not enough"

It never was. As a connoisseur of old porn, i can tell you that playboy etc looked for women who were pretty much the same as today except for the pubic hair. It was the cheap nasty rags who would take any woman who'd get her kit off.

"you have to be buff"

Bullshit, women who look fit were popular then too - always have been. Look at old movies, they'll lovingly focus on a toned leg or thigh.

"be tan with no tan lines"

Yes, Naomi hoestly believes a woman with tan lines can't get a shag.

" have the surgically hoisted breasts "

Boobs have always been big in  porn. Regardless, women with boobs of all shapes and sizes have sex. It's easier if you are a B cup than an A, but that's about it. I speak as someone who knows a lass who has a career in softcore who's boobs aren't much bigger than mine.

"In my gym, the 40-year-old women have adult pubic hair; the twentysomethings have all been trimmed and styled"

And they get haircuts... and real jobs! Get off my lawn!

I'm 46. Even i can see she's turned into a frigid old biddy, hating on the young floozies who are all having better sex than she is.

And I happen to see men manscaping quite a bit at my age. Need to get the old hedge trimmers meself... might need a flamethrower, actually.

"Pornography is addictive"


"By the new millennium, a vagina—which, by the way, used to have a pretty high “exchange value,” as Marxist economists would say"

Because marxist econimcs has proven soooo credible. You know, when people say feminists are marxists, the feminists say that's a terrible stereotype. Here you are, praising that garbage - and no feminist is calling you out on it.

"it barely registered on the thrill scale"

Seems pretty popular on Tumblr. Oh, that? It's what the young people use; don't worry about it Naomi. How are the batteries on the hearing aid, luv, are you still having problems? Want me to fetch your walking stick?

"All mainstream porn—and certainly the Internet—made routine use of all available female orifices."

Because women hate anal and oral sex - oh wait, they don't. And quite a few men like those things too. No shortage of that with men in it. But you never talk about the fact there's just as much porn of males, because that would disturb your victim narrative.

"starlets in tabloids boast of learning to strip from professionals"

Oh dear me, how awful, women arousing their partners in ways you cannot - for fuck's sake, Wolf, women have been stripping since clothes were invented, and knowing how to please the hubby was a skill many a wife acquired.

"the “cool girls” go with guys to the strip clubs"

Or they go to strip clubs by themselves. By your logic, seeing these dudes will put women off real men. You should go shame them out of their wicked ways immediately!

"If your appetite is stimulated and fed by poor-quality material, it takes more junk to fill you up"

So... if men look at porn... they'll last longer in the sack? Oh no!

I'm going to skip over a wad of Wolf's rants; she acts as if it's been proven that Dworkin is right, without citing any references, naturally.

" If you associate orgasm with your wife, a kiss, a scent, a body, that is what, over time, will turn you on"

Actually, people get divorced a lot because the opposite is true; the same stimulation jades the senses. But Wolf can't be bothered with 'facts' and 'reason' - she's in pursuit of truthiness, not truth.

"Her husband never even sees another woman’s hair.

She must feel, I thought, so hot."

And now we know Wolf's kink is hair-denial. That's a new one.

"Sex has no mystery" barks the crazy woman at the end, desperate to return the world to the way she imagines it was before she was born...

You've forgotten how much it sucked. Read Puberty Blues for some idea of how crude and one sided sex was for young woman back then. Nowadays, women are pretty good at making sure they get to cum, and some even (*eek!*) squirt buckets.

You know, Wolf, you are much younger than me, but you sound older than my grandmother.

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